Worst. Ranking. List. EVER!!!

They put the black guy one spot below the one that resegregated the military.

Hmmm, wonder how he feels being below the guy who said this,

President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years".

Or this

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

And many many more and the democrat party is starting to have to defend it. Wonder if LBJ would consider Half Black Jesus as "an uppity ******"?

There is talk and there are deeds.

Lyndon Johnson's policies greatly benefited the back people, that counts for more than how he rationalized them to...whoever it is he was speaking to.

You misunderstand, LBJ did exactly what you democrats wanted him to do, it here is more.

President Truman’s civil rights program “is a farce and a sham—an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I have voted against the so-called poll tax repeal bill ... I have voted against the so-called anti-lynching bill.”
Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1948, U.S. Senator, 1949-61, Senate Majority Leader, 1955-61, President, 1963-69

This is a Kennedy gem,

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy

Mm, basically LBJ did what the party who invented the Klan wanted and told blacks what they wanted to hear all these years. And these are who you retards call heros. I'm thinking we need to be removing statues.

Ok I will again repeat - deeds count for more than words.

And i agreed. He got his voting block and kept blacks under democrat heel. If it was so good what he did why the fuck doesntheir life suck so bad now? You changing the story ?
They put the black guy one spot below the one that resegregated the military.

Hmmm, wonder how he feels being below the guy who said this,

President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years".

Or this

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

And many many more and the democrat party is starting to have to defend it. Wonder if LBJ would consider Half Black Jesus as "an uppity ******"?

LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and initiated The Great Society programs that helped all regardless of color
He also appointed Thurgood Marshall to the SCOTUS

A racist could have easily scuttled all those programs

He wouldn't because as he explained early in the first quot l, he and the Kennedy clan had no interest in equality for blacks, just wanted to make sure they knew who to vote for. Why else would he call his civil rights bill "the n!gger bill?

Kennedy was indifferent to Civil Rights in the first two years of his term. By year three, Civil Rights was forced on him whether he wanted it or not

Much of what LBJ passed on Civil Rights was done under the "JFK wanted this" free pass. LBJ got more done under Kennedy's name than Kennedy ever would have

I agree. He duped a whole voting block. Best pull down all their statues and erase them from history. After all, a racist is a racist and black folks are getting less ignorant. That's why the illegals for y'all.

No idea what you are babbling about
They put the black guy one spot below the one that resegregated the military.

Hmmm, wonder how he feels being below the guy who said this,

President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years".

Or this

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

And many many more and the democrat party is starting to have to defend it. Wonder if LBJ would consider Half Black Jesus as "an uppity ******"?

There is talk and there are deeds.

Lyndon Johnson's policies greatly benefited the back people, that counts for more than how he rationalized them to...whoever it is he was speaking to.

You misunderstand, LBJ did exactly what you democrats wanted him to do, it here is more.

President Truman’s civil rights program “is a farce and a sham—an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I have voted against the so-called poll tax repeal bill ... I have voted against the so-called anti-lynching bill.”
Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1948, U.S. Senator, 1949-61, Senate Majority Leader, 1955-61, President, 1963-69

This is a Kennedy gem,

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy

Mm, basically LBJ did what the party who invented the Klan wanted and told blacks what they wanted to hear all these years. And these are who you retards call heros. I'm thinking we need to be removing statues.

Ok I will again repeat - deeds count for more than words.

If LBJ wanted to kill Civil Rights he could have done so with little effort. The bills never would have seen the light of day
Hmmm, wonder how he feels being below the guy who said this,

President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years".

Or this

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

And many many more and the democrat party is starting to have to defend it. Wonder if LBJ would consider Half Black Jesus as "an uppity ******"?

LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and initiated The Great Society programs that helped all regardless of color
He also appointed Thurgood Marshall to the SCOTUS

A racist could have easily scuttled all those programs

He wouldn't because as he explained early in the first quot l, he and the Kennedy clan had no interest in equality for blacks, just wanted to make sure they knew who to vote for. Why else would he call his civil rights bill "the n!gger bill?

