World's coral reefs succumbing to global warming

LOL They would not be 'Conservatives' is they actually would read science. After all, that might damage their willful ignorance.

Fuck off, Jerkwad. You go read your science for dummies books while the rest of us actually MAKE and DO real science.
Is no one here capable of following the links to the published study available in both articles?
Nobody is interested enough to bother. I mean, CORAL????

The people who say they are trying to "save the coral" are just trying to make a living off your contributions; they don't make any difference to coral, just to their own bank accounts.
Is no one here capable of following the links to the published study available in both articles?

I glanced ... saw immediately this material is way over your head ... notice you don't take into account the nine million people shitting on the Florida Keys everyday ... that's a lot of poop ... why do you expect these coral reefs to be healthy? ...

Global warming is a stressor in many of these cases, not the cause ... seems only the popular diving spots are in trouble, leading to the common sense conclusion it's human presence causing the bleaching ... oils off our skin, whatever artificial soaps and perfumes we use ... God only knows what kind of poisons leech off our equipment ... don't forget invasive species ... the Florida Keys specifically has a terrible problem with zebra fish ...

"Yes, it's a mouse ... now climb down from the Ottoman before you hurt yourself"
I glanced ... saw immediately this material is way over your head ... notice you don't take into account the nine million people shitting on the Florida Keys everyday ... that's a lot of poop ... why do you expect these coral reefs to be healthy? ...

Global warming is a stressor in many of these cases, not the cause ... seems only the popular diving spots are in trouble, leading to the common sense conclusion it's human presence causing the bleaching ... oils off our skin, whatever artificial soaps and perfumes we use ... God only knows what kind of poisons leech off our equipment ... don't forget invasive species ... the Florida Keys specifically has a terrible problem with zebra fish ...

"Yes, it's a mouse ... now climb down from the Ottoman before you hurt yourself"
It's the sunscreen, I've read. Quite toxic.
Ocean warming threatens to wipe out corals, but scientists are trying to protect naturally resilient reefs and are nursing some others back to health.

Ocean warming threatens to wipe out corals, but scientists are trying to protect naturally resilient reefs and are nursing some others back to health.

Author(s): Amber Dance

Author Affiliations:

These corals could survive climate change -- and help save the world's reefs
You do realize that we are in the middle of an ice age, right? And that before that there was a 50 million year period of being in a true greenhouse planet, right?
The Media is portraying Gates as a Humanitarian. When someone accused Gates of promoting genocide through the covid Vax, our ignorant media said...oh no that is not true, All he wants to do is to reduce the population.


He is not a humanitarian. He promotes eugenics, genocide and medical tyranny.
What are our elites going to do once there are not enough serfs to fulfill the elites every need and desire. The Handmaid's Solution?? LOLOL
The Media is portraying Gates as a Humanitarian. When someone accused Gates of promoting genocide through the covid Vax, our ignorant media said...oh no that is not true, All he wants to do is to reduce the population.


He is not a humanitarian. He promotes eugenics, genocide and medical tyranny.
What are our elites going to do once there are not enough serfs to fulfill the elites every need and desire. The Handmaid's Solution?? LOLOL
Oh, where is my little tin hat, my little tin hat, my little tin hat.....................................................................................
You do realize that we are in the middle of an ice age, right? And that before that there was a 50 million year period of being in a true greenhouse planet, right?
You do realize you are as ignorant of paleoclimatology as you are of everything else, right?
Fuck off, Jerkwad. You go read your science for dummies books while the rest of us actually MAKE and DO real science.
LOL Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But a dumb ass electrician with no training in science knows better than all the scientists that have spent decades researching the problem. LOL
LOL Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world has policy statements that AGW is real
That is pure BULLSHIT. If all these "societies" say that then science has become political too. There are millions of scientists who DO NOT AGREE.

and a clear and present danger.
The only clear and present danger is your form of mindless environmental fascism.

But a dumb ass electrician
Who is an electrician, fucknob? You couldn't twist two wires together without electrocuting yourself.

with no training in science
I know you have no training in science, I on the other hand, carry two scientific degrees. Two more than you.

knows better than all the scientists that have spent decades researching the problem.
If there is one thing history teaches the EDUCATED (excludes you) is that just because the majority believe one way does NOT make them right. If it did, then:
  • The Catholic Church would still be the government.
  • We still wouldn't be sailing too far out to sea.
  • Blacks would still be sitting in the back of the bus.
  • We'd still believe the planets were gods ruling our lives.

That is pure BULLSHIT. If all these "societies" say that then science has become political too. There are millions of scientists who DO NOT AGREE.

The only clear and present danger is your form of mindless environmental fascism.

Who is an electrician, fucknob? You couldn't twist two wires together without electrocuting yourself.

I know you have no training in science, I on the other hand, carry two scientific degrees. Two more than you.

If there is one thing history teaches the EDUCATED (excludes you) is that just because the majority believe one way does NOT make them right. If it did, then:
  • The Catholic Church would still be the government.
  • We still wouldn't be sailing too far out to sea.
  • Blacks would still be sitting in the back of the bus.
  • We'd still believe the planets were gods ruling our lives.

View attachment 548411
Two degrees, and you are still this big a fool? LOL Well, since most electricians I have worked with are reasonably intelligent, maybe you are not an electrician. And again, you claim to be smarter than all the scientists in the Scientific Societies. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s not possible that CO2 is the biggest knob. If that were the case the earth would have never transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet.

And there would be no glacial and interglacial cycles, dummy.
For those who have been claiming there have been no untoward effects. Let's talk about what effects a large loss of the world's coral will have on marine life and those who depend on it for food and coastal shelter.

How did they survive the greenhouse planet when CO2 was 10 times our present level?
It's been a nice COOL summer hear and a perfect Fall. Chump.
Cool summer. LOL

"It's Official: NOAA Declares July 2021 Earth's Hottest Month on Record. Around the globe: the combined land and ocean-surface temperature was 1.67 degrees F (0.93 of a degree C) above the 20th-century average of 60.4 degrees F (15.8 degrees C), making it the hottest July since records began 142 years ago.Aug 20, 2021"


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