Would liberals still support disrespecting our troops

So was slavery, a civilized society changed the law of the land. Science will soon prove that abortion is murder. If you kill a pregnant woman you get tried for two murders. Why is that, if the fetus isn't a human?View attachment 152089
I have no opinion on abortion whatsoever. I don't have babies. It's not my call. It's not my dance. It is a non-issue in my world.
jknowgood, post: 18253146
Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do.

Abortion is not murder, manslaughter use of excessive force. You cannot make it so in your hypothetical nonsense question.

Better men than you have spoken on the actual question.

Veteran Whose Photo Trump Retweeted Wants No Part In Politics Of NFL Protest

******As he drove to his job as director of development at Workshops for Warriors, a California-based non-profit that trains veterans to be certified machinists, the two-tour veteran of the Iraq War explained that while he would not personally choose to protest the anthem in that way, he disagreed with the idea that doing so was “not acceptable,” as Trump has insisted.


“I went over there and I fought for the rights and freedoms of everybody to do whatever they wanted to do in a lawful manner,” Jones said. “So if the NFL as a whole wants to protest the flag and protest America, then so be it, that’s your right.”

“Keep it peaceful, keep it respectful and I don’t care what you do,” he added.********

The NFL players have been absolutely peaceful. They have done nothing to disrupt the game from start to finish.

The Pgrabber in Chief has you stirred up over nothing.

Aren't ready to start defending Pgrabber's current shiny hate tweet. The one where he calls the woman Mayor of San Juan 'nasty' because Democrats told her to be nasty.

Trump's NFL players are SOBs tweet storm waste of time is being used against him since Puerto Rico has become Trump's Kartrina.

Haven't you got the memo issued by the Kremlin?

You are supposed to start hating ungrateful disrespectful Puerto Ricans staring now.

Little fact for you;

Catholic Church in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Catholic_Church_in_...
The CIA World Factbook reports that 85% of the population of Puerto Rico is Roman Catholic, with the remaining 15% divided among Protestantism, Islam, and Judaism.

Not a pro abortion culture. And had their lives not been destroyed by a massive hurricane they would be paying more attention to MLB than NFL.
Then why can someone be tried for two murders, if they kill a pregnant woman?

because constitutional rulings have rightfully distinguished between circumstances.

VERY simple legal distinction, if you aren't an emo moron.
jknowgood, post: 18253146
Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do.

Abortion is not murder, manslaughter use of excessive force. You cannot make it so in your hypothetical nonsense question.

Better men than you have spoken on the actual question.

Veteran Whose Photo Trump Retweeted Wants No Part In Politics Of NFL Protest

******As he drove to his job as director of development at Workshops for Warriors, a California-based non-profit that trains veterans to be certified machinists, the two-tour veteran of the Iraq War explained that while he would not personally choose to protest the anthem in that way, he disagreed with the idea that doing so was “not acceptable,” as Trump has insisted.


“I went over there and I fought for the rights and freedoms of everybody to do whatever they wanted to do in a lawful manner,” Jones said. “So if the NFL as a whole wants to protest the flag and protest America, then so be it, that’s your right.”

“Keep it peaceful, keep it respectful and I don’t care what you do,” he added.********

The NFL players have been absolutely peaceful. They have done nothing to disrupt the game from start to finish.

The Pgrabber in Chief has you stirred up over nothing.

Aren't ready to start defending Pgrabber's current shiny hate tweet. The one where he calls the woman Mayor of San Juan 'nasty' because Democrats told her to be nasty.

Trump's NFL players are SOBs tweet storm waste of time is being used against him since Puerto Rico has become Trump's Kartrina.

Haven't you got the memo issued by the Kremlin?

You are supposed to start hating ungrateful disrespectful Puerto Ricans staring now.

Little fact for you;

Catholic Church in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Catholic_Church_in_...
The CIA World Factbook reports that 85% of the population of Puerto Rico is Roman Catholic, with the remaining 15% divided among Protestantism, Islam, and Judaism.

