Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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I think if society gave greater respect and assistance to woman wanting to carry a pregnancy to birth and adopting the child out it could become a more popular choice..oddly it seems there can be more shame connected to putting a child up for adoption.....
Aw, gee........another Caroljoism.....

Ya' think that's what it is, huh.....shame connected to putting a child up for adoption??

When was the last time you put a child up-for-adoption?


yes, I feel self judgement and judgement of others around an unplanned pregnancy and adoption unfortunately makes abortion an easier choice for many...
What you feel is an legitimate-enough sentiment....but, hardly the basis for any kind o' legislation.

I can't imagine anyone seeing either choice as being easy. Unfortunately, those (critics) that make the most noise readily admit they've never been there.​
Aw, gee........another Caroljoism.....

Ya' think that's what it is, huh.....shame connected to putting a child up for adoption??

When was the last time you put a child up-for-adoption?


yes, I feel self judgement and judgement of others around an unplanned pregnancy and adoption unfortunately makes abortion an easier choice for many...
What you feel is an legitimate-enough sentiment....but, hardly the basis for any kind o' legislation.

I can't imagine anyone seeing either choice as being easy. Unfortunately, those (critics) that make the most noise readily admit they've never been there.​

I would legislate..I just speak my truth and do My best to live it
I think if society gave greater respect and assistance to woman wanting to carry a pregnancy to birth and adopting the child out it could become a more popular choice..oddly it seems there can be more shame connected to putting a child up for adoption than terminating a pregnancy in our society at this time
That's kind of the thing...the people who want to legally force a woman to stay pregnant, should be willing to help with the child they made happen...and thier dissapproval of the morality of the mother is something they'll not hide well..
You (actually) KNOW pro-lifers who aren't hypocrites??!!!!


I'd always assumed they were just another o' those Urban Myths....seeing-as-how no one's actually seen one.​
Actually I haven't seen one in the wild, but scientists say that mathematically speaking, they should exist. Perhaps they're all hiding in the same place as Elvis and Bigfoot.
I'm pro choice. This is a free country. Keep the government out of our lives. Leave it to the states, or just make it legal everywhere.
Legal for Life of the Mother considerations for certain. I support Rape and Incest exceptions too, though even then it would be best if the mother could keep the child until they could be adopted. However, it isn't my body and in the case of Incest especially the medical complications can be unbelievable. I couldn't force someone to carry to term.
I like the idea of overturning Roe v Wade and just making it a state's issue.

I support letting the person that has to actually give birth, decide.

Yup, if you outlaw abortions you will just cause backdoor abortion clinics to thrive.

I'd like to address both of these posts simultaneously.

I am pro-life, and a few years ago I did a fairly scientific investigation (for a layman) into what would happen if Roe v. Wade were overturned. I was very surprised at the results. They were not at all what I expected.

I expected abortions would probably drop to about a tenth of where they are now. However, I could not refute the evidence I found which strongly suggests the number of legal abortions would probably not drop at all were Roe V. Wade overturned!

I can evidence bomb the shit out of you guys if you really want to go to the trouble of reading that much material.

Suffice it to say that if the states were left to decide, most of them would keep things the way they are now. Only states like South Dakota and a few Deep South states would ban abortions. But the world of today is not the world of the early 70s when Roe v. Wade was decided. It would not be difficult for a woman in a pro-life state to still get an abortion.

However, the nightmare of the back alley coathanger abortion is total bullshit as well. The pro-choice crowd likes to occassionally throw around a number which says 5,000 women a year were dying from back alley abortions before Roe v. Wade. Some sites even say 10,000 women a year.

That number was complete fiction willfully created by NARAL.

The death rate from illegal abortions in the early 70s was about on par with the death rate of legal abortions. That is because most illegal abortions were performed by OB/GYN doctors who knew what they were doing, and antibiotics were well developed by that time. The 5000/year figure comes from the 1930s when things were not so advanced and there were no antibiotics.

Are you surprised to hear there were legal abortions before Roe v. Wade? You shouldn't be. Even in states which only allowed abortions for rape and incest and health of the mother, the number of abortions was about the same as pro-choice states. The rules in pro-life states were veeeerrrrrry flexible in their interpretation of "danger to the health of the mother". The numbers from back then are part of the evidence which says the number would not drop if Roe v. Wade were overturned today. Because the number only rose for a few years after Roe v. Wade, and then settled back down to the historical figures of ante Roe v. Wade, and remain there to this day.

And it is plain common sense that abortion has become more socially acceptable today as well.

So while I very much support the overturning of Roe v. Wade from a moral perspective, from a pragmatic perspective it will not accomplish much of anything.

What would make a huge dent in the number of abortions is contraception education. During my research I discovered that half of all abortions are the result of no contraception of any kind being used during the sex act which led to the pregnancy.

So if pro-lifers really, really honestly and truly want to have an impact on the abortion rate, they should put all that zealous energy toward getting behind contraception education.

Remember, "contraception" does not abort a fertilized egg. It prevents fertilization from ever occurring.

