Would this administration defend our border if Mexicans, Central and South Americans were Caucasian?

Nope, and once Democrats learn Hispanics are not easily enslaved to a political party they ( Democrats ) will stop defending them!

Better yet the GOP would be wise to put a bill up helping fix immigration, making visas easier to obtained and helping the illegal population that has been here ten years plus and watch how fast Democrats change their tune if they know those people will vote Republican!
Under the premise of the OP, we wouldn't need to stop them. The Europeans who came here over 100 years ago made America the great country that it is.
I can’t help but wonder if this administration can possibly be that racist. If we shared a border with Sweden and the nordic nations would this admin allow people to walk accross unimpeded, would they deliver them to cities all across the country?

You share a border with Canada. People walk across the border from Canada all of the time, and nobody gives a rat's ass from either party.

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