Would transgender people be accepted on your street?

They make their private life public, and demand we accept it. Not happening.

If you kept your private life private, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


The same could be said about your decision to use your supposed faith as a weapon.

You certainly are not following any of Jesus' teachings that I can recognize, that's for sure.

Likely because you don't know Jesus teachings. Hard to recognize things you don't know.
Geez, I got like a dozen responses to my question, but not one answer... :)

Sorry, I'm not here every night, but once or twice a week.

Ok, to reiterate, I am not looking for drama, or any ill-will, or bedroom antics. Just asking a question from a straight person, to try to understand.

Again, at work there are many gay people who openly identify with the other sex. And they dress and act like the other sex. I mean, the guys don't wear dresses, and the women don't wear suits, but they dress and openly say things that it is obvious that they identify with the other sex!

And I'm not talking about gay relationships between people who identify with their birth sex. I'm asking about people who identify with the other sex, and the people who are drawn to them in a relationship.

But because my mind works in certain ways, I need to understand how that relationship works. It fascinates me to understand the layers that are involved.

And while I'm friends with many gay people at work, it's not something I would bring up in conversation. It would probably take about 18 beers if I did, but that opportunity never comes up. Which is why I took the opportunity to ask aloud here...

So, without any further drama, can someone explain these types of relationships to me. I realize it is different every time, but without a single sample, I'm clueless...

What kind of woman usually goes for a "butch"? I mean, does she prefer women, prefer men, or prefer women that act like men. What is the quality she strives for in a woman, that makes her seek a woman that acts like a man? And vice-versa... That's what boggles my mind...

And if I'm going to be completely honest, I have to know about the bedroom antics associated with the above answer... sorry! :) I know I said so before, but in all honesty, the next questions in my mind are going to go in that direction! :)

I am like Sheldon! This is just how my mind rolls. I want to figure things out for good reasons though. And never to undermine or do anything harmful. I just seek knowledge. I don't know where else to ask. So, please, either dismiss me and we'll never get to be friends. Or let's discuss, and I'm very grateful.

Just don't keep quoting my post, without an answer. :)

Get ready for flames.

I don't know if you have ever talked with people who have done this, but in Christian counseling, they have this deal where a guy and girl unmarried move in together, and they have sex all the time. Then they get married, and suddenly one or both, are not interest in sex at all.

What they found was that, what these typically men and sometimes women, got was a buzz from doing something wrong. Once they got married, and there was nothing 'naughty' about sleeping with their wife, the buzz was gone.

And there is a buzz from doing what is wrong. This is why you hear these crazy stories from Hollywood, about celebrities and movie stars, who have millions of dollars, and could actually buy the entire store, with everything in it, who are caught shoplifting. Why the heck would a multi-millionaire go and try and shop lift, a $40 pair of shoes? Because of the "naughty" factor. It gives a buzz to do something wrong.

Similarly, some of the people who are homosexual, are simply doing it for the buzz of doing something wrong.

Others are rebels without a cause. People that want to rebel, simply to rebel. The little kid the ate the cookies before dinner, not because he wanted cookies, but simply because mommy said no cookies before dinner. That kid, if not corrected, will be the kid who decides to be homosexual because someone said it's wrong, so now he's going to be that to rub it in their face.

These are typically the ones who are bitter and angry. You meet an angry homosexual, that wants to join the gay parade down mainstream, it's usually people who want to be rebels just to shove it in people's faces.

Finally, there is a third, less common type. These are people who are generally just hurt or lonely. A boy who grows up without a father, and an overbearing mother, tends to have a desire for male affection, to replace that controlling mother, and distant or unconnected father.

Another is women who have so many terrible experiences trying to find a companion, that they turn to homosexuality.

Sadly, neither is ever truly saticified by their homosexual life. Which is why suicide among homosexuals is 300% higher than heterosexuals.

I think the days of a couple living together because it is "naughty" are long gone. And all of those examples can be found in straights as well.

But, most importantly, you left out the group that represents the majority of homosexuals. Namely the group of people who are attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

Apparently you didn't read my post, because I was talking about straights. as well.

And no, I didn't leave out that group. You just didn't understand what I wrote.
No dude, no they don't. In your haste to ridicule, you ended up looking like an illiterate. I neither said nor implied either one.

Actually, my sarcastic remark stands pretty well.

