Would You Have Sex With Heidi Klum After Seal Hit It?

You seem confused.

Both your point and the point of the OP is valid. I was not being sarcastic.

Trump has obviously been a play for a long time. Worrying about that, when considering dating an ex of his, is valid.

Seal, ditto. Plus, there is the epidemiology of it all.

There is a reason that, Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism.

Prove it.

You want an epidemiology study on the disease vector of tall, rich playboys?

I'm not sure that such a study has been done.

Prove this part: "Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism."

Well, to start with, here is a nice study on the negative effects of early sexual experience in women, ie the opposite of chastity.

Thus avoiding that, will avoid the negative effects. Agree with that, and I will move on to the showing the next step.

It seems like you are getting closer to your real target: women, in particular white women.
  • If you want to talk about "morality," discuss both men and women, since it applies to both. Chastity is a moral/religious precept in view of your statement that "chastity is a traditional virtue."
  • If you want to talk about the "negative effects of early sexual experience," discuss what these are for both sexes. I strongly suspect that you are trying to exaggerate them with respect to women as propaganda to support a gender-specific sexual double standard, which should not exist if indeed sexual behavior is a matter of "morality." There must be "negative effects" on men, as well.
  • If you want to discuss the effects of "diseases," do so, as all of us are concerned with not catching diseases.
  • If you want to discuss what appears to be a problem that you and others on this board have with white women having romantic/sexual relationships with black men, be honest about it. Why just mention Klum's second husband in the headline, which somehow elicited comments that she is "disgusting" and "damaged goods," implying that she is somehow dirty? The link provided is to a story about "the untold truth" about Klum, but what "untold truth" is there? She had a child before she and Seal were married, whom he adopted, and then they had kids of their own. Simple.

1. I just presented the first study I came across that supported the point I was making. It was random chance that it was specifically studying women. I assume similar effects are found is similar studies studying men.

2. Disease was mentioned in the linked article and I did discuss it. Not sure what more you want, on this, at this time.
You want an epidemiology study on the disease vector of tall, rich playboys?

I'm not sure that such a study has been done.

Prove this part: "Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism."

Well, to start with, here is a nice study on the negative effects of early sexual experience in women, .....p.

That’s NOT “the opposite of chastity,” and it’s not the claim you need to support.

DO you deny that chastity would avoid those negative effects?

You made a claim. Support it with proof or withdraw it.

Are you kidding me? YOU're asking someone to support their claim? Do you ever?
Can I just state the obvious? The OP is upset at the fact that she once married a black man and had sex with him (duh) and they had children together, which somehow makes her "disgusting" or "damaged goods," the old term used by perverts to objectify women. Otherwise, why only mention Seal in the headline when she had a first husband, and a lover, (both white) before she married him, and her third husband is white? trump has a far worse sexual record, so I guess he is "disgusting" and "damaged goods."

I wouldn't fuck Kara Young after she fucked Trump.

A 6 foot 3 billionaire playboy? Your concern is obviously valid.
Seal is 6'3 and a millionaire too. Did you say that to the person who started this thread? No and why? Because you probably agree Heidi shouldn't have slept with a black man. And you would never sleep with a woman who's been with a black man, right?

You seem confused.

Both your point and the point of the OP is valid. I was not being sarcastic.

Trump has obviously been a play for a long time. Worrying about that, when considering dating an ex of his, is valid.

Seal, ditto. Plus, there is the epidemiology of it all.

There is a reason that, Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism.

Prove it.
Prove what? What exactly are you asking him to prove? That people get diseases when they have multiple sex partners? DUH.

Or are you saying that promoting chastity is strictly to look down on people?
A 6 foot 3 billionaire playboy? Your concern is obviously valid.
Seal is 6'3 and a millionaire too. Did you say that to the person who started this thread? No and why? Because you probably agree Heidi shouldn't have slept with a black man. And you would never sleep with a woman who's been with a black man, right?

You seem confused.

Both your point and the point of the OP is valid. I was not being sarcastic.

Trump has obviously been a play for a long time. Worrying about that, when considering dating an ex of his, is valid.

Seal, ditto. Plus, there is the epidemiology of it all.

There is a reason that, Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism.

Prove it.

You want an epidemiology study on the disease vector of tall, rich playboys?

I'm not sure that such a study has been done.

Prove this part: "Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism."

I guess a long time ago we fucked like apes and chastity wasn't a traditional value but as we evolved and became civilized chastity became a "traditional" value. What's so hard to understand about this?
You want an epidemiology study on the disease vector of tall, rich playboys?

I'm not sure that such a study has been done.

Prove this part: "Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism."

Well, to start with, here is a nice study on the negative effects of early sexual experience in women, .....p.

That’s NOT “the opposite of chastity,” and it’s not the claim you need to support.
You’re gay

No means no, Lonely-Boy.

They should make a sequel to this movie only with all guys and this tie you should be the star. Sort of like Ghost Busters.

Prove it.

You want an epidemiology study on the disease vector of tall, rich playboys?

I'm not sure that such a study has been done.

Prove this part: "Chastity is a traditional virtue.

Because diseases can kill you.

