Worldwide Terorist attacks update, February 2014


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

While most of us had a relatively peaceful month, there were, in the month of February 2014 alone, 155 verified terror attacks at the hands of muslims, killing between 1 and 121 people per attack.

Most, but not all attacks, were in the ME or in North Africa.

Here is an example:

2014-02-015, in Nigeria, 121 Christians murdered.


"Over one-hundred mostly Christian villagers are rounded up and summarily hacked to death by militants shouting praises to Allah."

This website gives criteria for what goes on the list and what does not:

TheReligionofPeace - About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about five a day) is incomplete because not all such attacks are picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life.

These are not incidents of ordinary crime involving nominal Muslims killing for money or vendetta. We only include incidents of deadly violence that are reasonably determined to have been committed out of religious duty - as interpreted by the perpetrator. Islam needs to be a motive, but it need not be the only factor.

We usually list only attacks resulting in loss of life (with a handful of exceptions). In several cases, the deaths are undercounted because deaths from trauma caused by the Islamists may occur in later days, despite the best efforts of medical personnel to keep the victims alive.

We usually don't include incidents related to combat, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, unless it involves particularly heinous terror tactics, such as suicide bombings or attacks on troops sleeping in their barracks or providing medical care to the local population.

We acknowledge that a handful of incidents on the list may not fit the traditional definition of 'terror attack.' A small portion, for example, are of honor killings - although we usually omit those in which the woman is killed by her husband, since this is often indistinguishable from a crime of passion (barring explicit circumstances). Our stance on honor killings is that the stabbing, shooting or strangling of a woman over "unIslamic" behavior constitutes Islamic terror.

I mailed this website 2 years ago and asked how they verify stuff and they told me that they don't publish anything on the list until the attack has been reported by at least 2 independent sources. Photos are almost always present.

Since 911, as of today, there have been 22,533 official terror attacks across the world, committed by muslim extremists.

Those are the current stats.
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How many Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and other? Or does the site not care about those?

Cherry-picking stats to depict some aspect to make it seem like one thing relates to another is junk science. Also, just because Timoth McVey was a Christian, it doesn't mean Christianity is a terroristic religion. Or, just because the Nazis were German, all Germans are Nazis.

Just because some terrorists are Muslim it doesn't mean Islam is a terroristic religion. And trying to give that impression is just as heinous as terroristic acts themselves because some percentage of people will believe you, and some percentage of those will act negatively to Muslims as a result, and some percentage of those may murder Muslims.

Words have power.
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How many Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and other? Or does the site not care about those?

Cherry-picking stats to depict some aspect to make it seem like one thing relates to another is junk science. Also, just because Timoth McVey was a Christian, it doesn't mean Christianity is a terroristic religion. Or, just because the Nazis were German, all Germans are Nazis.

Just because some terrorists are Muslim it doesn't mean Islam is a terroristic religion. And trying to give that impression is just as heinous as terroristic acts themselves because some percentage of people will believe you, and some percentage of those will act negatively to Muslims as a result, and some percentage of those may murder Muslims.

Words have power.

Good luck finding such a terror attack caused by Jews, Christians or Buddhists.

If you find one, bring it here, I will gladly publish it.

Like I said, good luck with that one.

And btw, I never even once wrote that Islam is a terroristic religion. YOU wrote that, not I.
You rewrote an Islamic bashing website trying to equate Islam with terrorism. No difference with that and someone quoting from stormfront is a racist.

Jewish terrorism on the rise in Israel,
Analysis: Jewish terrorism gaining steam | JPost | Israel News

Non-Muslims carried out 90% of the terrorism between 1970-2012
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil Washington's Blog

Buddhist terrorism,
The Face of Buddhist Terror | Freedom News Group

Never challenge me on the facts.
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You rewrote an Islamic bashing website trying to equate Islam with terrorism. No difference with that and someone quoting from stormfront is a racist.

Jewish terrorism on the rise in Israel,
Analysis: Jewish terrorism gaining steam | JPost | Israel News

Non-Muslims carried out 90% of the terrorism between 1970-2012
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil Washington's Blog

Buddhist terrorism,
The Face of Buddhist Terror | Freedom News Group

Never challenge me on the facts.

Sure, I will challenge anything I want to. And I have not equated Islam with terrorism. You used those words, not me.

The Jpost article quotes one attack. One attack.

Let's do some math, shall we:

1 / 22,533 = 0.0004%.

That is a drop so small, you cannot even see it in the bucket.

Your second link refers only to US-American soil. Why did you leave out the rest of the world?

But the third link, it is indeed interesting. Thanks for bringing at least one thing to the table that has some hands and feet. :)

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