Worst Presidential Candidate in US History Attempts To Launch a 'Comeback'

She will see time in jail the same day as Bush and Cheney or Trump which is never... Hell Nixon has a better chance of getting his bones dug up and put in jail before Clinton, but let me be clear I hope she never run again!

Based on the fact that the formed FBI Director testified that Hillary DID break laws, I hope the next FBI Director reviews case files - specifically Hillayr's, decides there is enough evidence to indict, and recommends that to Sessions...followed by a PERP WALK.

Americans need to see that the era of elitist / politicians being 'un-touchable' is over. Either the law applies to everyone or it applies to no one.
You have a typo in your headline, it should read "worst president in US history attempts to launch a meltdown"
She still has not recovered from her reported Booze-infused, off-the-chart-temper-driven meltdown on election night and the denial that all the foreign money has dried up. :p
That was a brutal night for her... I'd like to see her hang up the heels when it comes to politics, the clintons have had a good ride, time to retire... I'm sure she could still do some great things with charities and humanitarian efforts, that would be a better space for her IMO
She will see time in jail the same day as Bush and Cheney or Trump which is never... Hell Nixon has a better chance of getting his bones dug up and put in jail before Clinton, but let me be clear I hope she never run again!

Based on the fact that the formed FBI Director testified that Hillary DID break laws, I hope the next FBI Director reviews case files - specifically Hillayr's, decides there is enough evidence to indict, and recommends that to Sessions...followed by a PERP WALK.

Americans need to see that the era of elitist / politicians being 'un-touchable' is over. Either the law applies to everyone or it applies to no one.

Never happening!
She won't run again.....but it's fun to watch the RussianW cockroaches skitter all over the place when her name comes up.....:lol:
Is referencing the DNC propaganda all you can do? You continue to push the false narrative, for which they still have zero evidence.

The only running I hope Hillary does in the future is running from the Feds when they come to Perp Walk her.
You....can't....stop....talking....about....Hillary.....Clinton......Admit it, she's your obsession.
You have a typo in your headline, it should read "worst president in US history attempts to launch a meltdown"
She still has not recovered from her reported Booze-infused, off-the-chart-temper-driven meltdown on election night and the denial that all the foreign money has dried up. :p
You're....still....hung...up...on...her. :lol:
"Don’t call it a comeback! Hillary launches Onward Together to raise money for…something"

Yup, THERE it is.... $$Cha-Ching$$!

Now that the Clinton Foundation donations have completely dried up after losing the election - no longer having any favors, any access, any influence to sell, resulting in her having to lay off a lot of Clinton Foundation Staff, Hillary is coming up with another scam to bring money flowing back into her pockets.

"Hillary lost the election but her “Stronger Together” campaign motto seems to have morphed into a new organization called “Onward Together” anyway. It even has the same arrow logo. Hillary announced it on Twitter Monday:

We're launching Onward Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 15, 2017"

If you go to her web site you will see 2 tabs - 1 regarding her mission statement and the other a 'Donations page'.

"So the message seems to be: Someone needs to capitalize on all this crazy progressive energy and it might as well be Hillary."

Yeah, that is about as good as her 2016 campaign message: 'I am a woman, I am not Trump, and it's MY TURN.'


Don’t call it a comeback! Hillary launches Onward Together to raise money for…something - Hot Air

I can't be sure, but I think I see her angle here. No, she is not going to run, but she intends to capitalize on her name and endorse and campaign for other Dems. And of course all the donations will flow thru her Organization, she will hire staff (payoffs), and she will be back in the influence pedaling business by controlling access to the candidates as they get elected. Nice work if you can get it.
The so called worst candidate received over 2% more than Mr Grabby.

I think you need to look up the word worst in your English dictionary.

I'll go with Mondale loosing by 18%.

Numbers and percentages aside, the WORST is defined by final results versus guaranteed, taken-for-granted expectations.

Hmmm sound a lot like truthiness.

"......a quality characterizing a "truth" that a person making an argument or assertion claims to know intuitively "from the gut" or because it "feels right" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts"
You're....still....hung...up...on...her. :lol:

We should help her with that by sending her away - 10-to-20 with no chance of parole sounds fair.
You have a typo in your headline, it should read "worst president in US history attempts to launch a meltdown"
She still has not recovered from her reported Booze-infused, off-the-chart-temper-driven meltdown on election night and the denial that all the foreign money has dried up. :p
You're....still....hung...up...on...her. :lol:

No kidding, she has some support. Be sure to contribute, so she can contribute 10% of it to the resistance.
No kidding, she has some support. Be sure to contribute, so she can contribute 10% of it to the resistance.
Yes, donate to her so she can start funding organizations that engage in violence against Non-Snowflakes again. :p
Hillary was a worse candidate than Juan McCain, and he wanted to lose.

Here is what the real worst candidate said about Senator McCain.

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

What a fucking asshole!

I won't disparage anyone's war record, all I know is that McCain ran the worst Presidential campaign ever
"Don’t call it a comeback! Hillary launches Onward Together to raise money for…something"

Yup, THERE it is.... $$Cha-Ching$$!

Now that the Clinton Foundation donations have completely dried up after losing the election - no longer having any favors, any access, any influence to sell, resulting in her having to lay off a lot of Clinton Foundation Staff, Hillary is coming up with another scam to bring money flowing back into her pockets.

"Hillary lost the election but her “Stronger Together” campaign motto seems to have morphed into a new organization called “Onward Together” anyway. It even has the same arrow logo. Hillary announced it on Twitter Monday:

We're launching Onward Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 15, 2017"

If you go to her web site you will see 2 tabs - 1 regarding her mission statement and the other a 'Donations page'.

"So the message seems to be: Someone needs to capitalize on all this crazy progressive energy and it might as well be Hillary."

Yeah, that is about as good as her 2016 campaign message: 'I am a woman, I am not Trump, and it's MY TURN.'


Don’t call it a comeback! Hillary launches Onward Together to raise money for…something - Hot Air
She won't run again.....but it's fun to watch the RussianW cockroaches skitter all over the place when her name comes up.....:lol:

She won't run? Why not?!!! The Russians were the only thing that denied her her rightful place in the White House.
Hildebeast raised $1.2B and Trump raised $647M. Raising more money didn't seem to help her.

Madame Resident Clinton...

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