Worldwide Terror Alert Issued by State Dept.

Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
The liberal way!
Lol okay member of the Patriot Act party
Member of a party that isn't scared to call the ragheads for the cowardly pussys they are. Just like their liberal counterparts
A lot of those cowardly pussy ragheads are fighting the cowardly pussy ragheads that you don't like to the death.

You're not fighting them by being a cowardly pussy from your computer gramps.
It's not my problem dipshit. Fuck them & fuck YOU
Well if you conservative bastards come into power and invade over there then it will become both of our problems. So fuck you.
I'm all for funding alternative energy, but until it's viable on a large scale, the world will run on oil. The whole planet depends on it. Its' just misfortune that the vast oil fields are under the feet of people stuck in the 8th century.
According to the Welt am Sonntag newspaper, German intelligence services told the government that expectations that the flow of invaders would slow down over winter are wrong. Instead, they reported, the flow will increase even more.

Quoting a UN spokesman, the Welt am Sonntag newspaper said that some 600,000 invaders are already on their way along the Balkan route, with at least 5,000 making the border crossing every 24 hours.

The influx continues despite four Balkan countries having announced that they will not allow “economic migrants” in—meaning that they will only allow those who can prove that they come from “war” countries to pass.

Already, the Focus news service reported that “blocked” invaders have launched protests on the Greek-Macedonian border, with some sewing their mouths shut to try and evoke sympathy.

Others, as photographs showed, just admitted that they were not from war zones, and waved signs saying they would not go back to their home countries (such as Iran).
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
I'm all for funding alternative energy, but until it's viable on a large scale, the world will run on oil. The whole planet depends on it. Its' just misfortune that the vast oil fields are under the feet of people stuck in the 8th century.
We've got plenty of oil here and in Alaska. We tell the UN bye - bye and take care of our own nation. A novel idea for our president but he'll adjust. Without fighting the UN's wars and pushing their false Global Warming scam he might even accomplish something before his term ends!
I'm all for funding alternative energy, but until it's viable on a large scale, the world will run on oil. The whole planet depends on it. Its' just misfortune that the vast oil fields are under the feet of people stuck in the 8th century.
The U.S. Is the #1 oil producer in the world. But we still send billions of dollars to the country where all of the 9/11 attackers came from.

Here's the site for the maasive luxury golf course your frontrunner is building over there:

Trump International Golf Club| Trump Dubai | Dubai Golf
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
It's the UN that has us in a quagmire. Simple solution. Get out.
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
Muslims threatening the rest of civilization will keep us there dumbass. Everyone could convert to some new made up religion & those ragheads would still try to kill them
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
It's the UN that has us in a quagmire. Simple solution. Get out.
Naïve solution
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?

It's the State Dept. issuing the warnings. And the left would love nothing more than declaring martial law and keeping Obama around.

Hell, just let all the poorly vetted Syrians in and hope for the best. Obama can blame someone else when attacks happen.

It's not panic to want to take precautions. Still seeing mostly young males in every video.
You clowns have been pissing your pants about martial law for 7 years. Nobody takes you seriously anymore.

You don't even know the vetting process. You just parrot talking points.
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
It's the UN that has us in a quagmire. Simple solution. Get out.
Naïve solution
It won't solve all of our problems but it is a start in the right direction, Gramps.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
Muslims threatening the rest of civilization will keep us there dumbass. Everyone could convert to some new made up religion & those ragheads would still try to kill them
False. Oil keeps us there. Invent an alternative to oil and the middle east dies. But republicans are desperately in love with oil. Fuck you guys.
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
It's the UN that has us in a quagmire. Simple solution. Get out.
Naïve solution
It won't solve all of our problems but it is a start in the right direction, Gramps.
Not true you fake Christian. The U.S. invaded Iraq. The U.N. wouldn't have.
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
Muslims threatening the rest of civilization will keep us there dumbass. Everyone could convert to some new made up religion & those ragheads would still try to kill them
False. Oil keeps us there. Invent an alternative to oil and the middle east dies. But republicans are desperately in love with oil. Fuck you guys.
We have 100 years worth of oil here. No need for an alternative yet. Then there is nuclear.

Guess who's trying to block BOTH
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
Muslims threatening the rest of civilization will keep us there dumbass. Everyone could convert to some new made up religion & those ragheads would still try to kill them
False. Oil keeps us there. Invent an alternative to oil and the middle east dies. But republicans are desperately in love with oil. Fuck you guys.

Nothing is stopping you from inventing an alternative. In the meantime, we need to drill at home and democrats sure as heck are stopping us from doing that.
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
It's the UN that has us in a quagmire. Simple solution. Get out.
Naïve solution
It won't solve all of our problems but it is a start in the right direction, Gramps.
Not true you fake Christian. The U.S. invaded Iraq. The U.N. wouldn't have.

I believe the UN was for it before they were against it. Like Hillary, Al and the rest of them that believed there were WMD's there before they believed there wasn't.

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