No, it doesn't. Read the title of the thread doofus. I was talking about my street. Not every street in suburbia. The question was about my street. My street only has families.

Is that dumbed down enough for you?

Lmao. Getting a little hostile, aren't you?

So tell me, why wouldn't a trannie want to live on a street with families?

Don't change the subject. He asked a question, I answered it. You made a stupid comment on it and got busted. You won't admit you fucked up, then just let it go.

No you didn't. The question he asked was would they be accepted. He never talked about whether they would want to live there.
Look, sorry you cannot understand what you read, I cannot help you with that, and any kind of discussion is futile. Good luck.
Actually, my sarcastic remark stands pretty well.

No, it doesn't. Read the title of the thread doofus. I was talking about my street. Not every street in suburbia. The question was about my street. My street only has families.

Is that dumbed down enough for you?

Lmao. Getting a little hostile, aren't you?

So tell me, why wouldn't a trannie want to live on a street with families?

Don't change the subject. He asked a question, I answered it. You made a stupid comment on it and got busted. You won't admit you fucked up, then just let it go.

No you didn't. The question he asked was would they be accepted. He never talked about whether they would want to live there.
Look, sorry you cannot understand what you read, I cannot help you with that, and any kind of discussion is futile. Good luck.

You said "I suppose so, but why would they want to. It's suburbia, it's full of families, there is nothing for them here.". The suburbs hold the same things for trans people that it does for other people. To think they wouldn't want to live there is laughable. Your "You are stupid and we are done talking" is even more laughable.
Geez, I got like a dozen responses to my question, but not one answer... :)

Sorry, I'm not here every night, but once or twice a week.

Ok, to reiterate, I am not looking for drama, or any ill-will, or bedroom antics. Just asking a question from a straight person, to try to understand.

Again, at work there are many gay people who openly identify with the other sex. And they dress and act like the other sex. I mean, the guys don't wear dresses, and the women don't wear suits, but they dress and openly say things that it is obvious that they identify with the other sex!

And I'm not talking about gay relationships between people who identify with their birth sex. I'm asking about people who identify with the other sex, and the people who are drawn to them in a relationship.

But because my mind works in certain ways, I need to understand how that relationship works. It fascinates me to understand the layers that are involved.

And while I'm friends with many gay people at work, it's not something I would bring up in conversation. It would probably take about 18 beers if I did, but that opportunity never comes up. Which is why I took the opportunity to ask aloud here...

So, without any further drama, can someone explain these types of relationships to me. I realize it is different every time, but without a single sample, I'm clueless...

What kind of woman usually goes for a "butch"? I mean, does she prefer women, prefer men, or prefer women that act like men. What is the quality she strives for in a woman, that makes her seek a woman that acts like a man? And vice-versa... That's what boggles my mind...

And if I'm going to be completely honest, I have to know about the bedroom antics associated with the above answer... sorry! :) I know I said so before, but in all honesty, the next questions in my mind are going to go in that direction! :)

I am like Sheldon! This is just how my mind rolls. I want to figure things out for good reasons though. And never to undermine or do anything harmful. I just seek knowledge. I don't know where else to ask. So, please, either dismiss me and we'll never get to be friends. Or let's discuss, and I'm very grateful.

Just don't keep quoting my post, without an answer. :)

Get ready for flames.

I don't know if you have ever talked with people who have done this, but in Christian counseling, they have this deal where a guy and girl unmarried move in together, and they have sex all the time. Then they get married, and suddenly one or both, are not interest in sex at all.

What they found was that, what these typically men and sometimes women, got was a buzz from doing something wrong. Once they got married, and there was nothing 'naughty' about sleeping with their wife, the buzz was gone.

And there is a buzz from doing what is wrong. This is why you hear these crazy stories from Hollywood, about celebrities and movie stars, who have millions of dollars, and could actually buy the entire store, with everything in it, who are caught shoplifting. Why the heck would a multi-millionaire go and try and shop lift, a $40 pair of shoes? Because of the "naughty" factor. It gives a buzz to do something wrong.

Similarly, some of the people who are homosexual, are simply doing it for the buzz of doing something wrong.