Thank you for your attention to this long post.
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Aw, gee........another Caroljoism.....

Ya' think that's what it is, huh.....shame connected to putting a child up for adoption??

When was the last time you put a child up-for-adoption?


yes, I feel self judgement and judgement of others around an unplanned pregnancy and adoption unfortunately makes abortion an easier choice for many...
What you feel is an legitimate-enough sentiment....but, hardly the basis for any kind o' legislation.

I can't imagine anyone seeing either choice as being easy. Unfortunately, those (critics) that make the most noise readily admit they've never been there.​

For some abortion IS the easier choice...it can be done and family doesn't even have to know about it. Even the father doesn't have to know about it. You asked me for "numbers"...i don't have any. I could have worded it differently. I know 3 women just in my town that have had abortions. Two of them had ANOTHER abortion the following year! That happens all over, in all cities. I know there are many that feel regret afterwards, and they most likely wouldn't have it again. But when women have multiple abortions it looks to me like they're using it as their birth control.

I also feel that women under maybe the age of 18 NEED to have counseling first. They don't always realize that years later, when they've grown and matured, that they could very possibly regret the abortion of their child years before. They need to fully understand that it's a living person inside of them, not just an blob.

What about women (or young girls) that throw their children away after they're born? Is that ok with you too?
Should a "God's Will" law be put on the books?

A law has nothing to do with God's will. It should be man's law. Just call murder what it is.

So...........no, it shouldn't?

What about wars and the death penalty? Are those going against God's Will when people make the choice to kill and it's unnatural?

I don't understand those who are opposed to abortion yet are so head strong about there being no death penalty. Quite interesting there are felony exceptions with respect to ending a life.
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So God decides who lives and who dies?

In the womb, if the child does not live, it is a natural death. It is not cut up and dispersed by man for the convenience or nod of a woman.

Interesting. He's okay with HUMANS deciding who lives and who dies, but outraged by the idea of God doing it. :eusa_eh:

Not unusual, much less linteresting, to once again see you fraudulently attempt to put words in others' mouths.
A law has nothing to do with God's will. It should be man's law. Just call murder what it is.

So...........no, it shouldn't?

What about wars and the death penalty? Are those going against God's Will when people make the choice to kill and it's unnatural?

I don't understand those who are opposed to abortion yet are so head strong about there being no death penalty. Quite interesting there are felony exceptions with respect to protecting a life.

I am all for the death penalty.
If it could be applied equally. As it is now that is at the discretion of individual district attorneys. An ELECTED position.
If there is a state jurisdiction anywhere in America that equally applies whatever laws they have on an equitable basis statewide with their numerous county district attorneys please share that with us.
Accordingly, I oppose the death penalty because it does not deter and has no uniform set of procedure as to who is charged with the death penalty and who is not.
I think if society gave greater respect and assistance to woman wanting to carry a pregnancy to birth and adopting the child out it could become a more popular choice..oddly it seems there can be more shame connected to putting a child up for adoption than terminating a pregnancy in our society at this time

Not enough Americans are pro-life before they are pro-birth. You make an excellent observation above. We need all of society to consider its obligation to every mother and every child. This goes far beyond pro or anti abortion.
So God decides who lives and who dies?

In the womb, if the child does not live, it is a natural death. It is not cut up and dispersed by man for the convenience or nod of a woman.

Interesting. He's okay with HUMANS deciding who lives and who dies, but outraged by the idea of God doing it. :eusa_eh:

Apparently God isn't the one that's concerned with losing a nice profit every time someone from the Federal Government brings the subject up.
yes, I feel self judgement and judgement of others around an unplanned pregnancy and adoption unfortunately makes abortion an easier choice for many...
What you feel is an legitimate-enough sentiment....but, hardly the basis for any kind o' legislation.

I can't imagine anyone seeing either choice as being easy. Unfortunately, those (critics) that make the most noise readily admit they've never been there.​

For some abortion IS the easier choice...it can be done and family doesn't even have to know about it. Even the father doesn't have to know about it. You asked me for "numbers"...i don't have any. I could have worded it differently. I know 3 women just in my town that have had abortions. Two of them had ANOTHER abortion the following year! That happens all over, in all cities. I know there are many that feel regret afterwards, and they most likely wouldn't have it again. But when women have multiple abortions it looks to me like they're using it as their birth control.

I also feel that women under maybe the age of 18 NEED to have counseling first. They don't always realize that years later, when they've grown and matured, that they could very possibly regret the abortion of their child years before. They need to fully understand that it's a living person inside of them, not just an blob.

What about women (or young girls) that throw their children away after they're born? Is that ok with you too?

I have a question for you though, these women that have all these abortions, do you really think they would be responsible parents if they are so quick to pull the plug on these pregnancies?
Well if a woman has the final voice in raising the child or ending its life should the man responsible for the pregnancy be allowed to "walk away" from fiscal responsibilities if she chooses to have the child?

