Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)
Men do that now! The primary breadwinner for the family becomes the government.
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)

If a man and a woman have equal voice in an abortion and one says yes and the other says no,

then what? That's a tie.
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)

The man assumes potential responsiblity when he chooses to have sex with the woman.
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)

The man assumes potential responsiblity when he chooses to have sex with the woman.

And does she not assume a lifetime of potential responsibilities?

She can shirk hers so why can't he?
Women should be informed that they have a legal right to abortion and abortion is the killing of a human being. If they are okay with that, go ahead.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.....as if every woman (who's prepping for an abortion) has the time....or, inclination.....to search-out the nearest/most-convenient Jesus-freak.


Post birth abortion should be illegal under any circumstances whatsoever, no exceptions.
Aw, gee......

How profound......as usual.

I didn't respond to the poll because you didn't include enough options. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first six months of pregnancy without restriction. I believe it should be illegal except to protect the mother's health in the final trimester.

"The first six months" ? ? ? ?
At any time, it's the murder of a human being. At 6 months THIS is what a fetus looks like...

Fetal development - 6 months

Take a look - it's close to fully developed!

I'm not a female but I just don't understand why they don't opt for adoption instead of death. I just don't get it.

Because for some they just can't wait 9 months to screw around some more....Others are afraid of the "pain", and others just don't care.
I didn't respond to the poll because you didn't include enough options. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first six months of pregnancy without restriction. I believe it should be illegal except to protect the mother's health in the final trimester.

"The first six months" ? ? ? ?
At any time, it's the murder of a human being.
.....So, buy yourself a room-full o' cribs, and.....

Do you think if i did that then all the women that want abortions would just have their babies so i can adopt??? Ha! Then why aren't they doing that now? There are A LOT of people out there that can't have kids...there's always someone to adopt a child!
In the womb, if the child does not live, it is a natural death. It is not cut up and dispersed by man for the convenience or nod of a woman.

Should a "God's Will" law be put on the books?

I'm pretty sure no law is needed for people to just up and die whenever God decides it's time.
Lemme guess......Santa Claus & The Easter Bunny concur, on that, as well.....right?


(Note: The Tooth Fairy would make that a TRIFECTA!!)​
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)
Yeah.....you might want to mention that to the folks in Vegas, that....after you roll-the-dice.....you get to change-the-rules, if the roll costs you money.

Once all of us are pro-life as well as pro-birth, we can figure this out.
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)

If a man and a woman have equal voice in an abortion and one says yes and the other says no,

then what? That's a tie.
For lack of a better term.....who (in such a situation) maintains the bigger-burden?

I realize (in Grampa Murked U's '50s-style world) that men are entitled to a Win-Win outcome (the way God had designed things), but.....who's (typically) awarded the bulk of effort-required, when a child is born? That's gotta be a consideration.​
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)

The man assumes potential responsiblity when he chooses to have sex with the woman.
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)

The man assumes potential responsiblity when he chooses to have sex with the woman.

Why I never realized this is beyond me. Man is 100% responsible for everything in the sack. Can't believe I never realized this.

Equal rights my ass.

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