Others are rebels without a cause. People that want to rebel, simply to rebel. The little kid the ate the cookies before dinner, not because he wanted cookies, but simply because mommy said no cookies before dinner. That kid, if not corrected, will be the kid who decides to be homosexual because someone said it's wrong, so now he's going to be that to rub it in their face.

These are typically the ones who are bitter and angry. You meet an angry homosexual, that wants to join the gay parade down mainstream, it's usually people who want to be rebels just to shove it in people's faces.

Finally, there is a third, less common type. These are people who are generally just hurt or lonely. A boy who grows up without a father, and an overbearing mother, tends to have a desire for male affection, to replace that controlling mother, and distant or unconnected father.

Another is women who have so many terrible experiences trying to find a companion, that they turn to homosexuality.

Sadly, neither is ever truly saticified by their homosexual life. Which is why suicide among homosexuals is 300% higher than heterosexuals.

I think the days of a couple living together because it is "naughty" are long gone. And all of those examples can be found in straights as well.

But, most importantly, you left out the group that represents the majority of homosexuals. Namely the group of people who are attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

Apparently you didn't read my post, because I was talking about straights. as well.

And no, I didn't leave out that group. You just didn't understand what I wrote.

Yes, you did leave that group out. You talked about people who get a thrill out of being naughty. You talked about people who want to be rebels. And you talked about people who are hurt or lonely. Nothing about people who are simply attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.
No, it doesn't. Read the title of the thread doofus. I was talking about my street. Not every street in suburbia. The question was about my street. My street only has families.

Is that dumbed down enough for you?

Lmao. Getting a little hostile, aren't you?

So tell me, why wouldn't a trannie want to live on a street with families?

Don't change the subject. He asked a question, I answered it. You made a stupid comment on it and got busted. You won't admit you fucked up, then just let it go.

No you didn't. The question he asked was would they be accepted. He never talked about whether they would want to live there.
Look, sorry you cannot understand what you read, I cannot help you with that, and any kind of discussion is futile. Good luck.

You said "I suppose so, but why would they want to. It's suburbia, it's full of families, there is nothing for them here.". The suburbs hold the same things for trans people that it does for other people. To think they wouldn't want to live there is laughable. Your "You are stupid and we are done talking" is even more laughable.

Really, your reading comprehension difficulties are pretty severe today. I never said you were stupid, I said you were illiterate. I think it would be more correct to say that you are functionally illiterate because you obviously can read the words, you just always get the meanings of the words, statements, and whole idea of the post wrong. Makes a discussion tedious and difficult.
Geez, I got like a dozen responses to my question, but not one answer... :)

Sorry, I'm not here every night, but once or twice a week.

Ok, to reiterate, I am not looking for drama, or any ill-will, or bedroom antics. Just asking a question from a straight person, to try to understand.

Again, at work there are many gay people who openly identify with the other sex. And they dress and act like the other sex. I mean, the guys don't wear dresses, and the women don't wear suits, but they dress and openly say things that it is obvious that they identify with the other sex!

And I'm not talking about gay relationships between people who identify with their birth sex. I'm asking about people who identify with the other sex, and the people who are drawn to them in a relationship.

But because my mind works in certain ways, I need to understand how that relationship works. It fascinates me to understand the layers that are involved.

And while I'm friends with many gay people at work, it's not something I would bring up in conversation. It would probably take about 18 beers if I did, but that opportunity never comes up. Which is why I took the opportunity to ask aloud here...

So, without any further drama, can someone explain these types of relationships to me. I realize it is different every time, but without a single sample, I'm clueless...

What kind of woman usually goes for a "butch"? I mean, does she prefer women, prefer men, or prefer women that act like men. What is the quality she strives for in a woman, that makes her seek a woman that acts like a man? And vice-versa... That's what boggles my mind...

And if I'm going to be completely honest, I have to know about the bedroom antics associated with the above answer... sorry! :) I know I said so before, but in all honesty, the next questions in my mind are going to go in that direction! :)

I am like Sheldon! This is just how my mind rolls. I want to figure things out for good reasons though. And never to undermine or do anything harmful. I just seek knowledge. I don't know where else to ask. So, please, either dismiss me and we'll never get to be friends. Or let's discuss, and I'm very grateful.

Just don't keep quoting my post, without an answer. :)

Get ready for flames.

I don't know if you have ever talked with people who have done this, but in Christian counseling, they have this deal where a guy and girl unmarried move in together, and they have sex all the time. Then they get married, and suddenly one or both, are not interest in sex at all.

