Would liberals still support disrespecting our troops

It is the speech we wish the President of the United States had delivered.

Alas, it fell to an Air Force general to remind America of its values. His rank may be lower than the commander in chief's, but Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria spoke with extraordinary passion and eloquence.
Everyone in America should listen to Silveria's words; everyone, including the President.

It happened on Thursday, at the 10th Air Base Wing in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Silveria, the superintendent of the US Air Force Academy, brought together more than 5,000 students, staff and Air Force officers to tell them with electrifying clarity that prejudice, bigotry and intolerance cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.

Apples and oranges. The general was addressing personnel under his command. If the president were to address any group of American citizens in the way that this general did, regardless of point made, or side taken, people would be offended. The media would castigate and lampoon him. You realize this I am sure but it is much easier to convict on courses not taken.
jknowgood, post: 18253146
Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do.

Abortion is not murder, manslaughter use of excessive force. You cannot make it so in your hypothetical nonsense question.

Better men than you have spoken on the actual question.

Veteran Whose Photo Trump Retweeted Wants No Part In Politics Of NFL Protest

******As he drove to his job as director of development at Workshops for Warriors, a California-based non-profit that trains veterans to be certified machinists, the two-tour veteran of the Iraq War explained that while he would not personally choose to protest the anthem in that way, he disagreed with the idea that doing so was “not acceptable,” as Trump has insisted.


“I went over there and I fought for the rights and freedoms of everybody to do whatever they wanted to do in a lawful manner,” Jones said. “So if the NFL as a whole wants to protest the flag and protest America, then so be it, that’s your right.”

“Keep it peaceful, keep it respectful and I don’t care what you do,” he added.********

The NFL players have been absolutely peaceful. They have done nothing to disrupt the game from start to finish.

The Pgrabber in Chief has you stirred up over nothing.

Aren't ready to start defending Pgrabber's current shiny hate tweet. The one where he calls the woman Mayor of San Juan 'nasty' because Democrats told her to be nasty.

Trump's NFL players are SOBs tweet storm waste of time is being used against him since Puerto Rico has become Trump's Kartrina.

Haven't you got the memo issued by the Kremlin?

You are supposed to start hating ungrateful disrespectful Puerto Ricans staring now.

Little fact for you;

Catholic Church in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Catholic_Church_in_...
The CIA World Factbook reports that 85% of the population of Puerto Rico is Roman Catholic, with the remaining 15% divided among Protestantism, Islam, and Judaism.

Not a pro abortion culture. And had their lives not been destroyed by a massive hurricane they would be paying more attention to MLB than NFL.

When you sit during our national anthem, but stand for God save the queen. You disrespect our troops. When you sit during our anthem on national tv to show disrespect. You disrespect our troops. Sorry you're to stupid to see that.

You are stupid for passing of hogwash as fact.

Greater men than you do not agree with you.

*********For the commander in chief to call our citizens ‘sons of a bitches’ was totally wrong and beneath the dignity of the office.Marvin L. Boatright, U.S. Army veteran

“As a veteran, and as an African-American, we have already and we continue to serve for God and country,” Boatright said. “But you can have a love of God and country and still be against social injustice. You don’t have to separate one from the other.”

“For the commander in chief to call our citizens ‘sons of a bitches’ was totally wrong and beneath the dignity of the office that he holds,” he said about Trump’s repeated attacks against NFL players who kneel or sit during the national anthem to protest police brutality and systemic racism.********

Veteran Who Kneeled By Trump's Motorcade Explains Why Protests, Patriotism Go Hand In Hand | HuffPost

Veteran Who Kneeled By Trump’s Motorcade Explains Why Protests, Patriotism Go Hand In Hand
“The issues that affect our nation can be seen and made visible through sports,” the 60-year-old U.S. Army veteran said.

By Hayley Miller

Marvin L. Boatright, as seen from President Donald Trump’s motorcade, takes a knee while holding a folded American flag in Indianapolis, Indiana, on September 27, 2017.

Is Marvin L. Boatright a SOB for not agreeing with you and Trump?

LMAO Abortion isn't murder if it isn't murder why are you dark hearted pricks finding it so hard to figure out if a pregnant woman is killed and that baby dies, the killer gets sent up for " TWO LIVES" ..............

Man anyone fooled by the Margaret Sanger brainwashing scam are so weak minded you could be fed shit and told it's a good steak from the best cow in the world and be stupid enough to make logic of it.

you're a moron. no offense.

feel free to explain precisely how OUR TROOPS are "disrespected" by public policy protests.
Oh dear! You need an explanation? Have you ever seen a flag draped coffin? Been handed a folded flag? I have!
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081

You have to remember the far left spits on the service men and women every chance they get, started in Vietnam and continues on today. My not be an actual physical act of spitting, but they do it in many other ways, they claim is freedom speech!
you're a moron. no offense.

feel free to explain precisely how OUR TROOPS are "disrespected" by public policy protests.
Oh dear! You need an explanation? Have you ever seen a flag draped coffin? Been handed a folded flag? I have!

me too . Don't they make you sick how these leftist are. Clinton was referring to her types when the bitch said " dark heart" , they all got it.
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
Want to respect my fellow comrade in arms? Stop waging unnecessary wars for corporate profit....
Bullshit remember Kerry was for it before he was against it.