Kennedy was indifferent to Civil Rights in the first two years of his term. By year three, Civil Rights was forced on him whether he wanted it or not

Much of what LBJ passed on Civil Rights was done under the "JFK wanted this" free pass. LBJ got more done under Kennedy's name than Kennedy ever would have

I agree. He duped a whole voting block. Best pull down all their statues and erase them from history. After all, a racist is a racist and black folks are getting less ignorant. That's why the illegals for y'all.

No idea what you are babbling about

No you don't, you just don't want to admit your hero of the black man gave two shots about them and mainly wanted to secure blacks as a racial. Outing block before republicans did.no other way about it so you gotta run.
They put the black guy one spot below the one that resegregated the military.

Hmmm, wonder how he feels being below the guy who said this,

President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years".

Or this

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

And many many more and the democrat party is starting to have to defend it. Wonder if LBJ would consider Half Black Jesus as "an uppity ******"?

There is talk and there are deeds.

Lyndon Johnson's policies greatly benefited the back people, that counts for more than how he rationalized them to...whoever it is he was speaking to.

LBJ was the ultimate politician who worked to his audience

He would talk racist to the racists, talk common sense to the moderates, facts and figures with the academics and biblically to the religious........whatever it took to get their vote

All you can judge him on is his deeds....he accomplished more on social programs than any other President

And how are those programs doing? He WAS indeed the most bill passing dude ever, but he was a racists who said him self many times he was doing civil right for votes, not any other reason.

Democrats LOST votes because of Civil Rights legislation
LBJ knew he would lose the south, but did it anyway
They put the black guy one spot below the one that resegregated the military.

Hmmm, wonder how he feels being below the guy who said this,

President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years".

Or this

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

And many many more and the democrat party is starting to have to defend it. Wonder if LBJ would consider Half Black Jesus as "an uppity ******"?

There is talk and there are deeds.

Lyndon Johnson's policies greatly benefited the back people, that counts for more than how he rationalized them to...whoever it is he was speaking to.

You misunderstand, LBJ did exactly what you democrats wanted him to do, it here is more.

President Truman’s civil rights program “is a farce and a sham—an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I have voted against the so-called poll tax repeal bill ... I have voted against the so-called anti-lynching bill.”
Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1948, U.S. Senator, 1949-61, Senate Majority Leader, 1955-61, President, 1963-69

This is a Kennedy gem,

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy

Mm, basically LBJ did what the party who invented the Klan wanted and told blacks what they wanted to hear all these years. And these are who you retards call heros. I'm thinking we need to be removing statues.

Ok I will again repeat - deeds count for more than words.

If LBJ wanted to kill Civil Rights he could have done so with little effort. The bills never would have seen the light of day

Na, just wanted the votes before republicans got them. Simple as that.
LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and initiated The Great Society programs that helped all regardless of color
He also appointed Thurgood Marshall to the SCOTUS

A racist could have easily scuttled all those programs

He wouldn't because as he explained early in the first quot l, he and the Kennedy clan had no interest in equality for blacks, just wanted to make sure they knew who to vote for. Why else would he call his civil rights bill "the n!gger bill?

Kennedy was indifferent to Civil Rights in the first two years of his term. By year three, Civil Rights was forced on him whether he wanted it or not

Much of what LBJ passed on Civil Rights was done under the "JFK wanted this" free pass. LBJ got more done under Kennedy's name than Kennedy ever would have

I agree. He duped a whole voting block. Best pull down all their statues and erase them from history. After all, a racist is a racist and black folks are getting less ignorant. That's why the illegals for y'all.

No idea what you are babbling about

No you don't, you just don't want to admit your hero of the black man gave two shots about them and mainly wanted to secure blacks as a racial. Outing block before republicans did.no other way about it so you gotta run.

