Worst. Ranking. List. EVER!!!

10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “white folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

he called his own grandmother “a typical white person”
Look at a stone cold racist calling a great man one. Bizarro world..
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Hilarious list. #1 gets hundreds of thousands of Americans killed and outlawed slavery. #3 not only reinstituted slavery, he enslaved American citizens and sent them overseas to use as cannon fodder in wars that has absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed.

Whoever made that list must have some sort of virulent hatred of Americans.
World War ll had everything to do with National Security. Germany was demanding a cessation of trade between the US and Europe, particularly Great Britain. And it was more than just a demand. Before the war even began German submarines were attacking ships carrying US exports to Great Britain. Even US Naval shipps were attacked with great loss of US Naval personnel on the attacked Naval ships. US Navy sailors were being sent to the bottom of the ocean. All this in the middle of the Great Depression. I suppose that in your way of thinking a foreign power sinking US Navy ships was not a threat to National Security.

In regards to the other side of the world, Japan was posing a threat to American interest and security in their part of the world. Not only did they pose these threats to American ports and military post, they posed a threat to the Russians on the Chinese Russian border and were preparing for an escalation of war which would cause the Russians to respond and hence, greatly weaken their ability to help defeat Germany.

Again, your analysis lacks common sense if you think the Japanese threat towards trade and more importantly, the threat to annihilate the US military installations at places like the Philipines was not a National Security threat is a great distortion. and fantasy.

Japan was steadily continuing to build their already huge Navel forces specifically for the purpose of conducting war with the US. Thankfully, FDR prepared for the wars with Germany and Japan by supporting development of the weapons of war that were needed to defeat those two superpowers.

One of the things FDR is not given proper credit for is his experience and knowledge gained as Assistan Secretary of the Nave during WW l. He learned how to develop new advanced weapons of war. This he did quietly and without fanfare so that when the war came, the industrial might of America was able to immediately shift into high gear to produce the weapons that would win the war. Everything from the M-I Garrand to modern aircraft carriers, bombers to fighter aircraft, etc., were tooled and being produced or prepared for production when they were needed.
WOW! You Democrat apologists and slavery advocates sure do make a lot of off-the-wall excuses for the tyrant, FDR. Great Britain and Germany were at war. The US should have stayed neutral because Germany was not a threat to the USA. Plain and simple. Instead they started arming one side.

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." ~ 10/30/1940 Quoted from FDR during his 1940 presidential campaign.

Of course if the American people knew what he was doing behind the scenes and what he was planning, to enslave them and send them to die overseas as cannon fodder by the hundreds of thousands he would have lost the election.

FDR was a fucking war pig.

FDR was the worst US president in history.

History revisionism at its finest.
FDR policies were looking to ease the suffering of the masses rather than look at how quickly he could get the banks on their feet
I will give FDR credit for trying.

FDR's failure being benevolent rather than rational (if you honestly believe he was motivated by benevolence). He should have helped the banks first. As heartless as that sounds, it would have helped the little guy the most. Over 9,000 banks closed during the depression. But, economic success in a realistic (read: capitalist) society requires strong financial institutions to provide capital for investment, which creates more jobs. The recovery was slowed because of his mistake.

He was a shitty president in my opinion, not because of this failure, but because he abused he office and acted like.......(dum dum DUUUUMMMM) at tyrant. Ignoring the two term tradition and court packing alone give him this distinction, but there are many more reasons.

Hard to say

When people are starving and homeless, it is not reasonable to say.....Wait another year till I get the banks back on their feet. People eat on the near term

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Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Hilarious list. #1 gets hundreds of thousands of Americans killed and outlawed slavery. #3 not only reinstituted slavery, he enslaved American citizens and sent them overseas to use as cannon fodder in wars that has absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed.

Whoever made that list must have some sort of virulent hatred of Americans.
World War ll had everything to do with National Security. Germany was demanding a cessation of trade between the US and Europe, particularly Great Britain. And it was more than just a demand. Before the war even began German submarines were attacking ships carrying US exports to Great Britain. Even US Naval shipps were attacked with great loss of US Naval personnel on the attacked Naval ships. US Navy sailors were being sent to the bottom of the ocean. All this in the middle of the Great Depression. I suppose that in your way of thinking a foreign power sinking US Navy ships was not a threat to National Security.

In regards to the other side of the world, Japan was posing a threat to American interest and security in their part of the world. Not only did they pose these threats to American ports and military post, they posed a threat to the Russians on the Chinese Russian border and were preparing for an escalation of war which would cause the Russians to respond and hence, greatly weaken their ability to help defeat Germany.