That's a cliche. I prefer to stick the facts with regard to continuation of inspections.

You must know that not even Bush understood the AUMF in October 2002 to be an approval or recommendation for invasion.

Bush said March 2003 is where he reached the final days if decision.

The inspectors were verifying disarmed Iraq peacefully. Kerry and Clinton decided the peaceful route was the way to continue.

Bush regrettably did not heed their council.

Bush decided unilaterally entirely on his own to force the inspectors out and to disarm Iraq violently and in his idiotic terms.

You can't put that blame on Kerry and Clinton unless you are just plain stupid.
Bush gave Saddam plenty of time and both Kerry and Clinton voted to go to war. No matter how you try to deny it.
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?
I was a a political forum during the Bush years on a christian site...They tried to use the ol if you don't support our president, or the war than you are Anti-American /Anti-Soldier. I see this is coming back..after they hated on Obama for 8 years..
There are many many pro-life democrats too.

Was that before or after your kind made the movie about assassinating Bush? So would you support the NFL fighting against abortion?

No it was when Cheney brought us into a corrupt war so he could make zillions off of the backs of our dead soldiers..

And the NFL can support what ever they want to..I don't care.

Your girl Hillary supported that war. Oh, and Kerry did too!

Doesn't matter, I am just pointing out how the righties used the anti-christian and anti-soldier card back then...and are trying to pull out it again now

You stand for the anthem to show your respect for the sacrifice of others. To bad you're a selfish asshole.

My dad fought in WWII over in Siapan ~ so that we can be a free country .. You cannot pick and choose what is respect for the flag and what is not. Even though I do not agree with these players , their parents or great grandparents fought or worked for the war efforts too for our freedom.


If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.
Abortion is a procedure it's not a living entity that has the ability to make decisions...If more blacks have abortions it's not because abortions are forcing black people...That is the choice made by a black person..
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.
Abortion is a procedure it's not a living entity that has the ability to make decisions...If more blacks have abortions it's not because abortions are forcing black people...That is the choice made by a black person..
Then why is planned parenthood and liberals against showing the woman an ultrasound? Maybe she would keep the child? No money in that, huh?
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081[/Q
The general's speech is the one we wish the President could make

The general's speech is the one we wish the President could make - CNN
CNN? Lol.
Let me guess where your source of misinformation is.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.

Oh sorry I forgot.. and yes I would support him kneeling for abortion.. or guns because they kill black people more than any other race..

Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.
Abortion is a procedure it's not a living entity that has the ability to make decisions...If more blacks have abortions it's not because abortions are forcing black people...That is the choice made by a black person..
Then why is planned parenthood and liberals against showing the woman an ultrasound? Maybe she would keep the child? No money in that, huh?

I worked for a group that got pregnant addicted women off the streets.. they fed them,housed them, made getting a GED mandatory, and were counseled .. many went on to have a baby not addicted to crack or heroin.

What have you done to give the baby needed things to survive once they are born? Your party thinks they should fend for themselves once they are born..
A baby is still life once it is born.
Racial inequality is a serious problem that has to be addressed.

Abortion is the law of the land and, therefore, a done deal.
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.
Abortion is a procedure it's not a living entity that has the ability to make decisions...If more blacks have abortions it's not because abortions are forcing black people...That is the choice made by a black person..
Then why is planned parenthood and liberals against showing the woman an ultrasound? Maybe she would keep the child? No money in that, huh?
I suppose, but hard decisions are made daily even with an ultrasound..This liberal would never allow my seed to be aborted. I don't destroy what I create...Except a bad piece of masonry work..More likely a carpenter task attempted..
So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089

Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.
Abortion is a procedure it's not a living entity that has the ability to make decisions...If more blacks have abortions it's not because abortions are forcing black people...That is the choice made by a black person..
Then why is planned parenthood and liberals against showing the woman an ultrasound? Maybe she would keep the child? No money in that, huh?

I worked for a group that got pregnant addicted women off the streets.. they fed them,housed them, made getting a GED mandatory, and were counseled .. many went on to have a baby not addicted to crack or heroin.

What have you done to give the baby needed things to survive once they are born? Your party thinks they should fend for themselves once they are born..
A baby is still life once it is born.
Republicans don't mind helping people that need help. The people that take advantage of the system are the ones who doesn't deserve anything.
Why in the hell are you turning this into an abortion issue... This has nothing to do with them kneeling...goofball..

The whole thread is about would you support Colin if he kneeled because abortion kills more blacks the any other race, and only one answered it. Which was a lie.
Abortion is a procedure it's not a living entity that has the ability to make decisions...If more blacks have abortions it's not because abortions are forcing black people...That is the choice made by a black person..
Then why is planned parenthood and liberals against showing the woman an ultrasound? Maybe she would keep the child? No money in that, huh?

I worked for a group that got pregnant addicted women off the streets.. they fed them,housed them, made getting a GED mandatory, and were counseled .. many went on to have a baby not addicted to crack or heroin.

What have you done to give the baby needed things to survive once they are born? Your party thinks they should fend for themselves once they are born..
A baby is still life once it is born.
Republicans don't mind helping people that need help. The people that take advantage of the system are the ones who doesn't deserve anything.
That is true with all, not just republicans...In this world there are doers and takers..Nothing new...It has nothing to do with being in one political party of the other..

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