Worldwide Terror Alert Issued by State Dept.

We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.

Actually it has a LOT to do with it.

Syria and Iraq are very close. The Ba'ath Party wanted a pan-Arab state and Syria and Iraq were the main parts of this.

Ba'ath ideology was Arab Nationalism. Both Syria and Iraq have had Ba'athist states. It's not so easy to simply say they're separate countries and what affects one won't affect the other.

Libya was part of the Arab Spring which may or may not have had to do with the Iraq war and subsequent problems. However this has less to do with Bush.

Iran, I'm not sure what screw up you think has happened with Iran.

So what again did Iraq have to do with Syria's CIVIL WAR????? How could Saddam have stopped it? By allowing his sons to rape a few more women? By allowing Saddam to use WMD against the Kurds?

Libya has nothing to do with Bush. You would be better arguing it had more to do with Reagan since he at least bombed them.
We need to get out of there. It's the UN's fight. Let's get out of the UN and leave them to it.

Who invaded Iraq in the first place?

Remeber the whole 'You break it, you own it'

Love the idiots who first were all guns blazing for invading , then it got hard and Bush set the deadline to get out...

And how is this UN fault... It was the NeoCons who invaded, rem the freedom fries...

So well done in causing a mess and then having no clue how to fix it..

Iraq has nothing to do with Obama's screw up in Syria, and Libya and Iran.
It has everything to do with it. The destruction of Libya and Syria is an effort to undermine Shia expansion that was the result of the war in Iraq. This is basic stuff, the lack of understanding that the average American demonstrates is astounding. And I'm not being partisan.

Please, at least provide a quote, a link, something to how you formed your opinion.

Here is one timeline, it mentions nothing I see about anything in Syria having to do with iraq, except one thing, ISIS. In Iraq ISIS was a small group that couldn't cause much of a problem for the US troops nor could they recurit, they found their footing not in Iraq but in Syria where the US supplied the rebels with arms which fell into the arms of ISIS. ISIS was also allowed to capture US military hardware in Iraq.

Never the less, Iraq has nothing to do with Syria's civil war. You have to stop believing sound bites.

Syria: The story of the conflict - BBC News
Sound bites? Lol
It's common sense, but here is your link anyway.
The Redirection - The New Yorker
I despise Hillary the hypocrite ...I simply can not stand her...greedy and liar and more......much more it's horrible :(

she ain't going to Heaven...that I can tell you
In all seriousness, the people who worked for the Clinton Administration gave information about what they saw not realizing that it was evidence of Hillary Clinton's involvement with witchcraft. People who have been saved out of Witchcraft have identified people who (now dead) were involved in human sacrifice and were very connected to the Clinton's. When you put all the pieces together - it makes sense that she is a practicing Witch and not a Christian as she claims to be. Lady Gaga reportedly has Hillary Clinton's cell phone no. and her own hairdresser (Gaga's) had spoke about threats made against her which led her to believe Lady Gaga was a Satanist. There have been many rumors about her involvment with Satanism so it came as no surprise that she had Hillary's cell phone number. People are known by the company they keep, Skye.

According the book, The Witch doctor and the man under the sea by Pat Holliday, the most powerful politicians in the world are all involved in witchcraft, satanism, occult powers and depend on such methods to attain their power, wealth and ability to win elections. According to the testimony of the former Witch Doctor who is the subject of the book, these politicians, actors, musicians, celebrities are willing to participate in human sacrifice of babies, animals, even kill their own family members in exchange for the power they can derive from Satan. The occult is real. Many have sold their soul to Satan in exchange for the world at their feet. The eyes are the window to the soul. Look at her eyes. She is demon possessed. The reason the country cannot see it is that sin causes a loss of discernment. If the nation were to come out of sin completely? They would recognize the demonic possession of Hillary Clinton in an instant!

Why would someone have such a bloodthirsty nature? It's the nature of sin in its fullest capacity. Look at ISIS. They are saturated in hate, murder, and every vile sin. Sin is the core problem and Jesus Christ is the only answer.
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Let the pants shitting begin.

Meanwhile, you are far more likely to be shot and killed by a friend or family member over the holidays.

Pants shitters, you are surrounded by maniacs. Move to a mosque for the holidays, where you will be safer.
About 40 people will be murdered in the US today. More than half by friends and family.

And you guys are shitting yourselves over ISIS.
Let the pants shitting begin.

Meanwhile, you are far more likely to be shot and killed by a friend or family member over the holidays.

Pants shitters, you are surrounded by maniacs. Move to a mosque for the holidays, where you will be safer.

Nobody's shitting their pants.. calm the fuck down. Geeze you lefties are nutz.
the odds of being killed in a terrorist attack both at home and abroad are 20 million to 1.
Let the pants shitting begin.

Meanwhile, you are far more likely to be shot and killed by a friend or family member over the holidays.

Pants shitters, you are surrounded by maniacs. Move to a mosque for the holidays, where you will be safer.

Nobody's shitting their pants.. calm the fuck down. Geeze you lefties are nutz.
Yes, you are shitting your pants.

You have ISIS on the brain. They are living rent free in your head.
Let the pants shitting begin.

Meanwhile, you are far more likely to be shot and killed by a friend or family member over the holidays.

Pants shitters, you are surrounded by maniacs. Move to a mosque for the holidays, where you will be safer.

Nobody's shitting their pants.. calm the fuck down. Geeze you lefties are nutz.
Yes, you are shitting your pants.

You have ISIS on the brain. They are living rent free in your head.

Well, that's odd... you're the one constantly talking about them...
the odds of being killed in a terrorist attack both at home and abroad are 20 million to 1.

Source? Hint... voices in your head don't count.

second time I've posted this ... keep up or drop out.

Your odds of dying in a terrorist attack are still far, far lower than dying from just about anything else. In the last five years, the odds of an American being killed in a terrorist attack have been about 1 in 20 million (that's including both domestic attacks and overseas attacks).Apr 16, 2013
You are literally twice as likely to get killed by lightning than killed by a terrorist.

Rest easy, pants shitters, and double-check your lightning rods.
the odds of being killed in a terrorist attack both at home and abroad are 20 million to 1.

Source? Hint... voices in your head don't count.
How many Americans have been killed by terrorists this year, out of 319 million?

Do you always answer questions with a question? So.. source? I mean, I just think 20,000,000 to 1 seems a bit high. I could be wrong. I just would like to know where that number comes from.

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