Would there be a special prosecutor?

Would we have special prosecutor?

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The investigation would be over by now...President HRC wouldn't have gone into the witness protection program, she would have answered the questions, and the country would have moved on. But instead, we have a President who is prolonging the investigation by not cooperating and then complaining about how long the investigation is taking.
I did not ask when the investigation would be over I asked if a special prosecutor would have been empowered. Given the reason coming from the left for this investigation is Putin and Russia cost Hillary the election would the DOJ appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had won? I know this will be tough for some but try and answer the question without going into an anti Trump rant.

Well, I did say "yes" in the poll and "the investigation would be over by now".... I believe any reasonable person would know that I said "yes".

The mandate of the special prosecutor....you should read it.
Why would there be an investigation if Hillary had won? The alleged Russian interference went on during the Obama Presidency and neither he or the intelligence community seemed to know about and if they did they didn’t take it very seriously. It seems extremely unlikely a President Hillary Clinton would have her AG appoint a special prosecutor to look into an election she won.

They did know about it and they did take it seriously.

A special investigation would still have happened because the Dems have more motivation for seeing it happen, since the Russian interference was aimed at getting Hillary defeated.
It doesn't seem like they took it seriously maybe they were doing stuff behind the scenes but pubically it looked they were sure Hillary was going to win so thet took the mindset eh whatever.
Just curious how many believe a special prosecutor would have been empowered to investigate possible Russian interference and collusion by the Trump campigan If Hillary had won in 2016?

Nah. Barry's intelligence and cyber people were aware of the hack and decided to do nothing because they all thought Hitlery would win and figured no one would care.

Hell the FBI told the DNC IT guy about a possible hack and he did nothing.

Surprise. Trump won. Now all of a sudden it does matter. LOL
For one, he didn't, instead focusing on making sure our voting systems were secure.
Great so the fact the Russians had no direct impact on votes is not only validated but securing those voting systems was the focus of the Obama administration. It’s what we have been saying.

So if someone breaks into your computer you're okay as long as they don't do anything?
Isn't breaking in a crime that should be investigated?

Investigate the hacking but as we see it had no discernible impact on the results.

Shouldn’t you also investigate if the hacking was facilitated by someone in order to win an election...again the success/failure of the conspiracy (aka collusion) doesn’t diminish the crime

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