Would liberals allow the Beatles to play this song on college campuses?

It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

Those are all Lennon lyrics. Get wit da program.

So admit it -- had you even ever seen or heard those lyrics I posted before you claimed they "degraded women" ?

The lack of curiosity always amazes me. With the whole of the Internet at their fingertips, it's as if they're afraid to look anything up without getting someone's permission first. :dunno:
Would conservatives allow this song to be played on College campuses?

Back in the USSR

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It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

Those are all Lennon lyrics. Get wit da program.

So admit it -- had you even ever seen or heard those lyrics I posted before you claimed they "degraded women" ?
I know those are lyrics and you know you were quoting me and aiming them toward me. So fuck off. How 'bout those lyrics.

How 'bout 'em? Still waiting for explanation on how they're "degrading"..... any ideas yet? You are making me crazy.
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It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.
Be kind, the liberals have had a rough week and all. Watching their values on parade in Mizzou is a riot
Are all the libs on here 100 year old English teachers?
ya, some dumb lib said he didn't believe my post cause I spelled some words wrong about farming. I bet he typed it with a mouth full food.
Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

Those are all Lennon lyrics. Get wit da program.

So admit it -- had you even ever seen or heard those lyrics I posted before you claimed they "degraded women" ?
I know those are lyrics and you know you were quoting me and aiming them toward me. So fuck off. How 'bout those lyrics.

How 'bout 'em? Still waiting for explanation on how they're "degrading"..... any ideas yet?

Liberals can say and do about anything and not be held accountable for it.

That's what Mark David Chapman said...
And I just said it to, so what?

Said it to whom?

Why don't you correct Pogo?
Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.
Be kind, the liberals have had a rough week and all. Watching their values on parade in Mizzou is a riot
Are all the libs on here 100 year old English teachers?
ya, some dumb lib said he didn't believe my post cause I spelled some words wrong about farming. I bet he typed it with a mouth full food.
I notice that they don't call out their own though. Only conservatives. Must be public school teachers. Lol
She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

Those are all Lennon lyrics. Get wit da program.

So admit it -- had you even ever seen or heard those lyrics I posted before you claimed they "degraded women" ?
I know those are lyrics and you know you were quoting me and aiming them toward me. So fuck off. How 'bout those lyrics.

How 'bout 'em? Still waiting for explanation on how they're "degrading"..... any ideas yet?

Liberals can say and do about anything and not be held accountable for it.

That's what Mark David Chapman said...
And I just said it to, so what?

Said it to whom?

Why don't you correct Pogo?

Pogo, he don' need no correctin'. :eusa_angel:

He's a man you must believe, helping everyone in need. :rock:
You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

Those are all Lennon lyrics. Get wit da program.

So admit it -- had you even ever seen or heard those lyrics I posted before you claimed they "degraded women" ?
I know those are lyrics and you know you were quoting me and aiming them toward me. So fuck off. How 'bout those lyrics.

How 'bout 'em? Still waiting for explanation on how they're "degrading"..... any ideas yet?

Liberals can say and do about anything and not be held accountable for it.

That's what Mark David Chapman said...
And I just said it to, so what?

Said it to whom?

Why don't you correct Pogo?

Pogo, he don' need no correctin'. :eusa_angel:

He's a man you must believe, helping everyone in need. :rock:
wrx for me.
It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

The sheer magnitude of conservative projection boggles my mind. For example, I listen to Mark Levin get worked up into a lather on the airwaves almost every night, and after several rants and raves where he goes on about some issue ad nauseam which clearly shows that he's an extremist in his views, he then SCREAMS that President Obama is an ideologue. It's patently transparent, and I can't help wonder if the guy ever listens to his own show to hear how unhinged he sounds.

But hey, try to get a sense of humor, would ya? You need one.
Try chatting and texting with people that are less than 70 years old. You might learn to be cool but I doubt it.

I didn't realize you were elderly. I'll keep that in mind going forward (though what it has to do with tyrone weaver's post is mystifying).

Why don't you correct Pogo?

What errors has he made?
I'm not elderly. You're the one that acts 90.

Pogo's posts are unintelligible.
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Try chatting and texting with people that are less than 70 years old. You might learn to be cool but I doubt it.

I didn't realize you were elderly. I'll keep that in mind going forward (though what it has to do with tyrone weaver's post is mystifying).

Why don't you correct Pogo?

What errors has he made?
I'm not elderly. You're the one that acts 90.

Pogo's posts are illegible.

I told you before -- you can't do that. Everybody seems to think I'm lazy. I don't mind; I think they're crazy.
****** of the World does not bother me. But this song by John (the Beatles were the greatest, no doubt), pretty as it may be, is one that I must say still disturbs me no matter how much it comforts others.

Imagine there is no heaven, it’s easy if you try.

A beautiful sounding song. A song whose main message is for world peace and unity. Ok.
However, it is also sending a message is that the world would be better off without any religion or God even. No heaven? Really John?

Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too.

Another strong message that religion is the primary cause for most wars. Really? Maybe it was Christians and the Christian religion that saved this world from godless Naziism and Communism? Maybe it is Christianity trying to hold off the scourge of Islam which murders and subjugates wherever it chooses? Maybe using the word “religion” to disparage the one true God and a very sacrificial religion called Christianity is the work of one who knows not what they are talking about?

Above us only sky.

How grim. It’s not a heavenly song or prayer to be sure. Why would any impoverished third world peasant feel better with no hope for a heaven after his suffering life?

Personally, I'd love to see some American evangelical Christian leader (and his one true God, of course) duke it out with some Imam (and his one true God, naturally) and leave the rest of us out of it.

As for me, I'm perfectly content to look up and see only sky. That means no gods in some supposed Heaven, or on Mount Olympus, and no chariots OF the gods, either.
"Would liberals allow the Beatles to play this song on college campuses?"

The stupidity of this speaks for itself.

It basically says women are the ******* of the world. Would that be ok to sing?

It's a John Lennon song which he wrote and recorded after the Beatles broke up.

Does anyone actually make a difference between the two?

The point I was making is that political correct speech codes might stifle a lot of free speech and it shows Lenin was a racist.

The only point being made is that the premise of this thread fails as a straw man fallacy.

‘Liberals’ have nothing to do with what is or is not ‘allowed’ on a college campus.

Moreover, there is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s an inane lie contrived by the right, representative of the contempt most conservatives have for unfettered debate in a free and democratic society.

Racists and bigots are at liberty to express their fear, ignorance, and hate with impunity in any venue they wish, including college campuses, in no way subject to the myth of ‘political correctness.’
I'm not elderly. You're the one that acts 90.

How so?

Pogo's posts are illegible.

He's using the same font as everyone else here.

Or did you mean "incomprehensible"?

"Whose is the possessive form of who (or, occasionally, which). It means "belonging to whom or which." Who's is a contraction of who is or who has. Notice the apostrophe replacing the missing letters."

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