Again, your analysis lacks common sense if you think the Japanese threat towards trade and more importantly, the threat to annihilate the US military installations at places like the Philipines was not a National Security threat is a great distortion. and fantasy.

Japan was steadily continuing to build their already huge Navel forces specifically for the purpose of conducting war with the US. Thankfully, FDR prepared for the wars with Germany and Japan by supporting development of the weapons of war that were needed to defeat those two superpowers.

One of the things FDR is not given proper credit for is his experience and knowledge gained as Assistan Secretary of the Nave during WW l. He learned how to develop new advanced weapons of war. This he did quietly and without fanfare so that when the war came, the industrial might of America was able to immediately shift into high gear to produce the weapons that would win the war. Everything from the M-I Garrand to modern aircraft carriers, bombers to fighter aircraft, etc., were tooled and being produced or prepared for production when they were needed.
WOW! You Democrat apologists and slavery advocates sure do make a lot of off-the-wall excuses for the tyrant, FDR. Great Britain and Germany were at war. The US should have stayed neutral because Germany was not a threat to the USA. Plain and simple. Instead they started arming one side.

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." ~ 10/30/1940 Quoted from FDR during his 1940 presidential campaign.

Of course if the American people knew what he was doing behind the scenes and what he was planning, to enslave them and send them to die overseas as cannon fodder by the hundreds of thousands he would have lost the election.

FDR was a fucking war pig.

FDR was the worst US president in history.

History revisionism at its finest.

You jackasses don't know jack shit about history, otherwise you wouldn't vote for the jackass party.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Hilarious list. #1 gets hundreds of thousands of Americans killed and outlawed slavery. #3 not only reinstituted slavery, he enslaved American citizens and sent them overseas to use as cannon fodder in wars that has absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed.

Whoever made that list must have some sort of virulent hatred of Americans.
World War ll had everything to do with National Security. Germany was demanding a cessation of trade between the US and Europe, particularly Great Britain. And it was more than just a demand. Before the war even began German submarines were attacking ships carrying US exports to Great Britain. Even US Naval shipps were attacked with great loss of US Naval personnel on the attacked Naval ships. US Navy sailors were being sent to the bottom of the ocean. All this in the middle of the Great Depression. I suppose that in your way of thinking a foreign power sinking US Navy ships was not a threat to National Security.

In regards to the other side of the world, Japan was posing a threat to American interest and security in their part of the world. Not only did they pose these threats to American ports and military post, they posed a threat to the Russians on the Chinese Russian border and were preparing for an escalation of war which would cause the Russians to respond and hence, greatly weaken their ability to help defeat Germany.

Again, your analysis lacks common sense if you think the Japanese threat towards trade and more importantly, the threat to annihilate the US military installations at places like the Philipines was not a National Security threat is a great distortion. and fantasy.

Japan was steadily continuing to build their already huge Navel forces specifically for the purpose of conducting war with the US. Thankfully, FDR prepared for the wars with Germany and Japan by supporting development of the weapons of war that were needed to defeat those two superpowers.

One of the things FDR is not given proper credit for is his experience and knowledge gained as Assistan Secretary of the Nave during WW l. He learned how to develop new advanced weapons of war. This he did quietly and without fanfare so that when the war came, the industrial might of America was able to immediately shift into high gear to produce the weapons that would win the war. Everything from the M-I Garrand to modern aircraft carriers, bombers to fighter aircraft, etc., were tooled and being produced or prepared for production when they were needed.
WOW! You Democrat apologists and slavery advocates sure do make a lot of off-the-wall excuses for the tyrant, FDR. Great Britain and Germany were at war. The US should have stayed neutral because Germany was not a threat to the USA. Plain and simple. Instead they started arming one side.

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." ~ 10/30/1940 Quoted from FDR during his 1940 presidential campaign.

Of course if the American people knew what he was doing behind the scenes and what he was planning, to enslave them and send them to die overseas as cannon fodder by the hundreds of thousands he would have lost the election.

FDR was a fucking war pig.

FDR was the worst US president in history.

History revisionism at its finest.

