Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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I'd be for outlawing abortion, ONLY if those who are against abortion would be willing to adopt any children who are unwanted by their parents once they are born. If you're so concerned about the well being of these children, you should have no problem with adopting them when they are turned away by their mothers who weren't allowed to abort them.
Because I like to see baby killers get worked up over it.


Now that sounds like a great way to get people who disagree with you behind your cause!

Convince them with childish insults!!!!!!!!!

"Be against abortion, or else you're a poopy-head!"

That message seems like the exact way to decrease abortions, keep up the good work! :clap2:
I'm not trying to win you over, I know those committed to killing babies will never swing to my side.
This is why kg is in the vast minority.

She knows what she knows and that's all she knows. :lol:

Hey, it's her right as an American.
I'm not trying to win you over, I know those committed to killing babies will never swing to my side.

So you know abortion is killing babies, but you have no desire to change people's minds who don't think that?

All the while playing the holier than thou card, very weird.
I'm in the vast majority.

You know it's true because..I SAID IT.

I can see how you would believe that when you never leave your small minded, narrow little world where everyone around you has the same small minded mentality.
I'm just using JS's MO.

But here, I do have the proof (as I always do...):

"A new Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, finds 51% of Americans calling themselves "pro-life" on the issue of abortion and 42% "pro-choice."
More Americans
I'm just using JS's MO.

But here, I do have the proof (as I always do...):

"A new Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, finds 51% of Americans calling themselves "pro-life" on the issue of abortion and 42% "pro-choice."
More Americans

I am pro-life, too. Our difference is that you are in a group of about 15 to 18% that do want to permit rape or incest as acceptable reasons for abortion. Less than one in five is a real minority. "Vast" may be the wrong term, though. How about "almost inconsequential"?

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