Would the KKK cheer for the Birmingham ******* Football team?

So let's have an NFL team called the Ogden Toothless Religious Hilljacks, or the Tupelo Bible-Thumpers, or the Corpus Christi White Trash.

Since it's not offensive to everyone, only to some.

Gee, I wonder why you don't say anything about the lingerie football leagues... I would think that would be seen as misogynist by a liberal like you.
Let's see: NASCAR fans watch billboards go in circles, Christians think that there's an invisible man in the sky, and Southerners killed hundreds of thousands of Americans in order to keep slavery in the Land of the Free, so yes, those three groups of humans deserve derision and ridicule.

As for Teabaggers, they hid behind unarmed volunteer human shields with loaded rifles in defense of a racist criminal and threatened violence against American law enforcement agents who were enforcing American laws, so again, that is a group that deserves to be labeled as a traitorous terrorist organization. Who are the hard-right religious fanatics who threaten violence to get their way? The American Taliban.

Please tell us how much Republicans care about other people's feelings. You know, the Republicans who lied to invade a country and torture POWs in secret prisons. Compassionate Christian Conservatives. They love everyone equally, right?
So let's have an NFL team called the Ogden Toothless Religious Hilljacks, or the Tupelo Bible-Thumpers, or the Corpus Christi White Trash.

Since it's not offensive to everyone, only to some.
Gee, I wonder why you don't say anything about the lingerie football leagues... I would think that would be seen as misogynist by a liberal like you.
Maybe because lingerie football doesn't matter? A lingerie football league has millions of fewer viewers than the NFL, so its influence is exponentially less. Only racists don't have a problem with racist team mascots.

And ultimately, this entire debate is idiotic since we still have to deal with the much more important issue of prosecuting Bush and Obama for war crimes.
Just go into any redneck bar on a Sunday in the fall and you'll pretty much see that going on already.
No, you're right. Considering that the great white Founders of the US wrote of Native Americans in the US Declaration of Independence as "merciless Indian savages", it's safe to say that white people don't see anything wrong with the term "redskins". Just like white people also don't know what's racist about the term "******", "****", "****", "wop", "limey" or "frog", but for some reason they get irate over the term, "stupid inbred Southern Confederate white trash".

So your complaint isn't really about the name, it's mostly about white people and the south and you're just using this as an excuse so you can make disparaging comments.

Ok..Now that we're clear on what your real purpose is.

You really just don't understand, huh? Or do you just not want to understand?

I understand very well..You've derailed the conversation so you could lie about the south, southerners and the war of northern aggression.


Couldn't wait to get that in, could you?
Are you another one of those latent homosexuals that use that word to describe tea party members?

Couldn't wait to get that one in, could you? "racists" LMAO...

"racists" = "white people", right?

who think that the Civil War was a "northern war of aggression" have entirely missed real history.

No. Read something besides jr. high school "history".

The north sent troops and ships into Charleston to reinforce fort sumter after the south seceded. An invasion of a sovereign nation.
Patriots always fight against invaders.

Yes, a whole bunch of American died

We know. Thanks.

then and all of those deaths could have been avoided if the Confederacy could have thought like real people
Oh, another insult to southerners... We get it...you aren't a southerner and you believe everything you were told about the war being over "slavery".

and given their slaves the basic human freedom that this country was supposed to give them at least 150 years before when the Constitution was signed.

Your math is a little fuzzy. The Constitution was signed in 1787. The war of northern aggression ended in 1864...ummm that's less than 150 years...But we know how northern revisionists like to exaggerate (lie).

Everyone knew slavery was a dying practice.

Slaves were imported for over a hundred years under the flag of britain...slaves were imported for about a hundred years under the flag of the United States.

Slaves were imported for less than 4 years under the flag of the confederacy....but you've been taught that the south are the "bad guys".

"All men are created equal"

White men.

doesn't mean "except for blacks, Mexicans, Chinese and merciless Indian savages",

It refers to the people who founded this country..and there were no negroes, mexicans, chinese or indians involved.
You're using todays standards to measure past actions. Intellectually dishonest. No surprise, though.

so shove your racist football team mascot up your proud Confederate ass.

It doesn't really matter what they call themselves because the team sucks anyway.

I believe they have a "black" quarterback, don't they? :badgrin:

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