What they found was that, what these typically men and sometimes women, got was a buzz from doing something wrong. Once they got married, and there was nothing 'naughty' about sleeping with their wife, the buzz was gone.

And there is a buzz from doing what is wrong. This is why you hear these crazy stories from Hollywood, about celebrities and movie stars, who have millions of dollars, and could actually buy the entire store, with everything in it, who are caught shoplifting. Why the heck would a multi-millionaire go and try and shop lift, a $40 pair of shoes? Because of the "naughty" factor. It gives a buzz to do something wrong.

Similarly, some of the people who are homosexual, are simply doing it for the buzz of doing something wrong.

Others are rebels without a cause. People that want to rebel, simply to rebel. The little kid the ate the cookies before dinner, not because he wanted cookies, but simply because mommy said no cookies before dinner. That kid, if not corrected, will be the kid who decides to be homosexual because someone said it's wrong, so now he's going to be that to rub it in their face.

These are typically the ones who are bitter and angry. You meet an angry homosexual, that wants to join the gay parade down mainstream, it's usually people who want to be rebels just to shove it in people's faces.

Finally, there is a third, less common type. These are people who are generally just hurt or lonely. A boy who grows up without a father, and an overbearing mother, tends to have a desire for male affection, to replace that controlling mother, and distant or unconnected father.

Another is women who have so many terrible experiences trying to find a companion, that they turn to homosexuality.

Sadly, neither is ever truly saticified by their homosexual life. Which is why suicide among homosexuals is 300% higher than heterosexuals.

I think the days of a couple living together because it is "naughty" are long gone. And all of those examples can be found in straights as well.

But, most importantly, you left out the group that represents the majority of homosexuals. Namely the group of people who are attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

Apparently you didn't read my post, because I was talking about straights. as well.

And no, I didn't leave out that group. You just didn't understand what I wrote.

Yes, you did leave that group out. You talked about people who get a thrill out of being naughty. You talked about people who want to be rebels. And you talked about people who are hurt or lonely. Nothing about people who are simply attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

In all three, they are attracted to the same gender for what they think or believe is romance, and sex.

None of those are mutually exclusive to the other.

But it still doesn't matter. A married man, may want romance and sex from a woman he is not married to.... still is wrong.
Geez, I got like a dozen responses to my question, but not one answer... :)

Sorry, I'm not here every night, but once or twice a week.

Ok, to reiterate, I am not looking for drama, or any ill-will, or bedroom antics. Just asking a question from a straight person, to try to understand.

Again, at work there are many gay people who openly identify with the other sex. And they dress and act like the other sex. I mean, the guys don't wear dresses, and the women don't wear suits, but they dress and openly say things that it is obvious that they identify with the other sex!

And I'm not talking about gay relationships between people who identify with their birth sex. I'm asking about people who identify with the other sex, and the people who are drawn to them in a relationship.

But because my mind works in certain ways, I need to understand how that relationship works. It fascinates me to understand the layers that are involved.

And while I'm friends with many gay people at work, it's not something I would bring up in conversation. It would probably take about 18 beers if I did, but that opportunity never comes up. Which is why I took the opportunity to ask aloud here...

So, without any further drama, can someone explain these types of relationships to me. I realize it is different every time, but without a single sample, I'm clueless...

What kind of woman usually goes for a "butch"? I mean, does she prefer women, prefer men, or prefer women that act like men. What is the quality she strives for in a woman, that makes her seek a woman that acts like a man? And vice-versa... That's what boggles my mind...

And if I'm going to be completely honest, I have to know about the bedroom antics associated with the above answer... sorry! :) I know I said so before, but in all honesty, the next questions in my mind are going to go in that direction! :)

I am like Sheldon! This is just how my mind rolls. I want to figure things out for good reasons though. And never to undermine or do anything harmful. I just seek knowledge. I don't know where else to ask. So, please, either dismiss me and we'll never get to be friends. Or let's discuss, and I'm very grateful.

Just don't keep quoting my post, without an answer. :)

Get ready for flames.

I don't know if you have ever talked with people who have done this, but in Christian counseling, they have this deal where a guy and girl unmarried move in together, and they have sex all the time. Then they get married, and suddenly one or both, are not interest in sex at all.

