Would there be a special prosecutor?

Would we have special prosecutor?

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Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
Without the denials and lies we wouldn't have needed one, the FBI investigation would have been sufficient.
Do you mean the denials of collusion? The one that to date zero evidence has been presented to support.
"No meetings with Russians. Well except this one. Oh, and this one. And I forgot about this one. And then there was that thing where four or five of us met this one Russian. Well ok, there were two or three of them. Oh, and then he went to russia." And so on and so forth ad nauseum. Those lies and denials. Remember them?
Oh so that's bad but hiring a British national and former spy to get dirt on Trump with his contacts in other countries which included Russians that's all above board and nothing to see here. If you going to claim the Trump tower meeting was collusion then what the DNC and the Clinton camp did is as well.
This was prompted by Trump winning the Presidency
Of course it wasn't. An investigation into Russian interference and his campaign officials involvement in it was already underway, before the election. When trump fired the head of it, then said on national TV that he did so because of "the Russian thing".... the Republican Congress then requested that the Republican DAG appoint a Republican special prosecutor.

So yeah, what you are saying is ridiculous fantasy on every imaginable level.
This was prompted by the firing of Comey the same Comey the left has bashed as much as the right has
Correct. Why the loaded question? Do you have something you want to say?
I said what I wanted to say there is nothing loaded about it any President can fire an FBI director whenever they want the President doing something he has the legal authority to do does not warrant a special prosecutor doesn't matter who the President or FBI director is.
This was prompted by Trump winning the Presidency
Of course it wasn't. An investigation into Russian interference and his campaign officials involvement in it was already underway, before the election. When trump fired the head of it, then said on national TV that he did so because of "the Russian thing".... the Republican Congress then requested that the Republican DAG appoint a Republican special prosecutor.

So yeah, what you are saying is ridiculous fantasy on every imaginable level.

Not really.

Obama knew and blew it off, actually laughed it off publicly. It didn't get traction until the Oh Shit he is President moment on Nov 8/9, 2016

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
I said what I wanted to say there is nothing loaded about it any President can fire an FBI director whenever they want the President doing something he has the legal authority to do does not warrant a special prosecutor doesn't matter who the President or FBI director is.
Apparently, the circumstances do matter, as evidenced by reality contradicting your empty claims.
This was prompted by Trump winning the Presidency
Of course it wasn't. An investigation into Russian interference and his campaign officials involvement in it was already underway, before the election. When trump fired the head of it, then said on national TV that he did so because of "the Russian thing".... the Republican Congress then requested that the Republican DAG appoint a Republican special prosecutor.

So yeah, what you are saying is ridiculous fantasy on every imaginable level.

Not really.

Obama knew and blew it off, actually laughed it off publicly. It didn't get traction until the Oh Shit he is President moment on Nov 8/9, 2016

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
Pure Trumpkin fantasy.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Do you remember that brief period in which you were at least pretending to not be a hack? :lmao:
Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
Without the denials and lies we wouldn't have needed one, the FBI investigation would have been sufficient.
Do you mean the denials of collusion? The one that to date zero evidence has been presented to support.
"No meetings with Russians. Well except this one. Oh, and this one. And I forgot about this one. And then there was that thing where four or five of us met this one Russian. Well ok, there were two or three of them. Oh, and then he went to russia." And so on and so forth ad nauseum. Those lies and denials. Remember them?
So tell us what they got?
Hillary has a fat ass?
Well, I did say "yes" in the poll and "the investigation would be over by now".... I believe any reasonable person would know that I said "yes".

The mandate of the special prosecutor....you should read it.
Why would there be an investigation if Hillary had won?
Because the Russians hacked the DNC and tried to hack into the voting apparatus of several states.

The alleged Russian interference....
It is not alleged, it is fact.

It seems extremely unlikely a President Hillary Clinton would have her AG appoint a special prosecutor to look into an election she won.
I don't think so.
What voting apparatus? Unless they hacked into voting machines which you can't do as they are not online that would have accomplished nothing.
U.S. intel: Russia compromised seven states prior to 2016 election

That fact you believe it's a fact does not make it one that is your opinion and opinions are not facts never have been never will be.
Not me...it's the CIA, FBI and ONI.

