Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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You can't pass a law that is one size fits all. I used to be firmly in the camp of allowing abortion in the case of rape. I knew a woman who had the baby with consequences that was just too tragic for most people to comprehend.

Because I felt so strongly that women should be permitted to abort the UNWANTED children of rapists, I could not understand Jaycee Dugard's attitude toward the three children she had that were the result of rape. Not only was she forced to have those children but raise them. I fully expected her to walk out of that prison and demand her freedom from the slavery of caring for these children. It was surprising that she didn't.
You can't pass a law that is one size fits all. I used to be firmly in the camp of allowing abortion in the case of rape. I knew a woman who had the baby with consequences that was just too tragic for most people to comprehend.

Because I felt so strongly that women should be permitted to abort the UNWANTED children of rapists, I could not understand Jaycee Dugard's attitude toward the three children she had that were the result of rape. Not only was she forced to have those children but raise them. I fully expected her to walk out of that prison and demand her freedom from the slavery of caring for these children. It was surprising that she didn't.

See, I can't understand anyone who would think of children as a "prison", no matter where they came from. The kids themselves didn't do anything wrong; why the hell would you blame them for someone else's sins? I don't look at my three children and see their father; I look at them and see THEM.

This is not to say that I think criminalizing abortion in the case of incest or rape is the best plan, either. I think a much better plan would be offering counseling and support for the mother to help her deal with the trauma without passing her own victimization on to someone else.
I support letting the person that has to actually give birth, decide.

Likely, at the age of 13, Jaycee would have been intensley counseled into having an abortion. If you look at the issue, abortion would have made the logical and necessary choice.

But she was forced to have that baby and two more. And, forced to raise them. It should have built up a steamhead of resentment.
Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?
How 'bout we limit abortion-policy to the hands of people who KNOW something about it......


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I support letting the person that has to actually give birth, decide.

Likely, at the age of 13, Jaycee would have been intensley counseled into having an abortion. If you look at the issue, abortion would have made the logical and necessary choice.

But she was forced to have that baby and two more. And, forced to raise them. It should have built up a steamhead of resentment.

Why "should" it have? Just because a lot of people react in a specific way doesn't make it healthy or "the way it should be". I think her reaction was a lot healthier and more sane, although I'll admit to being surprised and impressed that she came to it on her own, with no help.
I didn't respond to the poll because you didn't include enough options. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first six months of pregnancy without restriction. I believe it should be illegal except to protect the mother's health in the final trimester.
You can't pass a law that is one size fits all. I used to be firmly in the camp of allowing abortion in the case of rape. I knew a woman who had the baby with consequences that was just too tragic for most people to comprehend.

Because I felt so strongly that women should be permitted to abort the UNWANTED children of rapists, I could not understand Jaycee Dugard's attitude toward the three children she had that were the result of rape. Not only was she forced to have those children but raise them. I fully expected her to walk out of that prison and demand her freedom from the slavery of caring for these children. It was surprising that she didn't.

See, I can't understand anyone who would think of children as a "prison", no matter where they came from. The kids themselves didn't do anything wrong; why the hell would you blame them for someone else's sins? I don't look at my three children and see their father; I look at them and see THEM.

This is not to say that I think criminalizing abortion in the case of incest or rape is the best plan, either. I think a much better plan would be offering counseling and support for the mother to help her deal with the trauma without passing her own victimization on to someone else.

The PRISON Dugard was kept in was some kind of shack in the backyard. She could not leave, she was continually under guard. So yes she was in prison. IF you are pro life, and I assume you are, then of course you would have the opinion that the children are unique from their father. To someone that is pro choice and believes that abortion in the case of rape is necessary how do they explain Jaycee Dugard wanting to remain with her children even after she was freed from the prison? Having always supported abortion in the case of rape, based on the rape victim I knew and the tragic consequences, I was certainly surprised that Dugard didn't walk out of there and tell the police to get her away from these children as soon as possible.
You can't pass a law that is one size fits all. I used to be firmly in the camp of allowing abortion in the case of rape. I knew a woman who had the baby with consequences that was just too tragic for most people to comprehend.