What they found was that, what these typically men and sometimes women, got was a buzz from doing something wrong. Once they got married, and there was nothing 'naughty' about sleeping with their wife, the buzz was gone.

And there is a buzz from doing what is wrong. This is why you hear these crazy stories from Hollywood, about celebrities and movie stars, who have millions of dollars, and could actually buy the entire store, with everything in it, who are caught shoplifting. Why the heck would a multi-millionaire go and try and shop lift, a $40 pair of shoes? Because of the "naughty" factor. It gives a buzz to do something wrong.

Similarly, some of the people who are homosexual, are simply doing it for the buzz of doing something wrong.

Others are rebels without a cause. People that want to rebel, simply to rebel. The little kid the ate the cookies before dinner, not because he wanted cookies, but simply because mommy said no cookies before dinner. That kid, if not corrected, will be the kid who decides to be homosexual because someone said it's wrong, so now he's going to be that to rub it in their face.

These are typically the ones who are bitter and angry. You meet an angry homosexual, that wants to join the gay parade down mainstream, it's usually people who want to be rebels just to shove it in people's faces.

Finally, there is a third, less common type. These are people who are generally just hurt or lonely. A boy who grows up without a father, and an overbearing mother, tends to have a desire for male affection, to replace that controlling mother, and distant or unconnected father.

Another is women who have so many terrible experiences trying to find a companion, that they turn to homosexuality.

Sadly, neither is ever truly saticified by their homosexual life. Which is why suicide among homosexuals is 300% higher than heterosexuals.

I think the days of a couple living together because it is "naughty" are long gone. And all of those examples can be found in straights as well.

But, most importantly, you left out the group that represents the majority of homosexuals. Namely the group of people who are attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

Apparently you didn't read my post, because I was talking about straights. as well.

And no, I didn't leave out that group. You just didn't understand what I wrote.

Yes, you did leave that group out. You talked about people who get a thrill out of being naughty. You talked about people who want to be rebels. And you talked about people who are hurt or lonely. Nothing about people who are simply attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

In all three, they are attracted to the same gender for what they think or believe is romance, and sex.

None of those are mutually exclusive to the other.

But it still doesn't matter. A married man, may want romance and sex from a woman he is not married to.... still is wrong.

The examples you listed were explaining why people are gay. It ignores the most basic reason, that it is how they are wired. And yes, wanting sex & romance from someone other than his wife is wrong. It is even illegal in some places. But that is not relevant to the discussion.

Oh, and I am pretty sure most gays know what romance and sex are. And they get that from their partner.
Get ready for flames.

I don't know if you have ever talked with people who have done this, but in Christian counseling, they have this deal where a guy and girl unmarried move in together, and they have sex all the time. Then they get married, and suddenly one or both, are not interest in sex at all.

What they found was that, what these typically men and sometimes women, got was a buzz from doing something wrong. Once they got married, and there was nothing 'naughty' about sleeping with their wife, the buzz was gone.

And there is a buzz from doing what is wrong. This is why you hear these crazy stories from Hollywood, about celebrities and movie stars, who have millions of dollars, and could actually buy the entire store, with everything in it, who are caught shoplifting. Why the heck would a multi-millionaire go and try and shop lift, a $40 pair of shoes? Because of the "naughty" factor. It gives a buzz to do something wrong.

Similarly, some of the people who are homosexual, are simply doing it for the buzz of doing something wrong.

Others are rebels without a cause. People that want to rebel, simply to rebel. The little kid the ate the cookies before dinner, not because he wanted cookies, but simply because mommy said no cookies before dinner. That kid, if not corrected, will be the kid who decides to be homosexual because someone said it's wrong, so now he's going to be that to rub it in their face.

These are typically the ones who are bitter and angry. You meet an angry homosexual, that wants to join the gay parade down mainstream, it's usually people who want to be rebels just to shove it in people's faces.

Finally, there is a third, less common type. These are people who are generally just hurt or lonely. A boy who grows up without a father, and an overbearing mother, tends to have a desire for male affection, to replace that controlling mother, and distant or unconnected father.

Another is women who have so many terrible experiences trying to find a companion, that they turn to homosexuality.

Sadly, neither is ever truly saticified by their homosexual life. Which is why suicide among homosexuals is 300% higher than heterosexuals.