Again you might not think so but that to is just your opinion Hillary Clintons history does not show someone who likes having people she really can't control looking into things so that makes it dubious in my opinion she would want a special prosecutor.

I'm pretty sure Clinton would want to get to the bottom of it. Which is why the Russians helped Trump. Trump accepted the help. Likely funded it the same way he paid off his lovers....which is why there is an investigation.
State websites or voter registration systems aren't going to have much if any impact on an election. If they felt it was serious why didn't the intelligence community inform these states they believed Russia was doing it? Seems like a rather important piece of information to leave out.

Again why didn't CIA, FBI and ONI inform these states of what they suspected Russia of doing? It seems telling these states you suspect a foreign government of trying to hack them should be SOP..
I'm not sure they didn't. It seems like you're making a lot of assumptions. It is funny that the same guy who swears that voter ID is important now suddenly says that voter registration isn't that important and dismisses Trump's business partner (Russia's) hacking of their systems.

Hacking is a crime.

You are against crime...aren't you?

The way Clinton handeled her own scandals suggest getting to the bottom of something is the last thing she would want. It's more likely she would just push her rest button and move on.

he he he..


Yeah, you remember the tweet storms that predicated her testimony to the House committee on Benghazi right? No? Of course you don't...because it didn't happen.
She sat and answered all of their questions...twice.

Compare that to the perverted orange blob who is taking his cue from Patche O'Huliahan on Dodgeball...dodge, duck, dive, dip and dodge.
Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
Without the denials and lies we wouldn't have needed one, the FBI investigation would have been sufficient.
Do you mean the denials of collusion? The one that to date zero evidence has been presented to support.
"No meetings with Russians. Well except this one. Oh, and this one. And I forgot about this one. And then there was that thing where four or five of us met this one Russian. Well ok, there were two or three of them. Oh, and then he went to russia." And so on and so forth ad nauseum. Those lies and denials. Remember them?
Oh so that's bad but hiring a British national and former spy to get dirt on Trump with his contacts in other countries which included Russians that's all above board and nothing to see here. If you going to claim the Trump tower meeting was collusion then what the DNC and the Clinton camp did is as well.
Can you really not see the difference or is it just that you won't admit it?
Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?
Without the denials and lies we wouldn't have needed one, the FBI investigation would have been sufficient.
Do you mean the denials of collusion? The one that to date zero evidence has been presented to support.
"No meetings with Russians. Well except this one. Oh, and this one. And I forgot about this one. And then there was that thing where four or five of us met this one Russian. Well ok, there were two or three of them. Oh, and then he went to russia." And so on and so forth ad nauseum. Those lies and denials. Remember them?
So tell us what they got?
Hillary has a fat ass?
Look, I know you guys are infatuated with Clinton but I'm pretty sure she's not interested.

Would you like to address my post now instead of telling us about your crush?
It’s why obama sat on his hands.
For one, he didn't, instead focusing on making sure our voting systems were secure. For two, he demonstrated class and an appreciation for not giving the appearance of impropriety by focusing only on physical security amd not filling our airwaves with the story. Could or should he have done more? Probably yes and yes, but your reason for it is garbage. As if you would have been or now be "pleased", had Obama come out strongly and often about Russian interference on behalf of trump, in the runup to the election. You would have lost your shit over that, and you know it.

And get you story straight, anyway....for a year and a half, it's "Obama was doing everything he could to sabotage Trump". Now it's "he did nothing, knowing Hillary would win"

Guess who else thought Hillary would win? Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
For one, he didn't, instead focusing on making sure our voting systems were secure.
Great so the fact the Russians had no direct impact on votes is not only validated but securing those voting systems was the focus of the Obama administration. It’s what we have been saying.
The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.

Your nose is growing.
Great so the fact the Russians had no direct impact on votes is not only validated but securing those voting systems was the focus of the Obama administration. It’s what we have been saying.

I would not disagree. I haven't seen or heard any reason to believe they altered ballot counts. But I guarantee they rustled up some Trump votes with their propaganda campaign.

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