Would you go to Las Vegas knowing you could be shot at any time?

Only evil sinners go to that den of Satan.

Actually, I went there once to buy a rare book. I took one horrified look at its depravity and left as fast as was legally possible --- careful not to look back at Sodom and Gomorrah.
Steven Hawking loves Sodom and Gomorrah.
The FBI Won't Help Nevada Enforce Its Background Check Law

Nevada passed a law requiring background checks for private party gun sales. But the FBI refuses to conduct the background checks and the state lacks authority to do so. Essentially, the law is unenforceable.

Republican Attorney General Adam Laxalt issued the opinion on the gun law, which was cheered by gun rights advocates.

Nevada voters approved a new gun control law – so why was it not enforced?

But Nevada’s new gun law has never been enforced. Days before it was slated to go into effect, the state’s Republican attorney general released a legal opinion concluding that citizens were “excused from compliance”, calling the new law unenforceable.

The attorney general who made the decision, Adam Paul Laxalt, spoke at the NRA’s annual meeting this year, where he was hailed by the NRA’s chief lobbyist for ensuring that Nevada’s new background check legislation for private sales was still not the law of the land. Laxalt had publicly opposed the background check measure before it passed, a mark of opposition the NRA had publicized in its fight against the measure.


Nevada voters voted for a background check law the Republicans pretty much said: so what, we aren't enforcing it.

So would you feel safe going to Nevada knowing that the state GOP is on the side of mass murderers? Will this hit Las Vegas in the pocketbook? Or is it a one time thing and in two weeks, it will be business as usual and nothing will have changed?

Even if this law were enforced, it probably wouldn't have stopped the mass murderer from killing and wounding so many. Does that make any difference?

Bloomie and his minions spent millions trying to get that shit law passed and even with all of that support, and an unknown number of questionable votes from Clark county it only passed by 10,000 votes. The fact that bloomie and his minions wrote the law in an incredibly stupid way is simply the icing on the cake. And yes, I travel to Vegas all the time and I have no worries.
Los Angeles has background checks and more murders than Las Vegas. So sure. You're safer in Nevada.
Now that everyone knows you can bring in automatic weapons, as many as you want, then things have changed. Besides, this guy probably voted Republican.

He murdered conservatives so no, dumb ass, he didn't vote repub. He was one of you assholes.
The FBI Won't Help Nevada Enforce Its Background Check Law

Nevada passed a law requiring background checks for private party gun sales. But the FBI refuses to conduct the background checks and the state lacks authority to do so. Essentially, the law is unenforceable.

Republican Attorney General Adam Laxalt issued the opinion on the gun law, which was cheered by gun rights advocates.

Nevada voters approved a new gun control law – so why was it not enforced?

But Nevada’s new gun law has never been enforced. Days before it was slated to go into effect, the state’s Republican attorney general released a legal opinion concluding that citizens were “excused from compliance”, calling the new law unenforceable.

The attorney general who made the decision, Adam Paul Laxalt, spoke at the NRA’s annual meeting this year, where he was hailed by the NRA’s chief lobbyist for ensuring that Nevada’s new background check legislation for private sales was still not the law of the land. Laxalt had publicly opposed the background check measure before it passed, a mark of opposition the NRA had publicized in its fight against the measure.


Nevada voters voted for a background check law the Republicans pretty much said: so what, we aren't enforcing it.

So would you feel safe going to Nevada knowing that the state GOP is on the side of mass murderers? Will this hit Las Vegas in the pocketbook? Or is it a one time thing and in two weeks, it will be business as usual and nothing will have changed?

Even if this law were enforced, it probably wouldn't have stopped the mass murderer from killing and wounding so many. Does that make any difference?
Did you feel the same way about Vegas before Paddock opened fire?

Or did that one instance scare you away.
Would you go to Las Vegas knowing you could be shot at any time?
Or Chicago...
Or New York...
Or Los Angeles
Or... etc...

I lived in Las Vegas for a minute. I just moved from Chicago. The only time that people give a damn is when a bunch of white people get shot. It is case specific. Any other time you don't give a fuck. Chicago keeps the riffraff off of Miracle Mile for tourism. Really, they are out there to make sure you bring your money. Same for Las Vegas.
I go outside knowing every day that I might be shot by some lunatic, run over by a vehicle, slip on some ice and crack my skull open, fall prey to a reentering bit of space junk, have an aneurysm, a myocardial infarction, trip and drive a fallen branch through my eye into my brain, have a tree fall on me, have my house explode (natural gas), have the wife go off the deep end and kill me with a roll of paper towels......... Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum............
If you're a psychic who has premonitions that come true, I'm staying far the fuck away from you.
People go to Vegas every day knowing they might lose everything they have worked their entire lives for. That would scare me more than getting shot.
I go outside knowing every day that I might be shot by some lunatic, run over by a vehicle, slip on some ice and crack my skull open, fall prey to a reentering bit of space junk, have an aneurysm, a myocardial infarction, trip and drive a fallen branch through my eye into my brain, have a tree fall on me, have my house explode (natural gas), have the wife go off the deep end and kill me with a roll of paper towels......... Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum............
If you're a psychic who has premonitions that come true, I'm staying far the fuck away from you.
People go to Vegas every day knowing they might lose everything they have worked their entire lives for. That would scare me more than getting shot.
/----/ I've been to Vegas 6 times and never bet a dime. Not once.
knowing that the state GOP is on the side of mass murderers?
Are you mentally ill?
I'm pretty sure the answer is no.

But when it comes to who the GOP is on the side of, it's not the voters. We know that for a fact.
Why don't you walk around liberal land Chicago for two weeks all night long?
Oh, you mean go looking for trouble. Well, you can find that anywhere in the US is you really want to find it.
Los Angeles has background checks and more murders than Las Vegas. So sure. You're safer in Nevada.
Now that everyone knows you can bring in automatic weapons, as many as you want, then things have changed. Besides, this guy probably voted Republican.

Slap yourself, you're hysterical.
James and I have been to Reno and Vegas lots of times and never came close to a bad time. I'd go again anytime.
Only evil sinners go to that den of Satan.

Actually, I went there once to buy a rare book. I took one horrified look at its depravity and left as fast as was legally possible --- careful not to look back at Sodom and Gomorrah.

That's even weirder with that what me worry under your sign in name.
knowing that the state GOP is on the side of mass murderers?
Are you mentally ill?
I'm pretty sure the answer is no.

But when it comes to who the GOP is on the side of, it's not the voters. We know that for a fact.

You are mistaken dean. When it comes to murders in mass, the democrats are the cheerleaders of death in the shape of abortion.
Oh please.

GOP lawmaker repeatedly promoted pro-life stance a week after reportedly telling mistress to get abortion

Republicans are horrible hypocrites.

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Fact, Democrats help women have control over their own bodies.

Fact. Republicans don't give a flying sh!tfart about children once they are born.

Why would Republicans go after children's health insurance?

CHIP: Trump's budget cuts children's health insurance program

Trump, GOP cutting holes in family health safety nets

It's crazy anyone would think Republicans care about a fetus if they don't care about women or children. It's just something cruel they do to manipulate and legislate women.
Would you go to Las Vegas knowing you could be shot at any time?

Don't you live in the murder capital of Chicago, tard?

And what you makes you think we want you in Vegas anyway?
People go to Vegas every day knowing they might lose everything they have worked their entire lives for. That would scare me more than getting shot.

If a person goes and loses all they've ever worked for, they have more problems than Vegas.

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