Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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I don't care what you believe, you aren't a pro-lifer if you think good reasons exist for killing babies.

Sorry to rain on your delusion parade.
I'm just using JS's MO.

But here, I do have the proof (as I always do...):

"A new Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, finds 51% of Americans calling themselves "pro-life" on the issue of abortion and 42% "pro-choice."

I’m pro-life and anti-abortion as well, everyone I know is. And as an opponent of abortion I’m opposed to laws banning abortion because I know such laws won’t work; in addition, laws banning abortion are un-Constitutional, they’re a violation of the right to privacy, and are an unwarranted expansion of the state’s authority.

If you’re opposed to abortion then make viable proposals as to solutions, and stop with the ‘murder’ nonsense.

"Gallup released the results of a new survey confirming, for the third time in the last year, that more Americans call themselves pro-life than "pro-choice" on abortion. That's enough for the respected polling firm to say a pro-life majority is the "new normal" in the United States.

According to a May 3-6 Gallup poll, 47 percent of Americans say they are pro-life on abortion versus 45 percent who say they are "pro-choice," supporting legal abortions."

Gallup Poll Finds More Americans Pro-Life Than Pro-Abortion, The "New Normal"

Fortunately in a Constitutional Republic rights aren’t determined by majority rule.
You can tell because I believe all human life is precious.

Babies, old people, drooling retards. All of them. You don't have the right to slaughter them, so just keep away, baby killer.
Not mothers, koshergirl. You are pro-birth not pro-life. You are as detached from reality as Obama.
No, I believe the life of the mother is precious too. Which is why I'm adamantly against life threatening abortions that are sold to desperate women as a kind of "cure-all".
Though I know the babykillers think it's okay to risk the mother's life, so long as that baby gets good and dead.
You demonstrate how detached from reality you truly are. A shame that you are pro-birth, not pro-life.
Though I know the babykillers think it's okay to risk the mother's life, so long as that baby gets good and dead.

The only person risking their lives are the women who have the abortions. No one is forcing them to do it.

All medical procedures carry risk. Its called personal responsibility for your choices.
Like any good authoritarian, koshergirl wants the state to take up the responsibility for peoples' choices.
You can't ask responsibly if you are being fed propaganda. That's the rub. If information is being kept from you, and you are being lied to.
I don't believe killing babies is a choice we should allow people to have, this is true.
koshergirl wants to control information, like any good authoritarian would, if she could. Maybe she should wear a hood and a cross, too.
Nor do I believe in allowing people to choose to rape, pillage, loot, burglarize, assault.

I'm so controlling that way.

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