Would you be willing to die for your country?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
Americans don't know the word "patriotism"!!
It seems to me that most of the kids that join the military today are looking for a way to pay for college or get out of a bad situation. They join up and then they're brainwashed by the military to ignore the question of whether or not they should kill and instead are told that it is right and brave and valorous to kill the right people.
The more I learn about the history of war and the nature of politics, the more I see these kids as being exploited. I'm American and I would never die for my country, my constitution, or for any cause that is based entirely on illusory buzzwords like "freedom" or "liberty". That said, I would have never been able to reach that conclusion if I had been brainwashed at 18 to believe in ideas like "Just War Theory".
Would you die for your country?
Americans don't know the word "patriotism"!!
It seems to me that most of the kids that join the military today are looking for a way to pay for college or get out of a bad situation. They join up and then they're brainwashed by the military to ignore the question of whether or not they should kill and instead are told that it is right and brave and valorous to kill the right people.
The more I learn about the history of war and the nature of politics, the more I see these kids as being exploited. I'm American and I would never die for my country, my constitution, or for any cause that is based entirely on illusory buzzwords like "freedom" or "liberty". That said, I would have never been able to reach that conclusion if I had been brainwashed at 18 to believe in ideas like "Just War Theory".
Would you die for your country?
Depends on what the issue is.
Served 12 years active duty, most of it in the Airborne Infantry and with 1st Cav Div. If you enlist, you inherit that possibility.
Americans don't know the word "patriotism"!!
It seems to me that most of the kids that join the military today are looking for a way to pay for college or get out of a bad situation. They join up and then they're brainwashed by the military to ignore the question of whether or not they should kill and instead are told that it is right and brave and valorous to kill the right people.
The more I learn about the history of war and the nature of politics, the more I see these kids as being exploited. I'm American and I would never die for my country, my constitution, or for any cause that is based entirely on illusory buzzwords like "freedom" or "liberty". That said, I would have never been able to reach that conclusion if I had been brainwashed at 18 to believe in ideas like "Just War Theory".
Would you die for your country?
Depends on what the issue is.
It is not a market. I am not a merchant. We are not trading.
Whatever you want: independence, prosperity or a victory in a war.
You see: we are speaking about patriotism and you want some guarantees or insurance . Patriotism has no price like our Motherland.
It is not trolling. I know what I am speaking about.
I know what you are speaking about: your personal idea of patriotism. Yeah, you are trolling.
Americans don't know the word "patriotism"!!
It seems to me that most of the kids that join the military today are looking for a way to pay for college or get out of a bad situation. They join up and then they're brainwashed by the military to ignore the question of whether or not they should kill and instead are told that it is right and brave and valorous to kill the right people.
The more I learn about the history of war and the nature of politics, the more I see these kids as being exploited. I'm American and I would never die for my country, my constitution, or for any cause that is based entirely on illusory buzzwords like "freedom" or "liberty". That said, I would have never been able to reach that conclusion if I had been brainwashed at 18 to believe in ideas like "Just War Theory".
Would you die for your country?
Depends on what the issue is.
It is not a market. I am not a merchant. We are not trading.
Whatever you want: independence, prosperity or a victory in a war.
You see: we are speaking about patriotism and you want some guarantees or insurance . Patriotism has no price like our Motherland.
It is not trolling. I know what I am speaking about.
Wrong guy. I didnt say you were trolling. Now that you have admitted you believe in blind capitulance to some emotionally stirring words, I have to say you must be out of your mind to assume everyone else thinks that way.
Served 12 years active duty, most of it in the Airborne Infantry and with 1st Cav Div. If you enlist, you inherit that possibility.
Served 4 years and glad I got out when I did. I thought most of the people I served with were too stupid to make it as a civilian. There are very few with honor and I respect the ones that have it. I just dont buy the idea I'm not supposed to question things.
Americans don't know the word "patriotism"!!
It seems to me that most of the kids that join the military today are looking for a way to pay for college or get out of a bad situation. They join up and then they're brainwashed by the military to ignore the question of whether or not they should kill and instead are told that it is right and brave and valorous to kill the right people.
The more I learn about the history of war and the nature of politics, the more I see these kids as being exploited. I'm American and I would never die for my country, my constitution, or for any cause that is based entirely on illusory buzzwords like "freedom" or "liberty". That said, I would have never been able to reach that conclusion if I had been brainwashed at 18 to believe in ideas like "Just War Theory".
Would you die for your country?

Not anymore. Now, I will die for my family, and my home. But the rest of the country can fight their own wars...
The point isn't to die for your country, but to get the other guy to die for his. My apologies to Gen. Patton.
Americans don't know the word "patriotism"!!
It seems to me that most of the kids that join the military today are looking for a way to pay for college or get out of a bad situation. They join up and then they're brainwashed by the military to ignore the question of whether or not they should kill and instead are told that it is right and brave and valorous to kill the right people.
The more I learn about the history of war and the nature of politics, the more I see these kids as being exploited. I'm American and I would never die for my country, my constitution, or for any cause that is based entirely on illusory buzzwords like "freedom" or "liberty". That said, I would have never been able to reach that conclusion if I had been brainwashed at 18 to believe in ideas like "Just War Theory".
Would you die for your country?

I know it is cheesy to answer with a video clip ... But this is the best way to put in a lot of cases.
When shit hits the fan it isn't about a flag, a country or an idea of patriotism for a lot of soldiers.


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