Would You Name Your Son After Donald Trump?

I'm just asking this question because my man and I want to have kids soon and Donald/Donnie is currently the winning name if our first child is a boy.

I know that the left will probably find it obsessive but I find it to be a nice old fashioned name and the name of a true American patriot and after somebody who loves our country just as much as we do.

Plus his middle name would be George and considering the fact that George Washington was our very first president and one of our founding fathers I believe that Donald George is a very good old fashioned and patriotic name. Plus Donnie is a really cute nickname. 🥰
I don't think so; 47 just doesn't sound right for a kid's name. "The Don"....maybe not. Too many expectations. Would be OK if it was only a former President.

I have a cousin named Donald who I don’t like so no I wouldn’t name my son that but it’s a cute name or even a middle name?

I think that Donald is just a nice old fashioned name but Donnie's super cute. 🥰 I also think that The Don is pretty macho. 😎
My friends kids wanted to call her new cat Putin, but my friend is a leftist SJW and thought it was inappropriate, I thought it was cool. 😂
Trumpy is a great role model for kids. Lying, cheating, grifting and whining like nobody has ever seen before.

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