Worst. White. Supremest. President. Ever.

As Democrat Lyndon Johnson said:

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years."

The Democratic Party's Two-Facedness of Race Relations | HuffPost
He never said that :itsok:

Yes he did. LBJ was well known as a racist.
No he didn’t. You can provide zero evidence for it.

Yes, he did. You can SNOPE all your want, but it doesn't change history.
You are proving that one can invent history.

You have zero evidence. Sorry :itsok:

LBJ was a racist Democrat - ideologically aligned with the KKK.

That's your heritage, bub. Embrace it.
Yes he did. LBJ was well known as a racist.
No he didn’t. You can provide zero evidence for it.

The Democratic Party's Two-Facedness of Race Relations | HuffPost

Oh look, not the quote in question

Oh look, he's been said to say that.....we have evidence that he would say that....so the quote is probably true......hey I have more evidence on this than Christine Ford did on Kavanaugh......

You provided zero evidence, so stop patting yourself on the back

I did, he has used the N word. THE HUFF POST ( a leftwing rag) talks about how RACIST LBJ IS. and how he used those civil rights acts as cover.. (it was passed by mostly REPUBLICANS)

so yeah, you just got owned......that's what circumstantial evidence looks like, cant wait to the next trump SC appointment.........you guys really fucked yourselves on Kavanaugh
He never said that :itsok:

Yes he did. LBJ was well known as a racist.
No he didn’t. You can provide zero evidence for it.

Yes, he did. You can SNOPE all your want, but it doesn't change history.
You are proving that one can invent history.

You have zero evidence. Sorry :itsok:

LBJ was a racist Democrat - ideologically aligned with the KKK.

That's your heritage, bub. Embrace it.
You’re the one carrying that torch now, not me
Yes he did. LBJ was well known as a racist.
No he didn’t. You can provide zero evidence for it.

Yes, he did. You can SNOPE all your want, but it doesn't change history.
You are proving that one can invent history.

You have zero evidence. Sorry :itsok:

LBJ was a racist Democrat - ideologically aligned with the KKK.

That's your heritage, bub. Embrace it.
You’re the one carrying that torch now, not me

Hardly. I don't denounce blacks as Uncle Toms for staying with the Dems. But you hateful loons of the left routinely lynch the reputations of blacks who dare to leave your ideological plantation.
Trump Declares His First National Monument, Honoring African American Troops.

“In the first such use of his executive powers, President Trump on Friday designated a national monument, establishing a 380-acre site in Kentucky to honor African Americans’ role as soldiers during the Civil War.”

Trump honoring Republican backed black soldiers fighting Democrat Confederates. Priceless.
And then the fat fuck sat down and ate a taco bowl to prove he isn't a racist against all those Mexicans who bring crime and are rapists.
It's more important to progressives that Trump sides with the KKK. In this example, here's a progressive posing as a KKK/Trump supporter.

Progressives are very strong on volume and low on substance. It's not important this is an impostor, ah heck no. What's important is the signal Trump aligns himself with the KKK. Progressive thought is out of control. Hitler would be very envious their tactics.

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