Would President Trump Create An American Gestapo?

are you aware that the actual Pres wanted his own police force?
are you aware that the actual first lady asked kids to snitch on their parents?

yes you are aware

but Trump says it and you lose your hypocritical mind.

Got links to back up these allegations?

No....they never do. They get their news from FOX News and the bible. That's why every time they utter a thought people laugh out loud!
He asked and I gave him the links.

Did you know that fdr put innocent children in prison camps?

Yeah, and President Reagan offered a formal apology and reparations. Haven't we evolved at least a little since then?
blithering idiot blithers on and on.

fdr is ranked in the top 5 all time best Presidents by leftist academics.

so no, you have not evolved, you have devolved, you find actual evil to be acceptable but find words to mean so much more.

you're useless, and less than human

Lefties aren't the ones talking about banning/persecuting Mexicans and Muslims.
Got links to back up these allegations?

No....they never do. They get their news from FOX News and the bible. That's why every time they utter a thought people laugh out loud!
He asked and I gave him the links.

Did you know that fdr put innocent children in prison camps?

Yeah, and President Reagan offered a formal apology and reparations. Haven't we evolved at least a little since then?
blithering idiot blithers on and on.

fdr is ranked in the top 5 all time best Presidents by leftist academics.

so no, you have not evolved, you have devolved, you find actual evil to be acceptable but find words to mean so much more.

you're useless, and less than human

Lefties aren't the ones talking about banning/persecuting Mexicans and Muslims.
so what your saying is, making a stand against criminals to protect you is wrong.
preventing terrorist from coming in and killing you is wrong.

This is how dumb you are, you would be ok with being raped and killed to allow criminals to roam and to let terrorist in so you don't offend anyone by doing the right and legal thing.

on a scale of 1 - potato

how dumb are you
No....they never do. They get their news from FOX News and the bible. That's why every time they utter a thought people laugh out loud!
He asked and I gave him the links.

Did you know that fdr put innocent children in prison camps?

Yeah, and President Reagan offered a formal apology and reparations. Haven't we evolved at least a little since then?
blithering idiot blithers on and on.

fdr is ranked in the top 5 all time best Presidents by leftist academics.

so no, you have not evolved, you have devolved, you find actual evil to be acceptable but find words to mean so much more.

you're useless, and less than human

Lefties aren't the ones talking about banning/persecuting Mexicans and Muslims.
so what your saying is, making a stand against criminals to protect you is wrong.
preventing terrorist from coming in and killing you is wrong.

This is how dumb you are, you would be ok with being raped and killed to allow criminals to roam and to let terrorist in so you don't offend anyone by doing the right and legal thing.

on a scale of 1 - potato

how dumb are you

Democrats support Obama's refusal to follow the laws of the land on immigration. Basically, it's okay to break the law if the, "Party" gets the votes and working Americans are stuck with the bill. Traitor loving, lawlessness and their phony race card for votes is the bottom line for Democrats.

It is interesting that all generational ghetto's in the United States are under Democratic Party control.
He asked and I gave him the links.

Did you know that fdr put innocent children in prison camps?

Yeah, and President Reagan offered a formal apology and reparations. Haven't we evolved at least a little since then?
blithering idiot blithers on and on.

fdr is ranked in the top 5 all time best Presidents by leftist academics.

so no, you have not evolved, you have devolved, you find actual evil to be acceptable but find words to mean so much more.

you're useless, and less than human

Lefties aren't the ones talking about banning/persecuting Mexicans and Muslims.
so what your saying is, making a stand against criminals to protect you is wrong.
preventing terrorist from coming in and killing you is wrong.

This is how dumb you are, you would be ok with being raped and killed to allow criminals to roam and to let terrorist in so you don't offend anyone by doing the right and legal thing.

on a scale of 1 - potato

how dumb are you

Democrats support Obama's refusal to follow the laws of the land on immigration. Basically, it's okay to break the law if the, "Party" gets the votes and working Americans are stuck with the bill. Traitor loving, lawlessness and their phony race card for votes is the bottom line for Democrats.

It is interesting that all generational ghetto's in the United States are under Democratic Party control.
the control of ghettos is by design, it has to be or, well;

shittiest schools are in poor black hoods
dems demand more money and get 3x inflation to make it better
but the schools still suck and have sucked for decades
so what do kids with a shit edu do?
drop out, b/c what's the point
finish for the free food and at least you have the diploma, for all it's worth
females, seeing they have no future get knocked up and go on the system, get 4 kids and get the max welfare as long as they are under 18
don't get married b/c that means less money from welfare

yes, that's on purpose, the system pushes women to be single and not have a father around.
so the kids grow up knowing their mother is a whore and have no father to look up to.

men with no future turn to crime

with no one showing the kids how to break the cycle, the cycle continues, just like dems want.
Uhhhhh, Trump was talking about San Bernardino and the fact that two of Farook's neighbors had suspicions about him but failed to alert authorities because they didn't want to engage in "racial profiling." And as a result 14 people ended up dead.