Because I felt so strongly that women should be permitted to abort the UNWANTED children of rapists, I could not understand Jaycee Dugard's attitude toward the three children she had that were the result of rape. Not only was she forced to have those children but raise them. I fully expected her to walk out of that prison and demand her freedom from the slavery of caring for these children. It was surprising that she didn't.

See, I can't understand anyone who would think of children as a "prison", no matter where they came from. The kids themselves didn't do anything wrong; why the hell would you blame them for someone else's sins? I don't look at my three children and see their father; I look at them and see THEM.

This is not to say that I think criminalizing abortion in the case of incest or rape is the best plan, either. I think a much better plan would be offering counseling and support for the mother to help her deal with the trauma without passing her own victimization on to someone else.

The PRISON Dugard was kept in was some kind of shack in the backyard. She could not leave, she was continually under guard. So yes she was in prison. IF you are pro life, and I assume you are, then of course you would have the opinion that the children are unique from their father. To someone that is pro choice and believes that abortion in the case of rape is necessary how do they explain Jaycee Dugard wanting to remain with her children even after she was freed from the prison? Having always supported abortion in the case of rape, based on the rape victim I knew and the tragic consequences, I was certainly surprised that Dugard didn't walk out of there and tell the police to get her away from these children as soon as possible.

THE SHACK was a prison; no doubt about that. The CHILDREN, on the other hand . . .

It doesn't require being pro-life to realize that children are individuals, separate and unique from their parents. Common sense should tell you THAT, let alone a basic knowledge of biology and genetics.

If you really thought that children were inseparable from their fathers, that mothers should hate their children for things they had no control over, and you were actually shocked by different behavior, then it sounds to me like you need to rethink your positions and beliefs on the subject. They're clearly not giving you a very clear or realistic understanding of the world or humanity.
With reservations, abortion should be legal for any reason...within the first trimester. After that, only when a qualified physician sees a high risk to the life of the expectant mother in continuing the pregnancy.

No state should be a haven for abortions that may be illegal in other states.
With reservations, abortion should be legal for any reason...within the first trimester. After that, only when a qualified physician sees a high risk to the life of the expectant mother in continuing the pregnancy.

No state should be a haven for abortions that may be illegal in other states.

Okay, my response is going to be the same thing it always is when people start throwing around assertions about "should", a word that frankly gives me the willies.

WHY "should" it be that way?
Return the matter to the individual states. Let them decide what is best for them.
I didn't respond to the poll because you didn't include enough options. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first six months of pregnancy without restriction. I believe it should be illegal except to protect the mother's health in the final trimester.

"The first six months" ? ? ? ?
At any time, it's the murder of a human being. At 6 months THIS is what a fetus looks like...

Fetal development - 6 months

Take a look - it's close to fully developed!
I didn't respond to the poll because you didn't include enough options. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first six months of pregnancy without restriction. I believe it should be illegal except to protect the mother's health in the final trimester.

"The first six months" ? ? ? ?
At any time, it's the murder of a human being. At 6 months THIS is what a fetus looks like...

Fetal development - 6 months

Take a look - it's close to fully developed!

I'm not a female but I just don't understand why they don't opt for adoption instead of death. I just don't get it.
I didn't respond to the poll because you didn't include enough options. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first six months of pregnancy without restriction. I believe it should be illegal except to protect the mother's health in the final trimester.

"The first six months" ? ? ? ?
At any time, it's the murder of a human being. At 6 months THIS is what a fetus looks like...

Fetal development - 6 months

Take a look - it's close to fully developed!

I'm not a female but I just don't understand why they don't opt for adoption instead of death. I just don't get it.

Don't know what to tell you, dude. I'm a woman, and I don't really get it.
I'm very impressed that 70% of those polled said abortion should be legal.

This forum is very heavy on the repub side of things so I thought the votes would be to take womens rights away. Y'all give me a bit of hope.

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