Not a pro abortion culture. And had their lives not been destroyed by a massive hurricane they would be paying more attention to MLB than NFL.
Then why can someone be tried for two murders, if they kill a pregnant woman?

because constitutional rulings have rightfully distinguished between circumstances.

VERY simple legal distinction, if you aren't an emo moron.
So a fetus is a baby, when you want it too?
Why must white people, always always deflect the misery of minorities and not only make it about them, but about the cops, the soldiers, the fuckin flag, the country....you name a patriotic excuse, white people run to it.
And these are the same Flag loving, country first motherfuckers, that elected the most racist, divisive leader in US History, Donald J Trump....the guy who didn't give a rats fuck about the white house or this country, the flag, anything while Obama was in the white house. Who spent every waking hour of his life, pushing the Obama birther bullshit....but now that this bitch is in the white house, you attack him, like he did Obama or protest in any form.....your denigrating the country, the cops, the soldiers....for the last fuckin time, white people, the fuckin world do not revolve around you maggot eating fucks!!
you're a moron. no offense.

feel free to explain precisely how OUR TROOPS are "disrespected" by public policy protests.
When you sit during our national anthem, but stand for God save the queen. You disrespect our troops. When you sit during our anthem on national tv to show disrespect. You disrespect our troops. Sorry you're to stupid to see that. So, you would think the same if the NFL went after abortion?View attachment 152082 View attachment 152082
She also deserved the respect of all American's.

Never ever underestimate just how vile @jknogood really is. You always post that you have no clue about the US Constitution and now you're pretending you give a damn about military families? Start a thread about food stamps and see how fast you say they should be cut.

Pick a subject and stick to it.
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
If our troops are being disrespected by anything...it's by those trying to tell that we are disrespected when we are not.
you're a moron. no offense.

feel free to explain precisely how OUR TROOPS are "disrespected" by public policy protests.
When you sit during our national anthem, but stand for God save the queen. You disrespect our troops. When you sit during our anthem on national tv to show disrespect. You disrespect our troops. Sorry you're to stupid to see that. So, you would think the same if the NFL went after abortion?View attachment 152082 View attachment 152082
She also deserved the respect of all American's.
And I'm sure she appreciates her grief being used by you.
I was a a political forum during the Bush years on a christian site...They tried to use the ol if you don't support our president, or the war than you are Anti-American /Anti-Soldier. I see this is coming back..after they hated on Obama for 8 years..
There are many many pro-life democrats too.

Was that before or after your kind made the movie about assassinating Bush? So would you support the NFL fighting against abortion?
Ah...I guess you forgot that movie was not made in the U.S. and the plot points out that the assassination was a tragedy.
emo appeals are soooo emo
So would you be as supportive about the NFL protesting abortion? I mean a few years back in New York, more black babies were aborted. Than were born, if you really wanted to save black lives. Seems you would want something done about it. You don't, because you're a hypocrite.
It's a total shame that someone rounded up all those black pregnant women and MADE THEM get abortions, isn't it?
the troops are telling you they are not offended. they are offended by the assertion that they should be.

why do you continue to offend the troops by using them in your partisan false narrative.?
I personally know several veterans and they aren't happy with this show of disrespect. You see they have been to war and risked their lives for our freedoms. If you cannot stand to show respect to them all, then you should move.
I personally AM a veteran and, naturally, hang out with many veterans and they aren't happy with non-serving snowflakes like you trying to tell us what we are offended by. But we will talk about it again while we sit around and watch the games today.
you're a moron. no offense.

feel free to explain precisely how OUR TROOPS are "disrespected" by public policy protests.
When you sit during our national anthem, but stand for God save the queen. You disrespect our troops. When you sit during our anthem on national tv to show disrespect. You disrespect our troops. Sorry you're to stupid to see that. So, you would think the same if the NFL went after abortion?View attachment 152082 View attachment 152082
She also deserved the respect of all American's.

