Worst day EVER in this forum for AGW devotee's


Well now, the world as a whole is warmer than normal. But the same ol' dummies are braying because their backyard is cold. A split jet stream bring polar air south, as that same stream carries much warmer than normal air north.
And of course you can provide absolutely nothing to prove your idiotic claim that the world as a whole is warmer than normal.

Well now, the world as a whole is warmer than normal. But the same ol' dummies are braying because their backyard is cold. A split jet stream bring polar air south, as that same stream carries much warmer than normal air north.
And of course you can provide absolutely nothing to prove your idiotic claim that the world as a whole is warmer than normal.
Well he did provide a graphing of ONE DAY and a cooling flow through the arctic...

What else can you ask for? Empirical evidence that we are outside of Natural Variation norms and proof that man is causing it? Now why would we ask for proof of their claims?
This has been explained to you children over and over and over.

Stop practicing being stupid, you got it nailed.

Explained? Really? How about some observed, measured evidence to go along with those "explanations". How about a single piece of observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability....or a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of infrared radiation by a gas and warming in the atmosphere....or better yet, how about a single published paper in which the hypothesized warming due to mankind's burning of hydrocarbon fuels, which is the foundation of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis has been empirically measured, quantified, and then attributed to so called green house gasses.

got any of those? Got an "explanation" for why not?
I'll go with scientists, thanks.
What's wrong with batshit crazy deniers?

Can you point to anyone who denies that the climate changes? Anyone at all...except perhaps mikey mann who worked so hard to disappear the medieval warm period and the little ice age giving the impression that the climate has been pretty steady all along?

Well now, the world as a whole is warmer than normal. But the same ol' dummies are braying because their backyard is cold. A split jet stream bring polar air south, as that same stream carries much warmer than normal air north.
And of course you can provide absolutely nothing to prove your idiotic claim that the world as a whole is warmer than normal.
Well he did provide a graphing of ONE DAY and a cooling flow through the arctic...

What else can you ask for? Empirical evidence that we are outside of Natural Variation norms and proof that man is causing it? Now why would we ask for proof of their claims?

It is hard to not notice that some of the warmest places on earth...according to his map are places with the poorest instrumental coverage, so they are infilled...ie the temperatures are simply made up.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!

6:28 PM - 28 Jan 201

  1. J. Dice ‏ @jdice03 Jan 30
    Replying to @realDonaldTrump
    It’s 122 degrees in Australia right now you freaking idiot. Fish are washing up dead on the beaches from the heat.

    222 replies532 retweets7,347 likes

  2. renae‏ @renaes24 21h21 hours ago
    Next he'll tell Australia to build a wall to keep the heat out.

    72 replies174 retweets5,519 likes

  3. Andrew Horowitz‏ @ahorowitz1 19h19 hours ago

    51 replies64 retweets3,785 likes
This has been explained to you children over and over and over.

Stop practicing being stupid, you got it nailed.

Explained? Really? How about some observed, measured evidence to go along with those "explanations". How about a single piece of observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability....or a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of infrared radiation by a gas and warming in the atmosphere....or better yet, how about a single published paper in which the hypothesized warming due to mankind's burning of hydrocarbon fuels, which is the foundation of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis has been empirically measured, quantified, and then attributed to so called green house gasses.

got any of those? Got an "explanation" for why not?
You are the among the worst of the folk I was talking about.
Consistent reducto absurdum .....someone digs up some entity that questions the metric used to calculate AGW, and then the deniers all stampede in to declare the entire sceintific community a hoax

try harder....

Consistent reducto absurdum .....someone digs up some entity that questions the metric used to calculate AGW, and then the deniers all stampede in to declare the entire sceintific community a hoax

try harder....

Never seen that for as long as the controversy/debate has existed...But speaking of logical fallacies, that's a crackerjack strawman you just built there.

Well now, the world as a whole is warmer than normal. But the same ol' dummies are braying because their backyard is cold. A split jet stream bring polar air south, as that same stream carries much warmer than normal air north.

The Climate Change Institute of Maine where that data comes from is funded by NOAA, which has been proven to create false data so that map has no credibility.
Carnage for the religion.....

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:.....on DRUDGE now


Entire top of the page is BLUE:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:....stories are historic. Tens of millions in wtf? mode tonight.

Only the k00ks think this will instill profound fear about the 3mm rise in sea level!!

