Would such a movie appeal to a mainstream American audience?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014

Would a space opera set in our own universe where humanity has united under freedom and democracy as well as developed FTL space travel and become part of an intergalactic community rather than a fantasy universe like Star Wars appeal to a mainstream audience or would they consider such a future ridiculous since they believe humanity would destroy itself or Jesus would arrive before such a future can be achieved?

Considering how much Americans love the military I think American TV and movie viewers would love Commander Shepard who is basically an American soldier in space.

The American movie goers would love it.

It is Hollywood that can't wrap it's mind around it.

BTW, the rest of the non-American movie goers would be mostly be able to deal with it too, if it was done at all well.

Would a space opera set in our own universe where humanity has united under freedom and democracy as well as developed FTL space travel and become part of an intergalactic community rather than a fantasy universe like Star Wars appeal to a mainstream audience or would they consider such a future ridiculous since they believe humanity would destroy itself or Jesus would arrive before such a future can be achieved?

Considering how much Americans love the military I think American TV and movie viewers would love Commander Shepard who is basically an American soldier in space.


This one wouldn't be the least bit interested. Yet another desperate shoot-em-up fantasy about testosterone poisoning augmented by subwoofered pseudodrama music? Fucking lame. it's exactly why I don't do movies -- I can get my intelligence insulted right here.

However if the question is "will it sell", sure. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Order them to see it through the boob tube and they'll obey, bleating like sheep all the way to the ticket line and piss away a perfectly good evening.
With a black hero you'd have to racist not to buy a ticket.......

Ask any "progressive".

Would a space opera set in our own universe where humanity has united under freedom and democracy as well as developed FTL space travel and become part of an intergalactic community rather than a fantasy universe like Star Wars appeal to a mainstream audience or would they consider such a future ridiculous since they believe humanity would destroy itself or Jesus would arrive before such a future can be achieved?

Considering how much Americans love the military I think American TV and movie viewers would love Commander Shepard who is basically an American soldier in space.


Yes, it's called Star Trek and the United Federation of Planets. Very popular television series and movie franchise.


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