Worldwide Terror Alert Issued by State Dept.

The JV team and other radical Islamist groups have made many threats and targets could be just about anywhere. Not helpful since nothing specific has been named, though good to be alert. With black Friday coming up and knowing malls and other stores across the country will be packed, it will be a target-rich environment for the lunatics.

I wonder if Obama has caught this on the news yet. It's been claimed that he ignores intel warnings when it's certain Muslims posing a threat. Ignore it and it'll go away. If it doesn't go away, blame someone else. I think that about sums up his national security plan.

"Monday in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister David Cameron said it was time to take the fight directly to the terrorist group, and said the goal of like-minded countries should be to root out the "poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism."

In light of these events, State noted that terrorist groups are threatening people around the world now."

State Dept. Issued Worldwide Travel Alert

"The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats. Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions.

These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests. This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016.

They go on to detail the places you should avoid:

Extremists have targeted large sporting events, theatres, open markets, and aviation services. In the past year, there have been multiple attacks in France, Nigeria, Denmark, Turkey, and Mali. ISIL/Da’esh has claimed responsibility for the bombing of a Russian airliner in Egypt.

U.S. citizens should exercise vigilance when in public places or using transportation. Be aware of immediate surroundings and avoid large crowds or crowded [sic] places. Exercise particular caution during the holiday season and at holiday festivals or events."

Well Bush got what he wanted, people scared of doing anything now. We'd better get some extremely restrictive and conservative laws in place to combat this situation which the conservatives made in the first place.


Seven years later and it's still Bush's fault. What are you going to say in eight years from now if we blame DumBama for everything?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
Muslims threatening the rest of civilization will keep us there dumbass. Everyone could convert to some new made up religion & those ragheads would still try to kill them
False. Oil keeps us there. Invent an alternative to oil and the middle east dies. But republicans are desperately in love with oil. Fuck you guys.

Nothing is stopping you from inventing an alternative. In the meantime, we need to drill at home and democrats sure as heck are stopping us from doing that.
You bastards certainly are trying to stop us from inventing alternative energies. Don't worry, your grandkids probably won't know how badly you opposed the technology that saves their world.

Who is stopping anybody from inventing alternative energies? Have any names or groups?
The news breaking today is there are 600,000 more Invaders headed for Germany right now. That is today's news. Germany is in deep trouble. My prayers are for the German people. Angela Merkel is a traitor. They should be demanding her resignation in the streets of Germany right now.

600,000 More Invaders Aim for Germany - The New Observer


At least 600,000 more nonwhite invaders are on their way to Germany via the “Balkans route,” a spokesman for the United Nations (UN) has claimed—even as it has transpired that the majority are not “war refugees” at all but scroungers seeking to parasite off the European welfare system.

Look, there actually might be two women and one child that might be an Orphan.
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
Muslims threatening the rest of civilization will keep us there dumbass. Everyone could convert to some new made up religion & those ragheads would still try to kill them
False. Oil keeps us there. Invent an alternative to oil and the middle east dies. But republicans are desperately in love with oil. Fuck you guys.

Nothing is stopping you from inventing an alternative. In the meantime, we need to drill at home and democrats sure as heck are stopping us from doing that.
You bastards certainly are trying to stop us from inventing alternative energies. Don't worry, your grandkids probably won't know how badly you opposed the technology that saves their world.

Who is stopping anybody from inventing alternative energies? Have any names or groups?

They have given up on reality and are now inventing alternatives.
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.
They are still "guns a blazing " and want to send troops into ISIS -ville.

It's like they learned nothing over the last 15 years .
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.

I can not forgive the witch Hillary for what she did to Gaddafi who was no saint but was working with the West...when she said...we came we saw we kill or something like that,...fucking witch may she burn...

I hate her so much!!!!
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.

And what should be have done in Syria !?
Quaddafi was a terrorist . His own people turned on him. We helped with a little no fly zone .

Qudaffi got what he deserved .
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.

I can not forgive the witch Hillary for what she did to Gaddafi who was no saint but was working with the West...when she said...we came we saw we kill or something like that,...fucking witch may she burn...

I hate her so much!!!!

While I try really hard not to hate there is very little redeeming about Mrs. Clinton. I am sure she had Vince Foster killed. And even if she didn't her operatives cleaned out his office, illegally. But that is another story.

Here is what you are talking about, the crackling witch laughing about killing people. One would think that killing would be taken seriously but considering her abortion stand no wonder she is laughing.

I love how people will tell you what Jesus would do if they think it supports their viewpoint. If your on the left you think Jesus would oppose turning away refguees if your on the right you think Jesus would oppose abortion heres a thought stop trying to use Jesus for your own political convenience.
Quaddafi was a terrorist . His own people turned on him. We helped with a little no fly zone .

Qudaffi got what he deserved .

How about Saddam? Invaded two countries. Used WMD on the Kurds. And you folks act like he was the cement that holds your world together. Hypocrites.
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Why do you care what someone who believes in pie in the sky God nonsense believes? Oh that's right, you dont. You're just being your typical hack self
Because pie in the sky God believers will keep us quagmired over there for decades.
Muslims threatening the rest of civilization will keep us there dumbass. Everyone could convert to some new made up religion & those ragheads would still try to kill them
False. Oil keeps us there. Invent an alternative to oil and the middle east dies. But republicans are desperately in love with oil. Fuck you guys.

Show us this invention that could ever replace oil in it's ability of power, price and abundance and we Republicans will all be on board.

No, windmills are not a comparative.
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.

I can not forgive the witch Hillary for what she did to Gaddafi who was no saint but was working with the West...when she said...we came we saw we kill or something like that,...fucking witch may she burn...

I hate her so much!!!!

While I try really hard not to hate there is very little redeeming about Mrs. Clinton. I am sure she had Vince Foster killed. And even if she didn't her operatives cleaned out his office, illegally. But that is another story.

Here is what you are talking about, the crackling witch laughing about killing people. One would think that killing would be taken seriously but considering her abortion stand no wonder she is laughing.

she is a witch ok?

lets not mince words here?

bloody witch that's all
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.

And what should be have done in Syria !?

Do what liberals say we should have done in Iraq, left them alone. Look at the mess Obama's meddling has created. You certainly can't say what has happened in Libya or Syria is good. If you do then there are millions of refugees that I think would disagree with you.
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.

I can not forgive the witch Hillary for what she did to Gaddafi who was no saint but was working with the West...when she said...we came we saw we kill or something like that,...fucking witch may she burn...

I hate her so much!!!!

While I try really hard not to hate there is very little redeeming about Mrs. Clinton. I am sure she had Vince Foster killed. And even if she didn't her operatives cleaned out his office, illegally. But that is another story.

Here is what you are talking about, the crackling witch laughing about killing people. One would think that killing would be taken seriously but considering her abortion stand no wonder she is laughing.

she is a witch ok?

lets not mince words here?

bloody witch that's all

Just so I am sure you are not mad at me, I did call the witch a witch.

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