I'm laughing.....actually, splitting my sides laughing s0ns!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

again, the northern hemisphere is not part of the globe. the globe only exists in Australia.
I believe Billy posted yesterday that 120 in Australia is climate and -25 in Chicago is weather. we get it.
Australia yeah is 116 degrees... Extreme weather is part of it... And only the GOP in the entire world denies. Absolute idiocy. Like Hillary and Obama are criminals, the rich pay too much in taxes....


The entire world is complicit in the liberal conspiracy of global warming

Only Republicans know the truth
Here on the east coast, it has been a mild winter
Mostly rain and a few snow flurries

Finally, in late January, we got single digits
But it is supposed to be in the 50s by next week

Well now, the world as a whole is warmer than normal. But the same ol' dummies are braying because their backyard is cold. A split jet stream bring polar air south, as that same stream carries much warmer than normal air north.

A One half of a degree warming "anomaly"? :laughing0301:

Do you seriously think that if everyone in the world stopped driving and we shut down every coal-fired electrical generating plant, that the global temperature would come down one half of a degree?
"Global freezing is global warming.......War is peace...Freedom is slavery...Ignorance is strength......Arbeit macht frei......"
Global Warming is a misnomer because it is not entirely descriptive of climate change. It is both an entirely accurate term and utterly misleading term because climate change brings about all kinds of extremes in weather. The United States is experiencing record low temperatures and Australia is experiencing record high temperatures. Current projections are for a rise of at least 2 degrees C by the end of the century. During that time we are likely to have record low temperatures, high temperatures, snowfalls, droughts, hurricanes, and tornado but the long term average temperature of the earth is increasing and will continue. We may be able to stop or lessen the effects of climate change by reducing fossil fuel use or it may be too late. However, I seriously doubt that we will do enough because humans respond to immediate emergencies. They adapt to slow changes.

You are correct.....the whole nobody sits around to watch paint dry.....thing. I'm thinking most AGW people never did much painting. They certainly missed the memo!:113:
As I said, humans respond to current emergencies. No matter how much scientific proof might exist that the world as we know will cease to exist in a hundred or so year, people are not going to change their way of life. When we see water skiing in the great lakes in December and people in the southwest living underground and wall street is a couple of feet underwater, Americans will be more than happy to address the problem, kind of like shutting the barn door long after Bessie is long gone.

Frankly, I'm really not worried. Me, my kids, and grand kids will probably all be dead and gone before the end comes. Our descendants may curse us for our inaction but all I have to say is they don't understand human nature.
Wait a minute! Didn't I hear on the news this past week that the world will end in 12 years if nothing is done about our AGW climate problems?
I can’t believe we still have flat earthers denying Global Warming
Australia yeah is 116 degrees... Extreme weather is part of it... And only the GOP in the entire world denies. Absolute idiocy. Like Hillary and Obama are criminals, the rich pay too much in taxes....


The entire world is complicit in the liberal conspiracy of global warming

Only Republicans know the truth

Only the right is winning s0n.....but you guys do own the billboard....we're real proud of ya!:popcorn:
"Global freezing is global warming.......War is peace...Freedom is slavery...Ignorance is strength......Arbeit macht frei......"
Global Warming is a misnomer because it is not entirely descriptive of climate change. It is both an entirely accurate term and utterly misleading term because climate change brings about all kinds of extremes in weather. The United States is experiencing record low temperatures and Australia is experiencing record high temperatures. Current projections are for a rise of at least 2 degrees C by the end of the century. During that time we are likely to have record low temperatures, high temperatures, snowfalls, droughts, hurricanes, and tornado but the long term average temperature of the earth is increasing and will continue. We may be able to stop or lessen the effects of climate change by reducing fossil fuel use or it may be too late. However, I seriously doubt that we will do enough because humans respond to immediate emergencies. They adapt to slow changes.

You are correct.....the whole nobody sits around to watch paint dry.....thing. I'm thinking most AGW people never did much painting. They certainly missed the memo!:113:
As I said, humans respond to current emergencies. No matter how much scientific proof might exist that the world as we know will cease to exist in a hundred or so year, people are not going to change their way of life. When we see water skiing in the great lakes in December and people in the southwest living underground and wall street is a couple of feet underwater, Americans will be more than happy to address the problem, kind of like shutting the barn door long after Bessie is long gone.

Frankly, I'm really not worried. Me, my kids, and grand kids will probably all be dead and gone before the end comes. Our descendants may curse us for our inaction but all I have to say is they don't understand human nature.
Wait a minute! Didn't I hear on the news this past week that the world will end in 12 years if nothing is done about our AGW climate problems?
maybe due to the new ice age, yep
A few days of frigid weather in the middle of winter

Predictions are mid 50s by next week

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