Would You Have Sex With Heidi Klum After Seal Hit It?

Can I just state the obvious? The OP is upset at the fact that she once married a black man and had sex with him (duh) and they had children together, which somehow makes her "disgusting" or "damaged goods," the old term used by perverts to objectify women. Otherwise, why only mention Seal in the headline when she had a first husband, and a lover, (both white) before she married him, and her third husband is white? trump has a far worse sexual record, so I guess he is "disgusting" and "damaged goods."
"objectify women"

That phrase always make me chuckle.

Women are sex objects to men. It is the natural way of things. Always has been, always will be.
Can I just state the obvious? The OP is upset at the fact that she once married a black man and had sex with him (duh) and they had children together, which somehow makes her "disgusting" or "damaged goods," the old term used by perverts to objectify women. Otherwise, why only mention Seal in the headline when she had a first husband, and a lover, (both white) before she married him, and her third husband is white? trump has a far worse sexual record, so I guess he is "disgusting" and "damaged goods."

There are real differences in rates of stds by demographic groups.

Ignoring real dangers is a good way to put yourself at risk.

The OP's point is valid.

Your point about TRump, is also valid. He was a player, and I would not want to sloppy seconds after him, either.
Can I just state the obvious? The OP is upset at the fact that she once married a black man and had sex with him (duh) and they had children together, which somehow makes her "disgusting" or "damaged goods," the old term used by perverts to objectify women. Otherwise, why only mention Seal in the headline when she had a first husband, and a lover, (both white) before she married him, and her third husband is white? trump has a far worse sexual record, so I guess he is "disgusting" and "damaged goods."

There are real differences in rates of stds by demographic groups.

Ignoring real dangers is a good way to put yourself at risk.

The OP's point is valid.

Your point about TRump, is also valid. He was a player, and I would not want to sloppy seconds after him, either.

What do STDs have to do with the topic of this thread? Wouldn't a person know their partner's STD status? They married and had three kids together. I would think that they would know. Would we be having the same discussion if Seal were white? Otherwise, why would the OP single out Heidi Klum? We know the sexual histories of quite a few famous people, both male and female. There are a lot worse records among both men and women than hers. We even have a moron sitting in the Oval Office who bragged about avoiding STDs during his sex romps, while men his age were fighting and dying in Vietnam. He's now supposed to be "religious" and a defender of "Christian morality."
Can I just state the obvious? The OP is upset at the fact that she once married a black man and had sex with him (duh) and they had children together, which somehow makes her "disgusting" or "damaged goods," the old term used by perverts to objectify women. Otherwise, why only mention Seal in the headline when she had a first husband, and a lover, (both white) before she married him, and her third husband is white? trump has a far worse sexual record, so I guess he is "disgusting" and "damaged goods."

There are real differences in rates of stds by demographic groups.

Ignoring real dangers is a good way to put yourself at risk.

The OP's point is valid.

Your point about TRump, is also valid. He was a player, and I would not want to sloppy seconds after him, either.

What do STDs have to do with the topic of this thread? Wouldn't a person know their partner's STD status? They married and had three kids together. I would think that they would know. Would we be having the same discussion if Seal were white? Otherwise, why would the OP single out Heidi Klum? We know the sexual histories of quite a few famous people, both male and female. There are a lot worse records among both men and women than hers. We even have a moron sitting in the Oval Office who bragged about avoiding STDs during his sex romps, while men his age were fighting and dying in Vietnam. He's now supposed to be "religious" and a defender of "Christian morality."

The danger of STDs, is a big part of being "damaged goods".

And we might still be having the discussion. Three marriages? Rock stars? NOt good signs, even without the added factor of race.

I have had similar discussions of Pamela Anderson, after she married this loser.

Please! Like does anyone really know the true sexual history of anyone’s sexual partner? You gonna tap something after Harvey Weinstein got some of it? You’re gonna poke whatever will let you poke em. Who you trying to kid? Get real.
Can I just state the obvious? The OP is upset at the fact that she once married a black man and had sex with him (duh) and they had children together, which somehow makes her "disgusting" or "damaged goods," the old term used by perverts to objectify women. Otherwise, why only mention Seal in the headline when she had a first husband, and a lover, (both white) before she married him, and her third husband is white? trump has a far worse sexual record, so I guess he is "disgusting" and "damaged goods."

I wouldn't fuck Kara Young after she fucked Trump.
Please! Like does anyone really know the true sexual history of anyone’s sexual partner? You gonna tap something after Harvey Weinstein got some of it? You’re gonna poke whatever will let you poke em. Who you trying to kid? Get real.
Especially with that shimpbox pecker.
Of course I would.

Until now, I didn't realize that you were gay.

Which is, of course, perfectly fine.
I am sure you would just as well have Seal do you. That's perfectly fine.

I'll do him. He might have meant the other Seal but whatever.
I am sure do yourself on a regular basis. That what "malaka" means.

That's close to "makaka". Careful. Remember George Allen.
Of course I would.

Until now, I didn't realize that you were gay.

Which is, of course, perfectly fine.
I am sure you would just as well have Seal do you. That's perfectly fine.

I'll do him. He might have meant the other Seal but whatever.
I am sure do yourself on a regular basis. That what "malaka" means.

That's close to "makaka". Careful. Remember George Allen.
I wasn't thinking of George Allen, but Sealy, and it's exactly the right word.

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