Would there be a special prosecutor?

Would we have special prosecutor?

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Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
No. They don’t usually go after losers.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.

So is the realization that Trump's crime syndicate is starting to fall apart.
This week saw the first member of his campaign (the so-called "best people") admit in court to embezzlement and money laundering.
More indictments and convictions to follow. Stay tuned. I've got the popcorn and I'm willing to share.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.

So is the realization that Trump's crime syndicate is starting to fall apart.
This week saw the first member of his campaign (the so-called "best people") admit in court to embezzlement and money laundering.
More indictments and convictions to follow. Stay tuned. I've got the popcorn and I'm willing to share.

Keep grasping at straws. Manafort may have some tax issues, that is a long way from anything on Trump. You turkeys take the cake that is for sure.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.

So is the realization that Trump's crime syndicate is starting to fall apart.
This week saw the first member of his campaign (the so-called "best people") admit in court to embezzlement and money laundering.
More indictments and convictions to follow. Stay tuned. I've got the popcorn and I'm willing to share.

Keep grasping at straws. Manafort may have some tax issues, that is a long way from anything on Trump. You turkeys take the cake that is for sure.
Okay, but it still looks pretty bad. Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Junior, Cohen....where there is smoke, ....
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.

So is the realization that Trump's crime syndicate is starting to fall apart.
This week saw the first member of his campaign (the so-called "best people") admit in court to embezzlement and money laundering.
More indictments and convictions to follow. Stay tuned. I've got the popcorn and I'm willing to share.

Keep grasping at straws. Manafort may have some tax issues, that is a long way from anything on Trump. You turkeys take the cake that is for sure.
Okay, but it still looks pretty bad. Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Junior, Cohen....where there is smoke, ....

Even more with Podesta, Bruce Ohr and rest of the anti Trump JD crowd.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.
I did not ask when the investigation would be over I asked if a special prosecutor would have been empowered. Given the reason coming from the left for this investigation is Putin and Russia cost Hillary the election would the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had won? I know this will be tough for some but try and answer the question without going into an anti Trump rant.

Well, I did say "yes" in the poll and "the investigation would be over by now".... I believe any reasonable person would know that I said "yes".

The mandate of the special prosecutor....you should read it.
Why would there be an investigation if Hillary had won?
Because the Russians hacked the DNC and tried to hack into the voting apparatus of several states.

The alleged Russian interference....
It is not alleged, it is fact.

It seems extremely unlikely a President Hillary Clinton would have her AG appoint a special prosecutor to look into an election she won.
I don't think so.
What voting apparatus? Unless they hacked into voting machines which you can't do as they are not online that would have accomplished nothing.

That fact you believe it's a fact does not make it one that is your opinion and opinions are not facts never have been never will be.

Again you might not think so but that to is just your opinion Hillary Clintons history does not show someone who likes having people she really can't control looking into things so that makes it dubious in my opinion she would want a special prosecutor.

Lets give you a couple of actual facts, crimes against America was committed... Stealing emails is a serious crime...

As for the voting machine... at a hacking convention in Vegas a 16 year old hacked a voting machine in 45 mins...

How a 16-Year-Old Coder Hacked a Voting Machine at DEF CON | Inverse

The competition was from 8 to 16 year olds...
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.

So is the realization that Trump's crime syndicate is starting to fall apart.
This week saw the first member of his campaign (the so-called "best people") admit in court to embezzlement and money laundering.
More indictments and convictions to follow. Stay tuned. I've got the popcorn and I'm willing to share.

Keep grasping at straws. Manafort may have some tax issues, that is a long way from anything on Trump. You turkeys take the cake that is for sure.
Okay, but it still looks pretty bad. Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Junior, Cohen....where there is smoke, ....

Even more with Podesta, Bruce Ohr and rest of the anti Trump JD crowd.
If, by "even more", you mean, "nowhere really close", then, okay....
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.

So is the realization that Trump's crime syndicate is starting to fall apart.
This week saw the first member of his campaign (the so-called "best people") admit in court to embezzlement and money laundering.
More indictments and convictions to follow. Stay tuned. I've got the popcorn and I'm willing to share.

Keep grasping at straws. Manafort may have some tax issues, that is a long way from anything on Trump. You turkeys take the cake that is for sure.

