Would the KKK cheer for the Birmingham ******* Football team?

Find a single Redskins fan who even knows a Native American. I bet you can't.

Some other racial bullshit that I want to bring up is the fact that the Confederacy lost. They lost and the South, like Jesus, is not going to rise again.

I am 25% Native American, Blackfoot to be specific...I love the Redskins and Jesus will rise again.
Ooh! 25% Blackfoot? That's something. I don't know what it is, but it's something. What is your spirit animal? The US dollar? My great-great-grandmother on my father's side was 100% Blackfoot so what does that make me? Am I qualified to talk about this ridiculous subject now?

And no, Jesus isn't coming back except for in a short story that I wrote. Archeologists found the Spear of Destiny and were able to remove a sample of Jesus' DNA from the blood. From that DNA, a Jesus clone was created and a volunteer virgin was artificially inseminated. But there was a complication during the pregnancy and sonograms showed that the fetus was horribly mutated. He was still Jesus but with a disfigured jaw, an eye on the side of his head and clubbed feet. The debate became whether or not to abort the procedure and try again.

That's not any more offensive than calling a national football team the "redskins".
Those words are English but those sentences don't make any sense.

That's twice now that you've had trouble comprehending the English language...

I'd explain it to you, but I have a feeling you wouldn't understand smaller words either.
Those words are English but those sentences don't make any sense.

That's twice now that you've had trouble comprehending the English language...

I'd explain it to you, but I have a feeling you wouldn't understand smaller words either.
Please, Mr. Wonka, explain the world to me.

I don't have the time...and you don't have the brain cells.
Find a single Redskins fan who even knows a Native American. I bet you can't.

Some other racial bullshit that I want to bring up is the fact that the Confederacy lost. They lost and the South, like Jesus, is not going to rise again.

How is the south losing the war of northern aggression "racist"?
I admit that I don't have any fucking clue about what the fuck you're talking about. Who the hell is Chief Arthur? "Billionaire Chief Arthur is playing in the PGA tour." What the fuck does that mean?

It's a football team that you don't own stock in. Why do you care what they call themselves? Normal people have said for at least 300 years now that the word "redskin" is offensive to the half a dozen or so Native Americans left alive by the glorious white man's manifested destiny. It's about damn time that they changed their name.
SHOW proof of people for at least 300 year have said the redskin word is offensive
asshole either put up or shut up

No, you're right. Considering that the great white Founders of the US wrote of Native Americans in the US Declaration of Independence as "merciless Indian savages", it's safe to say that white people don't see anything wrong with the term "redskins". Just like white people also don't know what's racist about the term "******", "****", "****", "wop", "limey" or "frog", but for some reason they get irate over the term, "stupid inbred Southern Confederate white trash".

So your complaint isn't really about the name, it's mostly about white people and the south and you're just using this as an excuse so you can make disparaging comments.

Ok..Now that we're clear on what your real purpose is.
Find a single Redskins fan who even knows a Native American. I bet you can't.

Some other racial bullshit that I want to bring up is the fact that the Confederacy lost. They lost and the South, like Jesus, is not going to rise again.

My mother was a Cherokee. I have never found the name offensive, but some Indians do. Change it.
SHOW proof of people for at least 300 year have said the redskin word is offensive
asshole either put up or shut up

No, you're right. Considering that the great white Founders of the US wrote of Native Americans in the US Declaration of Independence as "merciless Indian savages", it's safe to say that white people don't see anything wrong with the term "redskins". Just like white people also don't know what's racist about the term "******", "****", "****", "wop", "limey" or "frog", but for some reason they get irate over the term, "stupid inbred Southern Confederate white trash".

So your complaint isn't really about the name, it's mostly about white people and the south and you're just using this as an excuse so you can make disparaging comments.

Ok..Now that we're clear on what your real purpose is.
You really just don't understand, huh? Or do you just not want to understand? Teabagger racists who think that the Civil War was a "northern war of aggression" have entirely missed real history. Yes, a whole bunch of American died then and all of those deaths could have been avoided if the Confederacy could have thought like real people and given their slaves the basic human freedom that this country was supposed to give them at least 150 years before when the Constitution was signed.

"All men are created equal" doesn't mean "except for blacks, Mexicans, Chinese and merciless Indian savages", so shove your racist football team mascot up your proud Confederate ass. It doesn't really matter what they call themselves because the team sucks anyway.
The Indians are a failed people, lets get rid of all that represents them.
The Indians are a failed people, lets get rid of all that represents them.

Excuse me? The country you see here before you is built on the backs, the blood of my people. Our ancestors were driven from their homes and their livelihoods so the pale skinned men could settle on their lands. Now, they are cooped up in reservations.

Get rid of them? Without them this country has no history, no foundation. I demand you take back that post at once. Being one quarter Cherokee Indian, I take great umbrage with that remark. We were a prosperous people until the Englishmen came along and brought diseases in their wakes. We failed because we were decimated, conquered, subjugated.

Find a single Redskins fan who even knows a Native American. I bet you can't.

Some other racial bullshit that I want to bring up is the fact that the Confederacy lost. They lost and the South, like Jesus, is not going to rise again.

My mother was a Cherokee. I have never found the name offensive, but some Indians do. Change it.

Some. Not all. Not even me. So, you say the 'some' should speak for the 'all', eh?

Leave them alone.
So let's have an NFL team called the Ogden Toothless Religious Hilljacks, or the Tupelo Bible-Thumpers, or the Corpus Christi White Trash.

Since it's not offensive to everyone, only to some.
I'm laughing here because yet another liberal has lost the point because they saw forbidden words and it prevented any understanding of the nuance of what was said. Obama should be doing a lot more important things, but for some reason he has become obsessed with labeling a team as racist.

Why are liberals always going out of their way to be offended by things and then assuming that others see things the way they do? Polls show most Native Americans are perfectly okay with the Redskins name. If liberals don't like it, too fucking bad. Liberals don't ever let up on southerners, Christians or Nascar fans. They are still as brutal as ever to those they don't consider supporters. It's their vile behavior and name calling of their opponents that lead me to believe that they all aren't really that easily offended. Well, unless it's just a matter of being able to dish it out, but not being able to take it.

Anyone sensitive enough to be upset at a mere name would not have it in them to viciously attack the tea party by calling them teabaggers or always using vile language toward anyone else that has differing political views.

I suspect some liberals are just fake and full of shit. When I see Reid or some of the lib big mouths, like Maddow, ripping into some Republican, I know they have no class or concern for anyone's feelings. The most vulgar language has come from the left so they can stop pretending to care about people's feelings. They are usually the ones spewing the venom.
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No. Because they HATE black people.

Someone should do a poll of how many Redskins fans hate Native Americans. They'll get a BIG OL' MOTHERFUCKIN ZIPPO!!!

But Chief Arthur needs to play in the PGA tour and increase his billion dollar fortune. So the pussies of America are lining up to suck his tiny Tony Romo-like penis.

Hail to the REDSKINS you assholes. :321:

The KKK would be offended by the Chicago White Sox though.

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