Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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You can't take what you dish out, koshergirl. :lol:

On this subject, you are both wrong and immoral. You would have made a perfect Puritan.

Nope, I believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and liberty for all.

I'm not into arcane torture...that's something that comes under the abortion advocacy flag.
You can't take what you dish out, koshergirl. :lol:

On this subject, you are both wrong and immoral. You would have made a perfect Puritan.

Nope, I believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and liberty for all.

I'm not into arcane torture...that's something that comes under the abortion advocacy flag.

I support your right to act like an idiot here, for sure.

I know, it's so horrible when people object to dismembering babies.

What laughable fools!
Abortion is terrible, but on occasion it is the right and moral thing to do. End of story. Any who says the baby comes before mother is mentally ill.
A law has nothing to do with God's will. It should be man's law. Just call murder what it is.

So...........no, it shouldn't?

What about wars and the death penalty? Are those going against God's Will when people make the choice to kill and it's unnatural?

I don't understand those who are opposed to abortion yet are so head strong about there being no death penalty. Quite interesting there are felony exceptions with respect to ending a life.

I was just asking if her principles were consistent.

If unnatural death is against God's will, she should be the loudest anti-war and anti-death penalty advocate on these boards.
The murder of innocent children, and the execution of brutal criminals who have been convicted of murder, are two different subjects. I'm sorry you can't wrap your head around that.

Incidentally, I am anti-death penalty as well.
The murder of innocent children, and the execution of brutal criminals who have been convicted of murder, are two different subjects. I'm sorry you can't wrap your head around that.

Incidentally, I am anti-death penalty as well.

She said unnatural death.

In your opinion are abortions and the death penalty unnatural deaths?

You can include your childish insults and emtional diatribe you've made famous, but please answer the question somewhere in your next post.

"murder" is a legal term, not a moral one. Regulated abortion is legal and not murder.

Opinion does not trump law.
Murder is murder regardless what the law says.

The idea that the law must always be "correct" is kind of scary. As has been pointed out over and over and over...the law used to protect men who raped their wives, locked them up, stole their $$, and beat their children.

The law used to protect people who killed their slaves. So was killing a slave not murder, because the law didn't recognize it?

This has been asked repeatedly, and the pro-abortion fascists choose to ignore it. With good cause. In another generation, they would have been supporting slavery as well.
Another decent thread turned into a Kosher and Jake slap fight.

Imagine the Price is Right music when someone loses a game.

Bum bum bum bummmmmmmmmm, bwooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww
Whatever. Jake's vapidisms are just that, vapidisms. He's been trumped at every turn.

And yet he still doesn't learn. That's indicative of a learning disability.
Actually, many people who have babies they didn't plan or particularly want, initially, make splendid parents. I know lots of them.

Besides which, there is no law that says you may not put your baby up for adoption.

Aside from that, there is absolutely no stats to support any of the nonsense you are spouting. And YOU are the one who claimed that legal = moral.
The fact that the people you know make splendid parents if an unwanted pregnancy occurs says more about you and your friends than it does about how a prostitute, drug addict, or teenage mother would raise an unwanted baby. My guess is that none of the parents of unwanted babies you know are prostitutes, mentally ill, or drug additcs...and if they were...it is probably outside of then norm for unwanted babies

The problems with forcing a woman to carry a baby and put it up for adoption, include the fact that once the baby is born, many unfit mothers change thier minds about the adoption. Babies can also be born with horrific drug related defects that end up in suffering for all involved.

Why do you think I should put up stats?...I haven't made any assertions, and I'm just trying to get you to prove yours.

You made the assertions that when abortion is legalized, abuse and neglect increases, and you made the assertion that abortion is used as a tool by despotic leaders and liberals to exterminate the poor or enemies.

Don't ask me to do your homework. If you're right, I'll admit it.
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You can't take what you dish out, koshergirl. :lol:

On this subject, you are both wrong and immoral. You would have made a perfect Puritan.

Nope, I believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and liberty for all.

I'm not into arcane torture...that's something that comes under the abortion advocacy flag.
I'd bet the majority of people at Planned Parenthood, and all the liberals I know, believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and liberty for all.

Abortion advocates are not "into arcane torture", that's just a bunch of high drama rhetoric.
Actually, many people who have babies they didn't plan or particularly want, initially, make splendid parents. I know lots of them.

Besides which, there is no law that says you may not put your baby up for adoption.

Aside from that, there is absolutely no stats to support any of the nonsense you are spouting. And YOU are the one who claimed that legal = moral.
The fact that the people you know make splendid parents if an unwanted pregnancy occurs says more about you and your friends than it does about how a prostitute, drug addict, or teenage mother would raise an unwanted baby. My guess is that none of the parents of unwanted babies you know are prostitutes, mentally ill, or drug additcs...and if they were...it is probably outside of then norm for unwanted babies

The problems with forcing a woman to carry a baby and put it up for adoption, include the fact that once the baby is born, many unfit mothers change thier minds about the adoption. Babies can also be born with horrific drug related defects that end up in suffering for all involved.

Why do you think I should put up stats?...I haven't made any assertions, and I'm just trying to get you to prove yours.

You made the assertions that when abortion is legalized, abuse and neglect increases, and you made the assertion that abortion is used as a tool by despotic leaders and liberals to exterminate the poor or enemies.

Don't ask me to do your homework. If you're right, I'll admit it.

Actually, I've known many addicts, I've worked with them in treatment, and their children, and still do.

So you think that if a woman changes her mind about adoption and keeps the baby, that she should have just killed the baby outright?

Lol..you certainly think a lot of women. And this is what it comes down to. The pro-abortionists believe the population is vile, they don't care what happens to them, they want their children dead and they want the women themselves out of the picture.
And regarding the incidence of child abuse, child murder, etc. that has increased since the advent of legalized abortion, visit the CDC or Guttmacher websites. The stats are there. Incidence of women's cancer has increased exponentially as well...and in Poland, cancer incidence increased with legalized abortion, then decreased when it was pulled from the table.

All true. You don't have to do my homework, I've already done it. I've linked this stuff dozens and dozens of times on this site. The Poland study info is the thread "Yes, Virginia"

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