Would liberals allow the Beatles to play this song on college campuses?

Yes, and you apparently relish in theories. (since nothing can be known as you say) It then allows one to think you are justified in sitting on the fence until they pass on. So you can hedge your bet and tell God, hey you never made anything clear to me so I just did what I felt like.

Deciding that the first thing you're told isn't necessarily all there is ain't "sitting on a fence". It's called having an open mind. If you're shopping for a car, do you just buy the first one anyone offers without considering alternatives? Of course not. No reason to here either.

Sorry. The evidence is legion. Empirical evidence, historical evidence, sound reason, and miracles… all pointing to Jesus Christ. We are all accountable, especially those of us to whom Jesus says “to whom more has been given, more will be required.” Americans have been given both the freedom to know, the freedom to flourish, and a clear message to think through what has been disseminated and demonstrated.

Ironically you're right back to the "theories" you just thought you called out. Some guy saying "the lord spoke to me in a burning bush" isn't "evidence" except perhaps of either his own power hungriness or his own insanity. Again you make no case that Theory C is any more credible than Theory B or I or J or T or any other. That's blind faith, not "evidence".

Please, do not insult me with your Hitler was a Catholic insanity. Ok? So was Stalin. I would suspect there are many who were baptized Catholics as a kid who turned out to be devils. Hitler would surely qualify. Did you know how many Tibetan occultists he employed? Judas was a Jew, too. You going to impugn Judaism now as well?

I don't know Stalin's background on that. The point is Hitler, perhaps Stalin :dunno:, the Crusades, the witch-burners, the Native American genocidists, the Atlantic slave traders and countless, literally countless wars, acts of terrorism and murders (see Roeder, Rudolph et al) have been committed in the name of Christianism. That doesn't mean Christianism DID them; it means it provided a convenient pretext. So what Lennon is saying is, without that pretext it's a lot harder to go there.

Where has the Church justified killing in its teachings? The past was not so tidy and civilized as you demand, either. As far as slavery is concerned, some ingrained ways of life take centuries or more to overcome and realize its inhumanity. This was not a Christian Church teaching. It was the civilized and advanced cultures of those times morals. Who was objecting? Only true Christians in this nation sought to outlaw it, as it were.

The Abolitionists were largely religion-based AFAIK. And so were the slave peddlers, starting with Columbus. Both of them used the same church as a "moral" base. Once again --- a crutch.

Deciding that the first thing you're told isn't necessarily all there is ain't "sitting on a fence". It's called having an open mind. If you're shopping for a car, do you just buy the first one anyone offers without considering alternatives? Of course not. No reason to here either.

A senseless retort. Or, once again, a cheap defense. After ten years of serious thought, if one is still sitting on a fence, he is a fence sitter. Open mind, hardly. More like a mind that wants to sow wild oats without accountability. IMO

Ironically you're right back to the "theories" you just thought you called out. Some guy saying "the lord spoke to me in a burning bush" isn't "evidence" except perhaps of either his own power hungriness or his own insanity. Again you make no case that Theory C is any more credible than Theory B or I or J or T or any other. That's blind faith, not "evidence".

I should stop right here. No matter what has been presented as evidence for God in history, through empirical evidence for miracles, or through reason, you are dismissing it all without a word. To you, nothing is proof or has meaning. To you, Zeus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster are just as likely. Well than that pretty much settles it. You think you have a case and I think you really have zero interest in knowing the truth.

I don't know Stalin's background on that. The point is Hitler, perhaps Stalin :dunno:, the Crusades, the witch-burners, the Native American genocidists, the Atlantic slave traders and countless, literally countless wars, acts of terrorism and murders (see Roeder, Rudolph et al) have been committed in the name of Christianism. That doesn't mean Christianism DID them; it means it provided a convenient pretext. So what Lennon is saying is, without that pretext it's a lot harder to go there.