Tax issues? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Trump hires money launderers....:113:

I'm sure he didn't do any laundry for Trump or his crime syndicate....:muahaha:
I did not ask when the investigation would be over I asked if a special prosecutor would have been empowered. Given the reason coming from the left for this investigation is Putin and Russia cost Hillary the election would the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had won? I know this will be tough for some but try and answer the question without going into an anti Trump rant.

Well, I did say "yes" in the poll and "the investigation would be over by now".... I believe any reasonable person would know that I said "yes".

The mandate of the special prosecutor....you should read it.
Why would there be an investigation if Hillary had won?
Because the Russians hacked the DNC and tried to hack into the voting apparatus of several states.

The alleged Russian interference....
It is not alleged, it is fact.

It seems extremely unlikely a President Hillary Clinton would have her AG appoint a special prosecutor to look into an election she won.
I don't think so.
What voting apparatus? Unless they hacked into voting machines which you can't do as they are not online that would have accomplished nothing.

That fact you believe it's a fact does not make it one that is your opinion and opinions are not facts never have been never will be.

Again you might not think so but that to is just your opinion Hillary Clintons history does not show someone who likes having people she really can't control looking into things so that makes it dubious in my opinion she would want a special prosecutor.

Lets give you a couple of actual facts, crimes against America was committed... Stealing emails is a serious crime...

As for the voting machine... at a hacking convention in Vegas a 16 year old hacked a voting machine in 45 mins...

How a 16-Year-Old Coder Hacked a Voting Machine at DEF CON | Inverse

The competition was from 8 to 16 year olds...
Here are a couple of facts for you they did that on something that was decommissioned a long time ago and had no internal memory security so that's not really much of challenge. Stealing e-mails is serious which is why it would smart to have something better than gameboy level security for them.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.

The noose is tightening.
For one, he didn't, instead focusing on making sure our voting systems were secure.
Great so the fact the Russians had no direct impact on votes is not only validated but securing those voting systems was the focus of the Obama administration. It’s what we have been saying.

So if someone breaks into your computer you're okay as long as they don't do anything?
Isn't breaking in a crime that should be investigated?
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.
I did not ask when the investigation would be over I asked if a special prosecutor would have been empowered. Given the reason coming from the left for this investigation is Putin and Russia cost Hillary the election would the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had won? I know this will be tough for some but try and answer the question without going into an anti Trump rant.
There are a lot of Trumpians who seem to think that this investigation, as it is currently empowered, is looking strictly into voter manipulation.

The fact is this nation was attacked by a foreign power and that attack was to cause suspicion and mistrust in our electoral system. That attack manifested itself by Russians offering and Trump campaign officials soliciting information about the Democrat nominee, her campaign and its strategy.

No matter which candidate won, there should be an investigation. What a pity this current investigation has been obstructed publically and privately by the current president.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.
I did not ask when the investigation would be over I asked if a special prosecutor would have been empowered. Given the reason coming from the left for this investigation is Putin and Russia cost Hillary the election would the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had won? I know this will be tough for some but try and answer the question without going into an anti Trump rant.
There are a lot of Trumpians who seem to think that this investigation, as it is currently empowered, is looking strictly into voter manipulation.

The fact is this nation was attacked by a foreign power and that attack was to cause suspicion and mistrust in our electoral system. That attack manifested itself by Russians offering and Trump campaign officials soliciting information about the Democrat nominee, her campaign and its strategy.

No matter which candidate won, there should be an investigation. What a pity this current investigation has been obstructed publically and privately by the current president.
How has it been obstructed? Being critical of it is not obstruction Mueller has not been fired the investigation has been going for a year and half and counting I believe odd way to obstruct the people who have done the most damage to the investigation have been members of the FBI namely Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
The FBI was already on it before the election and they would certainly have continued investigating.
Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
The FBI was already on it before the election and they would certainly have continued investigating.
Then why did we need a special prosecutor? Why is all the anger and outrage about Russian attempts interfer in the election being directed at Trump instead of the people who were in charge when it was happening? Either they had no idea this was going on which would be incompetence or they knew and didn't take it serious which would be indifference either one is bad and that is really not being addressed by anyone.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.
I did not ask when the investigation would be over I asked if a special prosecutor would have been empowered. Given the reason coming from the left for this investigation is Putin and Russia cost Hillary the election would the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had won? I know this will be tough for some but try and answer the question without going into an anti Trump rant.
There are a lot of Trumpians who seem to think that this investigation, as it is currently empowered, is looking strictly into voter manipulation.