The right hates FDR because he made liberal, progressive and even socialist teneted programs work in practical and logical ways. They hunt through his failures and mistakes and pounce on every criticism they can find. Of course, he was not perfect and made mistakes, but he had a shotgun attitude towards solving problems and was bound to make mistakes in that process. He tried programs and policies suggested from all sides of the political spectrum and if he found ones that worked he used them whether they were conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican. He was a true pragmatist, putting the success of theories and concepts the priority instead of politics. It meant little to FDR whether new roads and a dam to provide electric to an area would provide jobs and was supported by the business people wanting to build new factories in that area thanks to the new roads and electric generating dam. FDR was practical. Jobs were the priority and anyone who could come up with viable plans to created jobs was OK with FDR and the unemployed with jobs. Call it a liberal socialist program or a business conservative subsidy, it made no difference to him. All it meant was that new factories were being built and unemployed people were getting jobs as a depressed area was being revitalized
The Dust Bowl did not cause the Great Depression. It did not start until 1934
The dust bowl didn't cause the crash, no. But the depression went from 1929 to 1939. Otherwise, we would refer to it as The Great Crash. The significance was the recovery, or lack thereof. So, yes, the Dust Bowl was a cause of the depression to be a "great" depression.

Doing nothing can cause a Depression and also make it worse. Coolidge deregulation and ignoring the rampages in the finance sector led to a temporary economic surge and the Great Depression.
Coolidge didn't deregulate anything. What are you talking about? If anything, he exercised discipline and restraint.

This Bloomberg Article has some of Coolidge's quotes in it. Take a look.

Hoover did not cause the Great Depression, but his "prosperity is just around the corner" philosophy made it worse
This is the typical critique that the left feeds us, and demonstrates a concerning misunderstanding of economics. Monkeying with the market causes more problems than it solves. Furthermore, taking away "fear" (caution) from investors does nothing to balance their risky behavior. There's not enough time or space to get further into this discussion.
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The right hates FDR because he made liberal, progressive and even socialist teneted programs work in practical and logical ways.
If I roll my eyes any farther, they will turn full circle and come up from the bottom.

You mean, like, social security?


What historians?
This particular panel of historians consisted of 91 historians selected and organized by C-Span. The metrics consisted of judging each President on a scale using ten "leadership" attributes. Most of these historian panels/groups consist of significantly large numbers of participants and include a wide range of historians of differing leanings and political influences.
This is only the third group and rating done by C-Span. To have genuine confidence in accuracy other ratings by other groups need to be compared.

Right off the top, putting Obama anywhere near that high destroys any confidence in the accuracy of the opinions. What exactly did he do, other than create domestic and international chaos?

"Commanding moral authority"? How insulting.
He destroyed healthcare in America. That has to count for something, right?
How come these left wing historians rated LBJ #10?
LBJ once said “When I appoint a nxgger to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a nxgger.”
What historians?
This particular panel of historians consisted of 91 historians selected and organized by C-Span. The metrics consisted of judging each President on a scale using ten "leadership" attributes. Most of these historian panels/groups consist of significantly large numbers of participants and include a wide range of historians of differing leanings and political influences.
This is only the third group and rating done by C-Span. To have genuine confidence in accuracy other ratings by other groups need to be compared.

Right off the top, putting Obama anywhere near that high destroys any confidence in the accuracy of the opinions. What exactly did he do, other than create domestic and international chaos?

"Commanding moral authority"? How insulting.
He destroyed healthcare in America. That has to count for something, right?
Healthcare in America has not been destroyed. It has been greatly improved. The problems with todays healthcae could be resolved in large part if the Congress would do its job and make the needed changes. Big pharma is a major problem. Answer the question as to why it is unlawful and illegal for Medicare and Medicaid to negotiate with big pharma for better drug prices. Those are two enormous users of big pharma, yet our Congress refuses to repeal that dopey law.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

And just who are you, and on what basis other than emotion, to refute or substantiate any historian's ranking, regardless of where they place Obama or any other former president?
Obama is a racist demagogue.
He abused his power.
He was incompetent.
He divided Americans on purpose.
He help the genocidal maniac Iranians get nukes.
He should be in the bottom 5.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Hilarious list. #1 gets hundreds of thousands of Americans killed and outlawed slavery. #3 not only reinstituted slavery, he enslaved American citizens and sent them overseas to use as cannon fodder in wars that has absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed.

Whoever made that list must have some sort of virulent hatred of Americans.
World War ll had everything to do with National Security. Germany was demanding a cessation of trade between the US and Europe, particularly Great Britain. And it was more than just a demand. Before the war even began German submarines were attacking ships carrying US exports to Great Britain. Even US Naval shipps were attacked with great loss of US Naval personnel on the attacked Naval ships. US Navy sailors were being sent to the bottom of the ocean. All this in the middle of the Great Depression. I suppose that in your way of thinking a foreign power sinking US Navy ships was not a threat to National Security.