Rather shoddy claims, IMO. Hitler demonstrated the works of the devil, not of Jesus. If he said he killed Jews because they killed Christ (I have zero idea that may have been one of his pillars?) then only a total fool or an enemy of the Catholic Church would fall for that. The Crusades were absolutely justifiable for the cause. How the soldiers and generals behaved is another matter, hardly in control of the pope or the Church. But militant, aggressive, conquering, intolerant Islam had to be stopped. The witch burnings were not what you want to believe. They were by and large the hyper imaginations of locals and villagers and devious officials. Rome did not endorse nor direct 95% or more of what really took place. Of course the numbers are exaggerated to the extreme. The Inquisition was far more honorable than the now-proven lying historians ever gave it. It was only taken upon those within the Church and not those outside the Church. It has been so maligned it would take some time to explain. Slave trading was done in the name of Christ? Oh, really? That was the pretext? This is lies and or demagoguery. The death of thousands of native Americans cannot be blamed on the Church or the clergy in the New World, by and large. Far and away it was the soldiers of the European monarchs doing the whatever you might describe. The missionaries were far better in their treatment of the natives. Again, too much to elaborate on. And what “countless wars and acts of terrorism” were done in the name of Jesus? As far as I am concerned, Christians defended the defenseless and sacrificed their own lives for good far, far, far more than ever causing the war.
It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

"Degrading" ?

Care to essplain ..... how?
For a white man to write a song about something he couldn't possible understand, like he knows, is degrading.

So you'll be castigating all of the white people mocking black people on USMB from now on? That would be a full-time job.
That rich coming from someone who's goal is to hunt down women on this board and call them stupid.

Translating: "That's rich coming from someone whose goal..." Ah, that's better.

Who is this dastardly creature? Name him, link to his posts, and together we shall smite him down!
It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.
There were hundreds of folk songs sung on college campuses during the Beatles era that encouraged violence against the federal government and when that didn't work they promoted an escape into the unreality of drug use. Nobody objected because even drugged out rock bands were covered under the free speech clause of the 1st Amendment and the liberal media made sure it was respected. All that is changed now, the druggies and anarchists who survived or fled to Canada and were pardoned by the Peanut Man are now in charge of our college campuses. Shades of George Orwell, there are actually a list of English language words that are forbidden to be uttered under penalty of expulsion on college campuses today. A couple of professors who had the courage to suggest that a Halloween costume is protected by the 1st Amendment are now on the list of the speech police and targeted for extinction. The radical trans-human lesbians and queer men have united with the "take offense over everything" racially motivated Black anarchists on college campuses and God help anyone who tries to argue with the thought police. According to former left wing radical David Horowitz, every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus in the last twenty years.Missouri professor Melissa Click said it all when she called for "some muscle" when confronted with a 1st Amendment student journalist.
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It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.
It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

Those are all Lennon lyrics. Get wit da program.

So admit it -- had you even ever seen or heard those lyrics I posted before you claimed they "degraded women" ?
Don't answer for me you fucktard.

There's one pronoun too many and one comma too few in that sentence. Or are you claiming to be the reincarnation of Stalin?
Thanks for proving my point you condescending, misogynist, jerk.

No need to overkill on the commas, either. How would you write that sentence in Cyrillic?
Lol I put them in bold to be a shit.

Mr. Grammar police.
It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.
Be kind, the liberals have had a rough week and all. Watching their values on parade in Mizzou is a riot
It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.

Those are all Lennon lyrics. Get wit da program.

So admit it -- had you even ever seen or heard those lyrics I posted before you claimed they "degraded women" ?
I know those are lyrics and you know you were quoting me and aiming them toward me. So fuck off. How 'bout those lyrics.
It's a crap song with a condescending meaning. And it's degrading to women.

Let me ask you a question, if I may.

Do you find that living is easy with your eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see?

She's so heavy. She like to be married with Yeti. You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas.

You people think you're funny but you're assholes. This is why I hate liberals.
Be kind, the liberals have had a rough week and all. Watching their values on parade in Mizzou is a riot
Are all the libs on here 100 year old English teachers?

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