Never ever underestimate just how vile @jknogood really is. You always post that you have no clue about the US Constitution and now you're pretending you give a damn about military families? Start a thread about food stamps and see how fast you say they should be cut.

Pick a subject and stick to it.
Just because I want people to be successful. Oh and thanks to Trump food stamp recipients are down. After Obama's record of food participants. At least I don't support anything anti-American, like sitting for the anthem.
you're a moron. no offense.

feel free to explain precisely how OUR TROOPS are "disrespected" by public policy protests.

If anything, its just the opposite.

"Our troops" fight for our rights, including the right to protest.
If Colin keeled during the athem, to end abortion? Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do. Tell me liberals, if he did this. Would you still claim his first amendment right?View attachment 152081
If our troops are being disrespected by anything...it's by those trying to tell that we are disrespected when we are not.
Sitting during our national anthem is a sure sign of disrespect and liberals are defending it.
you're a moron. no offense.

feel free to explain precisely how OUR TROOPS are "disrespected" by public policy protests.
When you sit during our national anthem, but stand for God save the queen. You disrespect our troops. When you sit during our anthem on national tv to show disrespect. You disrespect our troops. Sorry you're to stupid to see that. So, you would think the same if the NFL went after abortion?View attachment 152082 View attachment 152082
She also deserved the respect of all American's.
And I'm sure she appreciates her grief being used by you.

Tell that to her.
emo appeals are soooo emo
So would you be as supportive about the NFL protesting abortion? I mean a few years back in New York, more black babies were aborted. Than were born, if you really wanted to save black lives. Seems you would want something done about it. You don't, because you're a hypocrite.
It's a total shame that someone rounded up all those black pregnant women and MADE THEM get abortions, isn't it?

Liberals definitely don't try to stop them.
jknowgood, post: 18253146
Since abortion kills way more blacks than any cop could dream to do.

Abortion is not murder, manslaughter use of excessive force. You cannot make it so in your hypothetical nonsense question.

Better men than you have spoken on the actual question.

Veteran Whose Photo Trump Retweeted Wants No Part In Politics Of NFL Protest

******As he drove to his job as director of development at Workshops for Warriors, a California-based non-profit that trains veterans to be certified machinists, the two-tour veteran of the Iraq War explained that while he would not personally choose to protest the anthem in that way, he disagreed with the idea that doing so was “not acceptable,” as Trump has insisted.


“I went over there and I fought for the rights and freedoms of everybody to do whatever they wanted to do in a lawful manner,” Jones said. “So if the NFL as a whole wants to protest the flag and protest America, then so be it, that’s your right.”

“Keep it peaceful, keep it respectful and I don’t care what you do,” he added.********

The NFL players have been absolutely peaceful. They have done nothing to disrupt the game from start to finish.

The Pgrabber in Chief has you stirred up over nothing.

Aren't ready to start defending Pgrabber's current shiny hate tweet. The one where he calls the woman Mayor of San Juan 'nasty' because Democrats told her to be nasty.

Trump's NFL players are SOBs tweet storm waste of time is being used against him since Puerto Rico has become Trump's Kartrina.

Haven't you got the memo issued by the Kremlin?

You are supposed to start hating ungrateful disrespectful Puerto Ricans staring now.

Little fact for you;

Catholic Church in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Catholic_Church_in_...
The CIA World Factbook reports that 85% of the population of Puerto Rico is Roman Catholic, with the remaining 15% divided among Protestantism, Islam, and Judaism.

Not a pro abortion culture. And had their lives not been destroyed by a massive hurricane they would be paying more attention to MLB than NFL.
Then why can someone be tried for two murders, if they kill a pregnant woman?

because constitutional rulings have rightfully distinguished between circumstances.

VERY simple legal distinction, if you aren't an emo moron.
So a fetus is a baby, when you want it too?
Take home all the fetus' you want.

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