In regards to the other side of the world, Japan was posing a threat to American interest and security in their part of the world. Not only did they pose these threats to American ports and military post, they posed a threat to the Russians on the Chinese Russian border and were preparing for an escalation of war which would cause the Russians to respond and hence, greatly weaken their ability to help defeat Germany.

Again, your analysis lacks common sense if you think the Japanese threat towards trade and more importantly, the threat to annihilate the US military installations at places like the Philipines was not a National Security threat is a great distortion. and fantasy.

Japan was steadily continuing to build their already huge Navel forces specifically for the purpose of conducting war with the US. Thankfully, FDR prepared for the wars with Germany and Japan by supporting development of the weapons of war that were needed to defeat those two superpowers.

One of the things FDR is not given proper credit for is his experience and knowledge gained as Assistan Secretary of the Nave during WW l. He learned how to develop new advanced weapons of war. This he did quietly and without fanfare so that when the war came, the industrial might of America was able to immediately shift into high gear to produce the weapons that would win the war. Everything from the M-I Garrand to modern aircraft carriers, bombers to fighter aircraft, etc., were tooled and being produced or prepared for production when they were needed.
WOW! You Democrat apologists and slavery advocates sure do make a lot of off-the-wall excuses for the tyrant, FDR. Great Britain and Germany were at war. The US should have stayed neutral because Germany was not a threat to the USA. Plain and simple. Instead they started arming one side.

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." ~ 10/30/1940 Quoted from FDR during his 1940 presidential campaign.

Of course if the American people knew what he was doing behind the scenes and what he was planning, to enslave them and send them to die overseas as cannon fodder by the hundreds of thousands he would have lost the election.

FDR was a fucking war pig.

FDR was the worst US president in history.

History revisionism at its finest.

The right hates FDR because he made liberal, progressive and even socialist teneted programs work in practical and logical ways. They hunt through his failures and mistakes and pounce on every criticism they can find. Of course, he was not perfect and made mistakes, but he had a shotgun attitude towards solving problems and was bound to make mistakes in that process. He tried programs and policies suggested from all sides of the political spectrum and if he found ones that worked he used them whether they were conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican. He was a true pragmatist, putting the success of theories and concepts the priority instead of politics. It meant little to FDR whether new roads and a dam to provide electric to an area would provide jobs and was supported by the business people wanting to build new factories in that area thanks to the new roads and electric generating dam. FDR was practical. Jobs were the priority and anyone who could come up with viable plans to created jobs was OK with FDR and the unemployed with jobs. Call it a liberal socialist program or a business conservative subsidy, it made no difference to him. All it meant was that new factories were being built and unemployed people were getting jobs as a depressed area was being revitalized
FDRs solution to the unemployment problem was to simply enslave millions and kill off 400,000 of them.
Ya know..., the experts that study these things for a living! !
Don't get me started on the deliberate leftist deck stacking that is rampant throughout academia. The only time a assumption is a 99.99% guaranty, is when we assume all academics are leftists.
FDR policies were looking to ease the suffering of the masses rather than look at how quickly he could get the banks on their feet
I will give FDR credit for trying.

FDR's failure being benevolent rather than rational (if you honestly believe he was motivated by benevolence). He should have helped the banks first. As heartless as that sounds, it would have helped the little guy the most. Over 9,000 banks closed during the depression. But, economic success in a realistic (read: capitalist) society requires strong financial institutions to provide capital for investment, which creates more jobs. The recovery was slowed because of his mistake.

He was a shitty president in my opinion, not because of this failure, but because he abused he office and acted like.......(dum dum DUUUUMMMM) at tyrant. Ignoring the two term tradition and court packing alone give him this distinction, but there are many more reasons.
How many banks had closed and were in the process of closing when FDR was inaugurated the first time as President? Why does history record that FDR saved the banking system as his first order of business after being sworn into office?
Clearly, FDR's ranking required the passage of some years in order to evaluate his actions. The population of the 30's and 40's who elected him four times could not have known (generally) how his actions prolonged and worsened the Depression, or what alternative actions w/r/t the World War might have rendered better results for the U.S.

A poll like this is near worthless. For any single president on this list, you could find historians whose opinions are all over the lot. Like voting on who is the prettiest starlet in Hollywood - there is no definitive answer. Opinions differ.
FDR was more concerned with easing the suffering caused by the Depression rather than helping the banks and capitalists prosper
The US came out of WWII as a military and economic Super Power

You prefer history over sound bites, THANKS!

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