would holder/obama chase snowden if he were black

Russia is enjoying watching obama squirm and so am I. Lon Snowden, Ed's father really unloaded on the regime. He and Sean Smith's mother should join up and do a tour.

It's about time for another Snowden nugget.

According to the cons on this board, if Snowden were black, he'd be given royal treatment and become a celebrity across the nation. Obama would make him an advisor, give him an honorary membership to Islam, give him a few white slaves and so on and so on....

It's crazy that you people think that way.

According to the cons on this board, if Snowden were black, he'd be given royal treatment and become a celebrity across the nation. Obama would make him an advisor, give him an honorary membership to Islam, give him a few white slaves and so on and so on....

It's crazy that you people think that way.

As usual, you show that you have no understanding of people on the right.

Obama would only embrace Snowden if he were a liberal dishing dirt on the right. Then Obama would give the same speech he gave in the past about how whistle blowers are necessary to expose corruption in government and they should be protected when they go out on a limb to bring the truth to the people. Snowden's only crime was telling on the wrong side. And we all know it. Typical lib brings color into everything. tsk tsk
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Absolutely NOT.... Obama & Holder have already proven time and time again that only white people may be pursued. If you're black, you're above the law.

In their minds, it's "justice" for the era of slavery....

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