Would democrats be seen as center right in europe or the uk?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I heard that a few times, that democrats are not communists, they would be seen as center-right in uk. I think maybe only on economic issues, certainly not on identity politics and social issues. They are left as any marxist.
As far as I can understand, on social and economic matters the Dem party is close to the main 'centrist' parties in Europe.
They're working for the 'Globalist' financial interests; they just let the dumbass street morons and assorted white trash suburban doper halfwits beleive they're 'leftist revolutionaries n stuff', when in fact they're just pissant brownshirts working for big corporations needing options and relief from their Red Chinese partner and setting up an even more favorable 'environment' here in the states for the top 1%ers. Don't fall for the rhetoric, it's just about gangsters versus regular people, and nothing to do with economics and principles, just the scum on the top using the scum on the bottom to squeeze and eliminate the middle.
As far as I can understand, on social and economic matters the Dem party is close to the main 'centrist' parties in Europe.
To the right of them, wouldn't you say? After all, to the main European parties some system of single payer/national health is de rigueur, no?
The Dems are centre-right soft cons.

Republicans are right-wing fascists.

Trumpsters extreme right-wing Nazi conspiracy theorists.

Now Trumpsters have lost power, they will gradually be reduced to posting on conspiracy theory websites and making the odd twilight zone type TV programmes shown at 3.30 am.

hahaha little brownshirt neo-nazi lies to cover up being a little brownshirt neo-nazi. Bosses this little corporate stooge works for:

he full list of 269 companies is out!

As Medium reported you can use this list as a guide in what businesses you wish to support. Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.

Gramscian language manipulation; these corporate hired street thugs just throw out commie slogans to mislead and confuse.
I heard that a few times, that democrats are not communists, they would be seen as center-right in uk. I think maybe only on economic issues, certainly not on identity politics and social issues. They are left as any marxist.

Not as Left as limp wristed Jeremy Corbyn.
The Dems are centre-right soft cons.

Republicans are right-wing fascists.

Trumpsters extreme right-wing Nazi conspiracy theorists.

Now Trumpsters have lost power, they will gradually be reduced to posting on conspiracy theory websites and making the odd twilight zone type TV programmes shown at 3.30 am.

hahaha little brownshirt neo-nazi lies to cover up being a little brownshirt neo-nazi. Bosses this little corporate stooge works for:

he full list of 269 companies is out!

As Medium reported you can use this list as a guide in what businesses you wish to support. Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.

Gramscian language manipulation; these corporate hired street thugs just throw out commie slogans to mislead and confuse.
Take no notice of him Mort. You need to use a little deep psychology to see what he is up to.
A Picaro is a 'trickster' who uses different persona's to gain trust, then lies to 'muddy the waters' and try to get you to believe black is white.
Oz on the other hand is a wizard who fixes everybody's problems and the Orchestra are all those who have been inspired by the wizard to play the same tune. We are left-wing Internationalists everybody is welcome at our party Mort,

To prove Picaro is lying Mort, look in any dictionary for a definition of Nazi's. You will find they all say Nazi's are right-wing Nationalists. Picaro I think will admit to being right-wing and loves his country - a Nazi!

Here is an image of Picaro from folklore-
Creepy, Hidden & evil looking.
Democrats are not left wing. They are the decent right wingers you keep looking for. The ones who find the republican hate machine unpalatable.
As far as I can understand, on social and economic matters the Dem party is close to the main 'centrist' parties in Europe.
To the right of them, wouldn't you say? After all, to the main European parties some system of single payer/national health is de rigueur, no?
I dont quite understand your point. I think that W European countries will have to 'americanize' their social and healthcare systems. Due to demographic shifts and economic issues, they won't be able to sustain their social model which was developed in the mid of 20th century.
Oz on the other hand is a wizard who fixes everybody's problems and the Orchestra are all those who have been inspired by the wizard to play the same tune.

Oz was a midget faggot in a movie about little girl molested by an old dyke and appealed mostly to faggots and pedophiles,; it's immensely popular with homosexual deviants and other mentally ill people.

We are left-wing Internationalists everybody is welcome at our party Mort,

Is that the new Democrat PC term for violent racist neo-nazi brownshirts who support big corporations and their globalist labor racketeering?
I heard that a few times, that democrats are not communists, they would be seen as center-right in uk. I think maybe only on economic issues, certainly not on identity politics and social issues. They are left as any marxist.
they behave like the CHINESE communists who have embraced some portion of capitalism but remain communist. All except AOC and her squad who remind of Che Rivera and typical somalian dictators
I heard that a few times, that democrats are not communists, they would be seen as center-right in uk. I think maybe only on economic issues, certainly not on identity politics and social issues. They are left as any marxist.
Your Democrats are seen as close to the political "Centre" slightly right leaning. Some Members of Congress are seen a left wing, but nowhere near Marxist-Leninist-Communist.

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