Maybe you live on a different planet, but here in the USA on planet Earth, there are signs in many key locations that say "If you see something, say something." Those signs were put up by Obama's Department of Homeland Security.
Barry Hussein's A.G. threatened to use the power of the federal government to punish any citizen who is guilty of insulting a Muslem. Which party sounds like the Gestapo? We are living under the Gestapo.

Obama Administration Says Anti-Muslim ‘Hate Speech’ Can be Punished

In May one of Obama’s U.S. attorneys in Tennessee said that Americans who spoke against Islam could be prosecuted.

(See also: Rand Paul: Obama Is Ignoring The “Worldwide War On Christianity”)

Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, said that inflammatory material against Islam might be a violation of federal civil rights laws. Such a violation could bring the federal government down on those opposing Islam here in the US.

As reported by The Tullahoma News, Killian and the FBI’s Kenneth Moore hosted a “Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” to “help” the community learn how anti-Islam speech could land an American before authorities.

“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian told the paper. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”

This is what Adolf Trump really means.
Oh please.

Fear, that is what they run on.
are you aware that the actual Pres wanted his own police force?
are you aware that the actual first lady asked kids to snitch on their parents?

yes you are aware

but Trump says it and you lose your hypocritical mind.

Got links to back up these allegations?

No....they never do. They get their news from FOX News and the bible. That's why every time they utter a thought people laugh out loud!
He asked and I gave him the links.

Did you know that fdr put innocent children in prison camps?

Yeah, and President Reagan offered a formal apology and reparations. Haven't we evolved at least a little since then?

Ha, the Right apologizing for what the left had done, typical. And no you have not evolved since then. You still lie and smear your political, or ethnic opponents.
are you aware that the actual Pres wanted his own police force?
are you aware that the actual first lady asked kids to snitch on their parents?

yes you are aware

but Trump says it and you lose your hypocritical mind.

Got links to back up these allegations?

No....they never do. They get their news from FOX News and the bible. That's why every time they utter a thought people laugh out loud!
He asked and I gave him the links.

Did you know that fdr put innocent children in prison camps?

Yeah, and President Reagan offered a formal apology and reparations. Haven't we evolved at least a little since then?
blithering idiot blithers on and on.

fdr is ranked in the top 5 all time best Presidents by leftist academics.

so no, you have not evolved, you have devolved, you find actual evil to be acceptable but find words to mean so much more.

you're useless, and less than human

The left took FDR to heart. They do not fear, fear, they embrace fear and use it as their political tool.
Lies on top of lies.
A fake quote from a fake book.
Hitler's 1938 German Weapons Act actually made it easier for non-Jews to get guns.

The actual quote was:

“To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens by re-inventing their collective memory of the past,”
-George Goebbels

Like everything from the worthless lying scum Right it is an out of context edited lie.
The Right is sure as hell doing that.

You condemn the right for a quote that may not be exactly what Hitler said, but does represent a sentiment. but have nothing to say about the OP's cartoon misrepresentation of the facts? Really, do you see how hypocritical is your behavior?

Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

Donald Trump said Tuesday during a campaign stop in South Carolina that Americans should inform on each other and denounce their neighbors to the authorities:

“People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police.

“You’re pretty smart, right? We know if there’s something going on, report them. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK.

“That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way. You’ve got to do it. You’ve got to do it.”

You’ve got to do it. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK.

Does Trump know that as a recent book about Nazi Germany’ Gestapo (Secret State Police) tells us, “The Gestapo was not bound by any legal or administrative accountability or burden of proof.”

Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

The jokes need to stop. The memes need to die. Trump is not a punch line anymore. He is talking about dangerous things and needs to be stopped.

Trump Wants To Create An American Gestapo Called A 'Deportation Force'

Trump's rhetoric is scary and reminiscent of old Nazi Germany. He is clearly telling us who he is - so voters would have no excuse for buyer's remorse if they send him to the White House. Pay attention.

"Would President Trump Create An American Gestapo?"

He would probably just carry on Obamas' policy of using the IRS.


Hilary already has one......private detectives at her beck and call and that will be expanded....
Got links to back up these allegations?

No....they never do. They get their news from FOX News and the bible. That's why every time they utter a thought people laugh out loud!
He asked and I gave him the links.

Did you know that fdr put innocent children in prison camps?

Yeah, and President Reagan offered a formal apology and reparations. Haven't we evolved at least a little since then?
blithering idiot blithers on and on.

fdr is ranked in the top 5 all time best Presidents by leftist academics.

so no, you have not evolved, you have devolved, you find actual evil to be acceptable but find words to mean so much more.

you're useless, and less than human

Lefties aren't the ones talking about banning/persecuting Mexicans and Muslims.

Neither are the righties. that is just the lefties political talk.
The right wants to protect our citizens and boarders.
It has nothing to do with banning or persecution of anybody.
One only need read these message boards to understand how Hitler gained power.

Hitler's policies were much closer to liberal policies than to conservative ones.

The Nazis were the ultra-conservatives in Germany. Cons in the US like to spin this with the 'well it was called national socialism'. Hitler intentionally called it that to fool people because he knew that is what they wanted to hear.

They were the arch-conservatives of Germany. Compare policies and propaganda with today's conservatives and it is almost a word for word match.

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