I think the days of a couple living together because it is "naughty" are long gone. And all of those examples can be found in straights as well.

But, most importantly, you left out the group that represents the majority of homosexuals. Namely the group of people who are attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

Apparently you didn't read my post, because I was talking about straights. as well.

And no, I didn't leave out that group. You just didn't understand what I wrote.

Yes, you did leave that group out. You talked about people who get a thrill out of being naughty. You talked about people who want to be rebels. And you talked about people who are hurt or lonely. Nothing about people who are simply attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

In all three, they are attracted to the same gender for what they think or believe is romance, and sex.

None of those are mutually exclusive to the other.

But it still doesn't matter. A married man, may want romance and sex from a woman he is not married to.... still is wrong.

The examples you listed were explaining why people are gay. It ignores the most basic reason, that it is how they are wired. And yes, wanting sex & romance from someone other than his wife is wrong. It is even illegal in some places. But that is not relevant to the discussion.

Oh, and I am pretty sure most gays know what romance and sex are. And they get that from their partner.

Nah, I would disagree with the claim they are "wired that way". Bull. Scientifically, we know that humans do give off a low level of pheromones. We also know that it is chemically impossible for a male to turn on another male, or female to female. The pheromones simply are incapable of such an action. Given a lack of physical ability to do this.... baring some heavily damaged or mutated genetic disorder..... the only way a human can end up attracted to the same sex, is through a mental choice. There is no evidence, or even supporting possibility discovered thus far, where they are just "wired that way". Doesn't happen.

However, if there is some genetic damage or mutation that could allow homosexual results, then we should be able to detect this in the fetus and abort all potential homosexuals. I'm not advocating this, but you and I both know, that's exactly what would happen.

The absolute worth thing you could possibly do, is prove that homosexuality is genetic, because it would allow us to kill off homosexuals.
I think the days of a couple living together because it is "naughty" are long gone. And all of those examples can be found in straights as well.

But, most importantly, you left out the group that represents the majority of homosexuals. Namely the group of people who are attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

Apparently you didn't read my post, because I was talking about straights. as well.

And no, I didn't leave out that group. You just didn't understand what I wrote.

Yes, you did leave that group out. You talked about people who get a thrill out of being naughty. You talked about people who want to be rebels. And you talked about people who are hurt or lonely. Nothing about people who are simply attracted to the same gender for romance and sex.

In all three, they are attracted to the same gender for what they think or believe is romance, and sex.

None of those are mutually exclusive to the other.

But it still doesn't matter. A married man, may want romance and sex from a woman he is not married to.... still is wrong.

The examples you listed were explaining why people are gay. It ignores the most basic reason, that it is how they are wired. And yes, wanting sex & romance from someone other than his wife is wrong. It is even illegal in some places. But that is not relevant to the discussion.

Oh, and I am pretty sure most gays know what romance and sex are. And they get that from their partner.

Nah, I would disagree with the claim they are "wired that way". Bull. Scientifically, we know that humans do give off a low level of pheromones. We also know that it is chemically impossible for a male to turn on another male, or female to female. The pheromones simply are incapable of such an action. Given a lack of physical ability to do this.... baring some heavily damaged or mutated genetic disorder..... the only way a human can end up attracted to the same sex, is through a mental choice. There is no evidence, or even supporting possibility discovered thus far, where they are just "wired that way". Doesn't happen.

However, if there is some genetic damage or mutation that could allow homosexual results, then we should be able to detect this in the fetus and abort all potential homosexuals. I'm not advocating this, but you and I both know, that's exactly what would happen.

The absolute worth thing you could possibly do, is prove that homosexuality is genetic, because it would allow us to kill off homosexuals.

There have been studies that showed gay men respond to male pheromones. So your theory is inaccurate.
Likely because you don't know Jesus teachings. Hard to recognize things you don't know.

Au Contraire.

Of the two of us, I am the only one who realizes He was speaking to those like you in ....., oh, say about Matthew 6:3-6:13 or so.

Funny, because I'm not quoting that to you. Of course that passage is speaking to me. Yeah. Any other news flashes?
I remembered that we have a trans person living in our neighborhood. We see him sometimes when we walk the dogs. Seems friendly. People walking by usually speak or wave. So yeah, the people in my neighborhood DO accept a trans person.

Do they ever stare?

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