Keep in mind I've already raised my children so this is all water under the bridge for me. But it seems the laws are all tilted in the woman's favor. Simply put if she can kill it he should be able to ditch his responsibilities if she has it. (his abortion financially)

If a man and a woman have equal voice in an abortion and one says yes and the other says no,

then what? That's a tie.
For lack of a better term.....who (in such a situation) maintains the bigger-burden?​

I'm sure the financial obligations are a good enough "burden" for some to take into account? Dipers, clothes, insurance, dental, school, baby sitting rather than a night drinking with the boys, ring, committment . . . etc.
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What you feel is an legitimate-enough sentiment....but, hardly the basis for any kind o' legislation.​

I can't imagine anyone seeing either choice as being easy. Unfortunately, those (critics) that make the most noise readily admit they've never been there.​

For some abortion IS the easier choice...it can be done and family doesn't even have to know about it. Even the father doesn't have to know about it. You asked me for "numbers"...i don't have any. I could have worded it differently. I know 3 women just in my town that have had abortions. Two of them had ANOTHER abortion the following year! That happens all over, in all cities. I know there are many that feel regret afterwards, and they most likely wouldn't have it again. But when women have multiple abortions it looks to me like they're using it as their birth control.

I also feel that women under maybe the age of 18 NEED to have counseling first. They don't always realize that years later, when they've grown and matured, that they could very possibly regret the abortion of their child years before. They need to fully understand that it's a living person inside of them, not just an blob.

What about women (or young girls) that throw their children away after they're born? Is that ok with you too?

I have a question for you though, these women that have all these abortions, do you really think they would be responsible parents if they are so quick to pull the plug on these pregnancies?

Are you implying that most women who obtain legal abortions would neglect/abuse their children? That they are actually criminal? Based upon the fact that they obtain abortions?
If a man and a woman have equal voice in an abortion and one says yes and the other says no,

then what? That's a tie.
For lack of a better term.....who (in such a situation) maintains the bigger-burden?​

I'm sure the financial obligations are a good enough "burden" for some to take into account? Dipers, clothes, insurance, dental, school, baby sitting rather than a night drinking with the boys, ring, committment . . . etc.

And as soon as they are forced to have the baby all of a sudden they quit "drinking with the boys" and every other irresponsible thing, like getting pregnant in the first place, just to name a few.
For some abortion IS the easier choice...it can be done and family doesn't even have to know about it. Even the father doesn't have to know about it. You asked me for "numbers"...i don't have any. I could have worded it differently. I know 3 women just in my town that have had abortions. Two of them had ANOTHER abortion the following year! That happens all over, in all cities. I know there are many that feel regret afterwards, and they most likely wouldn't have it again. But when women have multiple abortions it looks to me like they're using it as their birth control.

I also feel that women under maybe the age of 18 NEED to have counseling first. They don't always realize that years later, when they've grown and matured, that they could very possibly regret the abortion of their child years before. They need to fully understand that it's a living person inside of them, not just an blob.

What about women (or young girls) that throw their children away after they're born? Is that ok with you too?

I have a question for you though, these women that have all these abortions, do you really think they would be responsible parents if they are so quick to pull the plug on these pregnancies?

Are you implying that most women who obtain legal abortions would neglect/abuse their children? That they are actually criminal? Based upon the fact that they obtain abortions?

You speak out of both sides of your mouth.
You claim that these women have abortions because they would rather be out drinking and partying then claim they would not be doing that after they had their babies.
Pregnant women and new mothers are also creatures of habit just like the rest of us.
People do not change people, people have to CHANGE THEMSELVES.
Real world.
Here's the truth ppl...

Legalized abortion does not reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect. In fact, it appears that since the advent of legalized abortion, the incidence of child abuse and neglect (and murder) has increased exponentially.

Legalized abortion is not necessary to allow for women who need abortions for medical reasons to obtain them. Women before RvW were able to obtain medical abortions just fine.

Legalized abortion does not decrease the number of back alley abortions, nor does it reduce the numbers of abortions overall. Abortion numbers have climbed steadily since RvW, until just the last few years.

Legalized abortion does not increase the health of populations. In fact, legalized abortion that is promoted to any particular population historically indicates that someone is seeking to eliminate that population altogether.
So...........no, it shouldn't?

What about wars and the death penalty? Are those going against God's Will when people make the choice to kill and it's unnatural?

I don't understand those who are opposed to abortion yet are so head strong about there being no death penalty. Quite interesting there are felony exceptions with respect to protecting a life.

I am all for the death penalty.
If it could be applied equally. As it is now that is at the discretion of individual district attorneys. An ELECTED position.
If there is a state jurisdiction anywhere in America that equally applies whatever laws they have on an equitable basis statewide with their numerous county district attorneys please share that with us.
Accordingly, I oppose the death penalty because it does not deter and has no uniform set of procedure as to who is charged with the death penalty and who is not.

I am pro death penalty when there is hard evidence such as DNA. I also believe it needs to be used as a means to help protect the lives of our law enforcement. As far as it not being a real deterrent, that's kind of hard when they can sit on death row for YEARS while some never see that sentence ever come to them. There is too much "coddling" of the criminals in our society as if THEY should be seen as the victums in every case.
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