A majority of blacks had been voting Democratic since FDR

Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Good list....I would expect Trump to fall in somewhere after Warren G Harding
Obama should eventually climb to the top ten
I have a really hard time believing Trump would get better than second-to-last.
LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and initiated The Great Society programs that helped all regardless of color
He also appointed Thurgood Marshall to the SCOTUS

A racist could have easily scuttled all those programs

He wouldn't because as he explained early in the first quot l, he and the Kennedy clan had no interest in equality for blacks, just wanted to make sure they knew who to vote for. Why else would he call his civil rights bill "the n!gger bill?

Kennedy was indifferent to Civil Rights in the first two years of his term. By year three, Civil Rights was forced on him whether he wanted it or not

Much of what LBJ passed on Civil Rights was done under the "JFK wanted this" free pass. LBJ got more done under Kennedy's name than Kennedy ever would have

I agree. He duped a whole voting block. Best pull down all their statues and erase them from history. After all, a racist is a racist and black folks are getting less ignorant. That's why the illegals for y'all.

No idea what you are babbling about

No you don't, you just don't want to admit your hero of the black man gave two shots about them and mainly wanted to secure blacks as a racial. Outing block before republicans did.no other way about it so you gotta run.

Johnson was never a "DIXIECRAT" like some who later became Reepublicans.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Good list....I would expect Trump to fall in somewhere after Warren G Harding
Obama should eventually climb to the top ten
I have a really hard time believing Trump would get better than second-to-last.

We will have to see....

In terms of least capable of filling the job, Trump has to rank at near last
But he has not done any real or lasting damage yet.

Bush 43, while more capable, and a better leader than Trump would have to rank lower than Trump. He gave up the 9-11 attacks, got us into two wars, engaged in torture and finished with an economic collapse

Trump, no matter how inept, will have a hard time beating that
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan
Histwhorians are as biased on the Left as you are on the Right. Here's a ranking broken loose from your captive audiences:

1. Monroe
2. Jefferson
3. Jackson
4. Polk
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Washington
7. Lincoln
8. FDR
9. Reagan
10. Eisenhower
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan
Histwhorians are as biased on the Left as you are on the Right. Here's a ranking broken loose from your captive audiences:

1. Monroe
2. Jefferson
3. Jackson
4. Polk
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Washington
7. Lincoln
8. FDR
9. Reagan
10. Eisenhower

Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan
Histwhorians are as biased on the Left as you are on the Right. Here's a ranking broken loose from your captive audiences:

1. Monroe
2. Jefferson
3. Jackson
4. Polk
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Washington
7. Lincoln
8. FDR
9. Reagan
10. Eisenhower
this list blows my mind
1. Abraham Lincoln - No brainer...saved the country and created the UNITED States
But, acted like a damn tyrant in the process.

12. Barack Obama - Prevented a depression, Obamacare
:lol: See FDR's prolonging the Great Depression

28. Richard Nixon- Knew the job better than most presidents, emotionally unfit to be President
agree and agree

27. Calvin Coolidge - caused the Great Depression
you are a damn idiot if you believe this
SCROTUS was the anti-democratic clique that prolonged the Depression.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan
Histwhorians are as biased on the Left as you are on the Right. Here's a ranking broken loose from your captive audiences:

1. Monroe
2. Jefferson
3. Jackson
4. Polk
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Washington
7. Lincoln
8. FDR
9. Reagan
10. Eisenhower

You blew it starting with Number 1
They put the black guy one spot below the one that resegregated the military.

Hmmm, wonder how he feels being below the guy who said this,

President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years".

Or this

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

And many many more and the democrat party is starting to have to defend it. Wonder if LBJ would consider Half Black Jesus as "an uppity ******"?

There is talk and there are deeds.

Lyndon Johnson's policies greatly benefited the back people, that counts for more than how he rationalized them to...whoever it is he was speaking to.

You misunderstand, LBJ did exactly what you democrats wanted him to do, it here is more.

President Truman’s civil rights program “is a farce and a sham—an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I have voted against the so-called poll tax repeal bill ... I have voted against the so-called anti-lynching bill.”
Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1948, U.S. Senator, 1949-61, Senate Majority Leader, 1955-61, President, 1963-69

This is a Kennedy gem,

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy

Mm, basically LBJ did what the party who invented the Klan wanted and told blacks what they wanted to hear all these years. And these are who you retards call heros. I'm thinking we need to be removing statues.