It was not just to look down on people. It was an evolved defense mechanism."

Well, to start with, here is a nice study on the negative effects of early sexual experience in women, ie the opposite of chastity.

Thus avoiding that, will avoid the negative effects. Agree with that, and I will move on to the showing the next step.

It seems like you are getting closer to your real target: women, in particular white women.
  • If you want to talk about "morality," discuss both men and women, since it applies to both. Chastity is a moral/religious precept in view of your statement that "chastity is a traditional virtue."
  • If you want to talk about the "negative effects of early sexual experience," discuss what these are for both sexes. I strongly suspect that you are trying to exaggerate them with respect to women as propaganda to support a gender-specific sexual double standard, which should not exist if indeed sexual behavior is a matter of "morality." There must be "negative effects" on men, as well.
  • If you want to discuss the effects of "diseases," do so, as all of us are concerned with not catching diseases.
  • If you want to discuss what appears to be a problem that you and others on this board have with white women having romantic/sexual relationships with black men, be honest about it. Why just mention Klum's second husband in the headline, which somehow elicited comments that she is "disgusting" and "damaged goods," implying that she is somehow dirty? The link provided is to a story about "the untold truth" about Klum, but what "untold truth" is there? She had a child before she and Seal were married, whom he adopted, and then they had kids of their own. Simple.

1. I just presented the first study I came across that supported the point I was making. It was random chance that it was specifically studying women. I assume similar effects are found is similar studies studying men.

2. Disease was mentioned in the linked article and I did discuss it. Not sure what more you want, on this, at this time.

This is why I defended the Muslim who posted this


I will agree it's not right that we judge women differently than we do men but the fact is we do. Take for example these lyrics from Taylor Swift's song I'd be the Man.

I would be complex
I would be cool
They'd say I played the field before
I found someone to commit to
And that would be okay
For me to do
Every conquest I had made
Would make me more of a boss to you

And we would toast to me, oh, let the players play
I'd be just like Leo, in Saint-Tropez

It's funny how much conservative Christians and Islam have in common. They both look at American culture and society and see Sodom and Gammora.

The other day Unkotare and DING suggested that morals are set in stone and never change. Well that's not true because a girl who slept around in the 1950's was considered a whore and today every girl sleeps around before she gets married.
Well, to start with, here is a nice study on the negative effects of early sexual experience in women, .....p.

That’s NOT “the opposite of chastity,” and it’s not the claim you need to support.

DO you deny that chastity would avoid those negative effects?

You made a claim. Support it with proof or withdraw it.

Are you kidding me? YOU're asking someone to support their claim? Do you ever?

I wasn’t talking to you, stupid.

I think Correll would agree that it's not fair that you would ask any of us for proof or an explanation when you yourself have never provided either, pussy.
yeah well, seems quite a few don't..... and need to howl like stuck pigs on the 'net Corry

Don't you folks have anything better to do?


Then sex with damaged goods Heide Klum?

Yes, very much so.

Are men who have sex before or outside of marriage or with multiple partners "damaged goods"? Some like trump is incredibly shop-worn. Tell me in what historical period it was that men actually practiced chastity as a "traditional virtue" (monks excluded)?
Sexual proclivities be historically significant ?

man, i never get the memo.....

Sexual proclivities be historically significant ?

man, i never get the memo.....


Don't worry if you're a guy. Only women's sexual proclivities are significant. God gives guys a pass on "morality." The same guys who are talking about "hitting it" on this thread will then go on other threads and passionately defend "Christianity" and "traditional morality" from horrible atheists, "liberals," and the onslaught of LGBTs.
Heidi’s (Man Face) career is due to the fact that Claudia Schiffer (Great Body and Face) had a nervous breakdown.
Apparently, the modeling world needs a woman whose body has overt feminine features.
Sexual proclivities be historically significant ?

man, i never get the memo.....


Don't worry if you're a guy. Only women's sexual proclivities are significant. God gives guys a pass on "morality." The same guys who are talking about "hitting it" on this thread will then go on other threads and passionately defend "Christianity" and "traditional morality" from horrible atheists, "liberals," and the onslaught of LGBTs.

oh, so it's ok to admit i like to watch farm animals pee?
ah gee, thx Lys , ypu rock!.... maybe i'll go out and light a religmo on fire tonight
bethcha they burn real good!

Sexual proclivities be historically significant ?

man, i never get the memo.....


Don't worry if you're a guy. Only women's sexual proclivities are significant. God gives guys a pass on "morality." The same guys who are talking about "hitting it" on this thread will then go on other threads and passionately defend "Christianity" and "traditional morality" from horrible atheists, "liberals," and the onslaught of LGBTs.

oh, so it's ok to admit i like to watch farm animals pee?
ah gee, thx Lys , ypu rock!.... maybe i'll go out and light a religmo on fire tonight
bethcha they burn real good!


Whatever floats your boat, dear. But if you have a thing about peeing farm animals, watch where you are standing so you aren't mistaken for a fire hydrant or something similar. Some people like to watch other people do the same thing. God only knows why.

Do not burn religmos. Marinate first, then cook to medium-rare at most. What was that book that the alien space travelers had? How to Serve Man?

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