Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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Only for abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger.

Cases of rape/incest I must admit I tend to go back and forth on, but lean towards not allowing it.

But my views are this:

-In today's society there are plenty of tools to practice safe sex (condoms for both males and females, spermicides, birth control, depo-shots, etc.). In many cases you get get protect for free (my college gave out free condoms). So I think if somebody engages in unsafe sex-and are not prepared to take on the responsibility of raising a child-then they're acting irresponsibly.

-I think people should be held accountable for their actions. If you make a mistake and become pregnant (due to making a poor choice)-I think that's on you. Why does personal responsibility end with abortion? If I do an action, I have to be responsible to the reaction/effect of that action.

Then you, along with koshergirl, are big government right wing statists pushing your pro-birth legislation.

Actually I voted for Obama (I admit I wont be doing that again though). I also voted Crist for senate in the past election, and Sink for governor (while closing my eyes lol).

I understand you have a habit of viewing people with blanket terms based on one view of theirs. But you're assuming here-and we both know what that makes you.

I also want to point out that you didn't bring up any original thoughts or ideas in your rebuttal to me, but rather just (incorrectly) asserted that I was a big-government right-winger.

Unlike yourself (based upon this post), I actually think for myself-and don't hold views just because they're liberal or conservative. I view each issue on it's own, and then decide what I think. I don't base it around blanket terms, like you obviously do (or did in this case).

I view people individually as they reveal themselves, and I appropriately cataloged you with koshergirl. Your positions makes you a big government right winger. You may think for yourself but fail to understand yourself clearly.
If a fetus is a person then a woman who gets an abortion should get the death penalty or life in prison, in most cases.
Yeah, because everybody who kills babies gets the death penalty or life in prison.

This is another case of "let's muddy the issue by pretending it's something else". This is what the left does when they want to hide something. Like the fact that they want to kill babies and honestly just don't think there's anything wrong with it.

But they know how the majority feels about that. So they prevaricate.
Yeah, because everybody who kills babies gets the death penalty or life in prison.

This is another case of "let's muddy the issue by pretending it's something else". This is what the left does when they want to hide something. Like the fact that they want to kill babies and honestly just don't think there's anything wrong with it.

But they know how the majority feels about that. So they prevaricate.

I'm not pretending it's something else. I'm pretending it's killing babies, which is what you call it.

Since when did we not prosecute mothers who willingfully, with premeditation, kill their born children?

If you believe there is no difference between the born and the unborn, then you cannot make a sensible argument that crimes against them would be any different.

Murder charges for the women who get abortions. Right down to taking RU 486. RU 486 murders babies.
That has nothing to do with what we're discussing. If you want to discuss appropriate punishment should abortion ever become illegal, why don't you start a thread on that? right now, it's legal. So it has nothing to do with this topic. We don't determine penalties for violation of laws that don't exist, and in this country, we don't decide whether or not to make something illegal based upon what the punishment might be if people violate the law, if it ever becomes a law. Not yet. Maybe in your utopia that will happen, along with punishing people BEFORE they commit crime based upon what you think their "thoughts" are, and killing off those people who don't contribute "enough" to society.
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That has nothing to do with what we're discussing. If you want to discuss appropriate punishment should abortion ever become illegal, why don't you start a thread on that? right now, it's legal. So it has nothing to do with this topic. We don't determine penalties for violation of laws that don't exist, and in this country, we don't decide whether or not to make something illegal based upon what the punishment might be if people violate the law, if it ever becomes a law. Not yet. Maybe in your utopia that will happen, along with punishing people BEFORE they commit crime based upon what you think their "thoughts" are, and killing off those people who don't contribute "enough" to society.

Then what is your bitch?
I have asked koshergirl 1001 times what law would she want to stop abortion and how does one enforce that law with "the abortion was done in the best health interests of the mother" that a doctor provides.
No answer to date.

The last thing she wants is a practical, reality based discussion.

She comes to this board to tell us all she's better than us, judge everyone who's even the least bit different than her, and play the holier than thou card as often as possible.

I've never talked with someone with anywhere close to the level of insecurity that she has.
I see the usual tantrums the progressive mob throws when they can't divert the conversation from the truth are in full swing.
I chose exceptions for life of the mother, incest and rape. I don't see why we need abortion to be legal otherwise.
Let's stop pretending in the past, when abortion was illegal, women were "forced" to bear children they "hated". When the pro-abortion side is honest, then the discussion can move forward.

Of course, if they were honest, they'd admit the real reasons behind their support of baby killing.
I see the usual tantrums the progressive mob throws when they can't divert the conversation from the truth are in full swing.

All we're asking is for every 1,000 posts you make to bitch about abortion, is to offer one practical solution.

1,000:1 ratio of bitching to practical posts, I can't lower the standard any more than that.
I didn't respond to the poll because you didn't include enough options. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first six months of pregnancy without restriction. I believe it should be illegal except to protect the mother's health in the final trimester.

I have a sister that was born right at six months,smart beautiful person,at 3 month six month or 50 years they are always what they are people!!
Let's stop pretending in the past, when abortion was illegal, women were "forced" to bear children they "hated". When the pro-abortion side is honest, then the discussion can move forward.

Of course, if they were honest, they'd admit the real reasons behind their support of baby killing.

Are you for or against allowing women who've been raped to abort?
Yeah, because everybody who kills babies gets the death penalty or life in prison.

This is another case of "let's muddy the issue by pretending it's something else". This is what the left does when they want to hide something. Like the fact that they want to kill babies and honestly just don't think there's anything wrong with it.

But they know how the majority feels about that. So they prevaricate.
That's delusional.
This thread wasn't ment as a platform to bash others. I was just curious about other peoples opinions.
Awesome avatar by the way GT!

I've got a lot of similar photos from my girls when they were babies. Fun times to be sure.
I chose exceptions for life of the mother, incest and rape. I don't see why we need abortion to be legal otherwise.

Most sane people agree with this.

I agree. I think it would be quite inhumane otherwise, but at the same time ---> let's stop convenience abortions.

That's a great term. No convenience abortions, no absolutist pro-birth mentality, no extremism from either end.

Life of the mother, rape, and incest.
I have an idea.

Why don't we build a database of all people that are pro-life and willing to take care of another child.

Then when someone that is thinking about an abortion could easily put their child up for "REARING" by a Pro-life guardian. Of course it is understood that the biological parent is still the mother, but the pro-lifer is to help nourish and raise the child. Kind of like a god-parent that provides resources yet is legally binded to help take care of the child.

I bet an idea like this will cut down on abortions.

I agree. Its one of my pet peeves about the pro lifers.

I also feel that the pro life people should foot the entire financial bill for the care, feeding and housing of the "saved" child.

Really?? just why do you think a pro life person should have to foot the bill for a saved child? you did use the right adjective by the way. Because they care more about the childs life than the parents?? what kinda twisted logic is this?? If costs are a factor in if a child lives or dies we are the lowest of low.

Some people are peeved at others total disregard for human life,innocent human life.Projecting the financial burden onto others changes nothing.

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