Ok I will again repeat - deeds count for more than words.

And i agreed. He got his voting block and kept blacks under democrat heel. If it was so good what he did why the fuck doesntheir life suck so bad now? You changing the story ?

Don't know what you are talking about, their life has been improved, I never said otherwise.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Hilarious list. #1 gets hundreds of thousands of Americans killed and outlawed slavery. #3 not only reinstituted slavery, he enslaved American citizens and sent them overseas to use as cannon fodder in wars that has absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed.

Whoever made that list must have some sort of virulent hatred of Americans.
Whoever calls democracy "mob rule" hates his fellow Americans. In a pathetic attempt to blot out his own inadequacies, he has a desperate need to feel superior to them. He loves it when his plutocratic idols whip them into submission.
You guys always like to ignore and leave out a little thing called the "Dust Bowl". The Dust Bowl was a continuous series of droughts and wind storms that devasted American agriculture throughout the Great Depression. It depopulated vast areas and caused huge numbers of people to flee these areas in search of employment in the already stressed populated areas.
It's very convenient for you guys to leave out that portion of history and a major cause of the inability of the government to deal with the GB. What is the big deal, right? Millions of people unemployed due to weather as a major American industry is getting destroyed beyond a practical solution.
The truth is that no one single thing caused the Great Depression. The dust bowl was a huge factor. So was the run on banks and the subsequent closing of said banks. Bankers were also investing deposits in the stock market, then losing the money, then not having the funds to back up the deposits. The only banks surviving the crash were reluctant to lend money, which led to more contraction and further unemployment. That's just to name a few. There were at least 10 more major factors.

This "Coolidge caused the Great Depression" bullshit is....bullshit. He was a hands-off leader, which is ideal for freedom lovers.
Loot and Scoot

A "free market" means that those who control a market are free to do whatever they want. it is a paradise for plutocratic parasites, who finance its propaganda. They also assign their sons to take over the opposition and purposely push it to extremes to make laissez faire look good by comparison.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan
I'm very surprised they ranked Carter as high as 26. He completely sucked.

How sad is it that four Presidents ranked below Harrison, who was President for just one month, mostly bedridden before dying? :lol:

Trump may be competing with Harrison for the number 38 spot, the way he's going.
Abe is a tyrant? You're a very sick man. It also shows you know nothing about history. He kept the nation together. Better get used to your pussygrabber permanently holding down the bottom spot.
Lincoln saved the union (if you consider that a good thing) and used the slavery issue to maintain support for doing so. I will give him credit for ridding us of the unholy practice of slavery. Credit where credit is due.

At the same time, he was a motherfucker. He was a racist son of a bitch. He abused the fuck out of his power more than any other president (FDR, Reagan, Obama, and George W Bush are all tied for distant second, in my opinion). He used WAR to settle a dispute about the structure of the Union and the options of the separate states to remain or leave. Separate, independent states agreed to form a union. Those states had the sovereignty to enter into such a union. They also had the sovereignty to exit. FORCING them to stay in the union with WAR and CONQUEST wholly denied them that sovereignty. That would be somewhat similar to the EU going to war with the UK for Brexit, the U.S. warring with Canada if they were to decide to leave NAFTA, or China starting a war with the U.S. for leaving TPP.

It's okay to admit that a president who did good things was also a filthy, overreaching, murderous tyrant. I hold Reagan to the same standard and believe that he was ultimately a bad president, even though I think he did lots of good things and despite his being on my "team" politically (for the most part).

"Honest" Abe was a filthy tyrant (honest? :lol:). If there were such a place as hell (there's not), he would be roasting there now and forever.
Gordon Gekko at Gettysburg

All you need to know about Lincoln is that he married a richgirl. Class-climbers are almost as bad as Preppies. The fact that the Republicans were in charge tells us that the Civil War was only about stealing the wealth of the South and using the freed slaves as grateful anti-union cheap labor.

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