Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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Didn't think you'd have an answer. Thanks for confirming I was right.

You vastly overrated your understanding of this entire topic.

At least you know you're not pro-life, you're pro-birth.
That was my answer. You asked how I could say baby. I say it this way...

b. a. b. y.

No, you tried to do this earlier, too. You pretended I believed in forcing women to carry children that would kill them...you likewise pretended that was something the pro-life crowd (before you changed the definition of pro-life to mean "baby killer") promoted.

When I asked you to link that, cite it, give some examples, you started on the schtick of "pro-birth".

How lame.
No, you tried to do this earlier, too. You pretended I believed in forcing women to carry children that would kill them...you likewise pretended that was something the pro-life crowd (before you changed the definition of pro-life to mean "baby killer") promoted.

When I asked you to link that, cite it, give some examples, you started on the schtick of "pro-birth".

How lame.

I "forced" you to back up and give space for mothers whose lives were threatened.

You asked me to link something I did not say, but right wing progressive statists like you do that: tell the big lie.

You are pro-birth not pro-life.
That was my answer. You asked how I could say baby. I say it this way...

b. a. b. y.


Except thats not what I asked at all. Even if you were trying to be cute and take my question literally, your response still wouldn't make any sense. Grow up.
Spend way to much or should I say give away to much for abortions ...
There are so many different cultures coming to live here, but then its not acceptable to do what your culture has been doing for as long as we hear have been thinking you need to be 18.
Dont spend it on abortions spend it on education and stop buying the votes!!!
If they could find a test for "gayness", many Republicans would most certainly favor an "exception". It goes without saying.
if you took all the pc bullshit out of everything the left would have nothing to bitch about thats why they push it.
Again, for all of you "We want big government to deny poor women abortions but will look the other way as cousnin Suzy has hers" self proclaimed "pro life" groupies:

If Roe was overturned TODAY, abortion would still be legal all day 24/7 EVERYWHERE because NO LAW stops wealthy women from having a legal abortion.

Not saying that is right but that is states rights.


Spend way to much or should I say give away to much for abortions ...
There are so many different cultures coming to live here, but then its not acceptable to do what your culture has been doing for as long as we hear have been thinking you need to be 18.
Dont spend it on abortions spend it on education and stop buying the votes!!!

One small problem with that one.

I am not the left and know THE CONSTITUTION.
Only for abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger.

Cases of rape/incest I must admit I tend to go back and forth on, but lean towards not allowing it.

But my views are this:

-In today's society there are plenty of tools to practice safe sex (condoms for both males and females, spermicides, birth control, depo-shots, etc.). In many cases you get get protect for free (my college gave out free condoms). So I think if somebody engages in unsafe sex-and are not prepared to take on the responsibility of raising a child-then they're acting irresponsibly.

-I think people should be held accountable for their actions. If you make a mistake and become pregnant (due to making a poor choice)-I think that's on you. Why does personal responsibility end with abortion? If I do an action, I have to be responsible to the reaction/effect of that action.
Only for abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger.

Cases of rape/incest I must admit I tend to go back and forth on, but lean towards not allowing it.

But my views are this:

-In today's society there are plenty of tools to practice safe sex (condoms for both males and females, spermicides, birth control, depo-shots, etc.). In many cases you get get protect for free (my college gave out free condoms). So I think if somebody engages in unsafe sex-and are not prepared to take on the responsibility of raising a child-then they're acting irresponsibly.

-I think people should be held accountable for their actions. If you make a mistake and become pregnant (due to making a poor choice)-I think that's on you. Why does personal responsibility end with abortion? If I do an action, I have to be responsible to the reaction/effect of that action.

Then you, along with koshergirl, are big government right wing statists pushing your pro-birth legislation.
Only for abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger.

Cases of rape/incest I must admit I tend to go back and forth on, but lean towards not allowing it.

But my views are this:

-In today's society there are plenty of tools to practice safe sex (condoms for both males and females, spermicides, birth control, depo-shots, etc.). In many cases you get get protect for free (my college gave out free condoms). So I think if somebody engages in unsafe sex-and are not prepared to take on the responsibility of raising a child-then they're acting irresponsibly.

-I think people should be held accountable for their actions. If you make a mistake and become pregnant (due to making a poor choice)-I think that's on you. Why does personal responsibility end with abortion? If I do an action, I have to be responsible to the reaction/effect of that action.

How hard is it now to find a doctor to claim you were hurt in an auto accident where no one WAS hurt?
How hard is it now to find a doctor to write a prescription for ANY DRUG you want?
How hard is it now to find a doctor to testify before a comp or disability board that you are 25% disabled when nothing is wrong with you?
And the big one is: How hard is it to find a LONG LINE OF DOCTORS that will testify in court for someone claiming medical malpractice, as in every case filed YOU MUST have a doctor claim there was malpractice to even get into court?

Finding a doctor to state "the abortion is needed for the health of the mother" is as easy as it comes.
$$$$$$$ is what some doctors always respond to. I hate it to and can not stand abortion but reality is not looked at by most of the so called "Pro Life" crowd.
Respectfully, real world, please join us.
Only for abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger.

Cases of rape/incest I must admit I tend to go back and forth on, but lean towards not allowing it.

But my views are this:

-In today's society there are plenty of tools to practice safe sex (condoms for both males and females, spermicides, birth control, depo-shots, etc.). In many cases you get get protect for free (my college gave out free condoms). So I think if somebody engages in unsafe sex-and are not prepared to take on the responsibility of raising a child-then they're acting irresponsibly.

-I think people should be held accountable for their actions. If you make a mistake and become pregnant (due to making a poor choice)-I think that's on you. Why does personal responsibility end with abortion? If I do an action, I have to be responsible to the reaction/effect of that action.

Then you, along with koshergirl, are big government right wing statists pushing your pro-birth legislation.

Then you, along with others like you, are big government left wing statists pushing your pro-death legislation.
The fight is by progressives, koshergirl, from the left, thinking, and right of the question.

The far left is for abortion on demand.

The thinking center is pro-life trying to balance needs of mother and child. That's me.

The far right (that's you) is pro-birth puts child's needs almost always before mother except (on rare occasion) of the mother's health.
Not the child's needs. Life.

I don't think there are any considerations that justify murder of a child...except in rare cases, when carrying that child will potentially kill the mother. Not via the regular risks of childbirth, because abortion carries pretty much the same potential of death and illness, but for a very specific reason..the mother is a brittle diabetic, the mother is in need of cancer treatment, or she has some unspecified illness or disorder that would result in her dying if she carried a child to term. I honestly have no idea, aside from renal or liver failure, diabetes, and cancer, what might fit that description, I just know it's extremely rare.

A child can't have NEEDS unless it's alive, and except for life, a mother has no NEEDS that trump another's right to LIVE.
Not the child's needs. Life.

I don't think there are any considerations that justify murder of a child...except in rare cases, when carrying that child will potentially kill the mother. Not via the regular risks of childbirth, because abortion carries pretty much the same potential of death and illness, but for a very specific reason..the mother is a brittle diabetic, the mother is in need of cancer treatment, or she has some unspecified illness or disorder that would result in her dying if she carried a child to term. I honestly have no idea, aside from renal or liver failure, diabetes, and cancer, what might fit that description, I just know it's extremely rare.

A child can't have NEEDS unless it's alive, and except for life, a mother has no NEEDS that trump another's right to LIVE.

A fetus is not a child. Therefor no child is murdered.

If removed from a womb of which belongs to the woman..... the cells many be alive but it does not have a life of its own.

The woman's needs are what HER body will or will not support, what she is willing or not willing to carry.

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