The fact is this nation was attacked by a foreign power and that attack was to cause suspicion and mistrust in our electoral system. That attack manifested itself by Russians offering and Trump campaign officials soliciting information about the Democrat nominee, her campaign and its strategy.

No matter which candidate won, there should be an investigation. What a pity this current investigation has been obstructed publically and privately by the current president.
How has it been obstructed? Being critical of it is not obstruction Mueller has not been fired the investigation has been going for a year and half and counting I believe odd way to obstruct the people who have done the most damage to the investigation have been members of the FBI namely Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Not cooperating is obstructing.... I can't blame Trump for using the privileges the legal system extends to each of us to avoid answering questions. However, if you're not willing to cooperate, you are complicit in dragging the investigation out. When you're supposed to be the guardian of the peoples' trust; it looks pretty shitty.
Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
The FBI was already on it before the election and they would certainly have continued investigating.
Then why did we need a special prosecutor? Why is all the anger and outrage about Russian attempts interfer in the election being directed at Trump instead of the people who were in charge when it was happening? Either they had no idea this was going on which would be incompetence or they knew and didn't take it serious which would be indifference either one is bad and that is really not being addressed by anyone.

So his top advisor--Roger Stone--goes to bat for Guccifer2.0 on Twitter and admits to having a "back channel" to Julian Assange and Wikileaks. And supposedly your contention is that Trump knows nothing about this. That is your story.

Meanwhile in reality there is Trump mentioning Wikileaks 141 times in the month before the election...

Trump says WikiLeaks 141 times in month before election

It takes a special amount of intellectual dishonesty to pretend there is no connection.
Well, I did say "yes" in the poll and "the investigation would be over by now".... I believe any reasonable person would know that I said "yes".

The mandate of the special prosecutor....you should read it.
Why would there be an investigation if Hillary had won?
Because the Russians hacked the DNC and tried to hack into the voting apparatus of several states.

The alleged Russian interference....
It is not alleged, it is fact.

It seems extremely unlikely a President Hillary Clinton would have her AG appoint a special prosecutor to look into an election she won.
I don't think so.
What voting apparatus? Unless they hacked into voting machines which you can't do as they are not online that would have accomplished nothing.

That fact you believe it's a fact does not make it one that is your opinion and opinions are not facts never have been never will be.

Again you might not think so but that to is just your opinion Hillary Clintons history does not show someone who likes having people she really can't control looking into things so that makes it dubious in my opinion she would want a special prosecutor.
There would probably not be one.... because she would not have fired the FBI director, and gone on Lester Holt confessing that she fired him, because he was investigation her campaign members who conspired with the Russians on the releasing of the DNC etc emails that were stolen among other things....

and she probably would not have had the Russians who were the ones interfering in our election process to her oval office, telling them as well, that the heat has been removed on Russia because she fired the head of the investigation.

Really you think Hillary would have keep the FBI director who over the past year and a half she has blamed among others for costing her the election? Seems unlikely.
yes, of course.... they serve a 10 year term, she would have felt she had no choice but to keep him until his appointed term ran out.... Trump basically broke protocol, by firing him.... every rule, every govt protocol, every ethics standard has been broken by Trump since he's gotten there... :eek:
For one, he didn't, instead focusing on making sure our voting systems were secure.
Great so the fact the Russians had no direct impact on votes is not only validated but securing those voting systems was the focus of the Obama administration. It’s what we have been saying.

So if someone breaks into your computer you're okay as long as they don't do anything?
Isn't breaking in a crime that should be investigated?

Investigate the hacking but as we see it had no discernible impact on the results.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.
I did not ask when the investigation would be over I asked if a special prosecutor would have been empowered. Given the reason coming from the left for this investigation is Putin and Russia cost Hillary the election would the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had won? I know this will be tough for some but try and answer the question without going into an anti Trump rant.

Well, I did say "yes" in the poll and "the investigation would be over by now".... I believe any reasonable person would know that I said "yes".

The mandate of the special prosecutor....you should read it.
Why would there be an investigation if Hillary had won? The alleged Russian interference went on during the Obama Presidency and neither he or the intelligence community seemed to know about and if they did they didn’t take it very seriously. It seems extremely unlikely a President Hillary Clinton would have her AG appoint a special prosecutor to look into an election she won.

They did know about it and they did take it seriously.

A special investigation would still have happened because the Dems have more motivation for seeing it happen, since the Russian interference was aimed at getting Hillary defeated.

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