Would Jesus Make a Good President?


Educator (of liberals)
Nov 11, 2011
I am of several minds on this and am still mulling it over. I am interested in other opinions. Please don't just say "yes" or "no". Explain specifically what characteristics Jesus demonstrated in practice or his teaching that supports your position. I will give my answer when I reach it. :lol:
Of course not. Jesus would end every social service the government provides and urge individuals to give of their own to the needy. To the rest, it would be work or starve.
Of course not. Jesus would end every social service the government provides and urge individuals to give of their own to the needy. To the rest, it would be work or starve.

He would not let anyone 'starve'.

But, the fact remains, he's not US Born so would be ineligible. (I could add in a smart assed remark about Obama but the intellectually challenged on the left would think I was serious and misquote me).
Of course not. Jesus would end every social service the government provides and urge individuals to give of their own to the needy. To the rest, it would be work or starve.

He would not let anyone 'starve'.

But, the fact remains, he's not US Born so would be ineligible. (I could add in a smart assed remark about Obama but the intellectually challenged on the left would think I was serious and misquote me).

OK Miss California!

What if Jesus was born in America, do you think he would make a good president?

I say no, because Jesus would die for our enemiees and I consider that TREASON!
Remember the story about feeding the multitude with 5 fishes and 2 loaves of bread? So much for food stamps, social security and welfare. And all those miracles healing the sick and infirm? Medicare and Medicaid covered. Spread the gospel in Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea, no more defense spending either. Which means --- wait for it --- we don't have to soak the rich with higher taxes! Tax cuts for everybody! Gotta be a republican IMHO.
Remember the story about feeding the multitude with 5 fishes and 2 loaves of bread? So much for food stamps, social security and welfare. And all those miracles healing the sick and infirm? Medicare and Medicaid covered. Spread the gospel in Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea, no more defense spending either. Which means --- wait for it --- we don't have to soak the rich with higher taxes! Tax cuts for everybody! Gotta be a republican IMHO.

Ahhhhhh.....but recall the story in the gospels about the woman who merely touched the garment of Jesus and was healed by her faith. Jesus was not prepared and it drained him of energy and rendered him nearly unconscious. Healing that many people on a daily basis might render him so exhausted that he would be unable to focus on other matters. :lol:

Seriously though what occurs to me is that governments are an incarnation of humans and in dealing with foreign relations that means that sometimes governments must engage in practices that are quite unsavory. Would Jesus be able to do those things? I see arguments both ways. Jesus was a pacifist in a lot of ways but he wasn't above kicking ass when the time came. The money changers can attest to that.

Also I would be concerned about his cabinet selections. I mean his appointment of Judas Iscariot as Secretary of the Treasury didn't work out so well the first time around. ;)
I am of several minds on this and am still mulling it over. I am interested in other opinions. Please don't just say "yes" or "no". Explain specifically what characteristics Jesus demonstrated in practice or his teaching that supports your position. I will give my answer when I reach it. :lol:
Jesus would be a good president, because as the Lord, he has insight and already knows what is going to happen and would be the best person to prepare us for what's ahead.

Also, he does not play favorites, which means everyone would have an equal chance to have him hear them out, regardless of their party.

Also, he believes in free will, so chances are his advice to others would be to do what is best for everyone. We all know that, it's just good to hear it from the man upstairs sometimes.

You know, Blue Phantom, you are a truly gifted and communicative man. You could say this so much better than me. :eusa_angel:
Remember the story about feeding the multitude with 5 fishes and 2 loaves of bread? So much for food stamps, social security and welfare. And all those miracles healing the sick and infirm? Medicare and Medicaid covered. Spread the gospel in Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea, no more defense spending either. Which means --- wait for it --- we don't have to soak the rich with higher taxes! Tax cuts for everybody! Gotta be a republican IMHO.

Ahhhhhh.....but recall the story in the gospels about the woman who merely touched the garment of Jesus and was healed by her faith. Jesus was not prepared and it drained him of energy and rendered him nearly unconscious. Healing that many people on a daily basis might render him so exhausted that he would be unable to focus on other matters. :lol:

Seriously though what occurs to me is that governments are an incarnation of humans and in dealing with foreign relations that means that sometimes governments must engage in practices that are quite unsavory. Would Jesus be able to do those things? I see arguments both ways. Jesus was a pacifist in a lot of ways but he wasn't above kicking ass when the time came. The money changers can attest to that.

Also I would be concerned about his cabinet selections. I mean his appointment of Judas Iscariot as Secretary of the Treasury didn't work out so well the first time around. ;)

But in the Gospel According to John, Jesus is quoted as saying this:

"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do..." John 14:12.

So if Jesus is made President, we can expect a whole bunch of power given to the people to do the things he did,.

There is no evidence that Judas was anything other than a good steward of the treasury to which he was trusted. And he didn't betray Jesus for the money but I believe it was on the theory that Jesus would then be forced to out himself as the authority that he was. When that turned out so badly he was so devastated that he killed himself. An evil person. No, I don't think so. Just a badly misguided one. And given the incredible track record of others that Jesus called, I would trust him to recruit and train a cabinet anytime.

Jesus would protect and defend the children, and while he did not promote or advocate war, neither did he condemn it. In fact in his words he said there would always be war and rumors of war. Did that suggest that war was an inevitable condition of humankind? Or could it also suggest that at least some war will sometimes be necessary at least until He installs Peace on Earth?

And Jesus had a way of cutting through the crap and getting to the heart of matters, he was well educated, he was innovative, and quite intelligent.

He would not look to government as the solution for anything, but rather would look to the people to exercise compassion, good judgment, sound economic principles (including capitalism), traditional values, personal industriousness and accountability, and moral integrity to solve problems. That would be a refreshing change, yes?

I think he has better credentials to be President than a number of the people we have put into the White House. If he runs, he'll have my vote.
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I am of several minds on this and am still mulling it over. I am interested in other opinions. Please don't just say "yes" or "no". Explain specifically what characteristics Jesus demonstrated in practice or his teaching that supports your position. I will give my answer when I reach it. :lol:

If he were President, can you imagine the people waiting in line to get pardoned?

He would probably make a better Supreme Court Justice.

He would know all the answers, and save taxpayers time and trouble.

People would probably try a lot harder to resolve their own conflicts directly
rather than face public correction before a judge who already knows
what you did and did not do so you couldn't really hide or play games.

He would likely "kick all the moneychangers" out of the courts where they are selling innocence to the highest bidder, the same way the Catholic authorities sold indulgences.

We'd get rid of legal abuse real quick, if the standards were raised based on establishing real truth and justice, and not just "what can be admitted and proven in court."
Technically, He would be King, not President.

The Lord of Lords. The King of Kings.

He is already that, but his kingdom is not of this Earth, as he said, at least not yet.,

So if he inserted an interim into His earthly career by running for U.S. President, I still would vote for Him based on the platform on which I believe He would campaign and even if I did not recognize Him as who He is. I believe I would like how He would govern a whole lot.

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