Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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Let's stop pretending in the past, when abortion was illegal, women were "forced" to bear children they "hated". When the pro-abortion side is honest, then the discussion can move forward.

Of course, if they were honest, they'd admit the real reasons behind their support of baby killing.

Are you for or against allowing women who've been raped to abort?


And let me tell you why.....

Abortion is often used as a way to HIDE ongoing violence against women and girls. Perps coerce their victims to get abortions because they want to HIDE THE CRIME. Women and girls are being victimized and PP and the abortion crowd are just as guilty as the men who abuse them.

Women and girls who get pregnant via rape almost always know and have ongoing relationships with the men who victimize them. Abortion is used by these men to hide those relationships so they can continue abusing those women.

Additionally, women who get pregnant by rape often don't know they're pregnant until it has advanced. And they often don't even REPORT the rape. So the notion of women bustling into the abortion clinic minutes after they've been raped to report the crime and get a nice scraping is not realistic.

And this ridiculous idea that it's okay to hide pregnancy, that people should be ashamed to be pregnant, that having children signals the end of life is just schizophrenic claptrap. Children are NOT abhorrent. And abortion doesn't "cure" rape. The idea that it does only serves to further victimize women, as well as children.
I have an idea.

Why don't we build a database of all people that are pro-life and willing to take care of another child.

Then when someone that is thinking about an abortion could easily put their child up for "REARING" by a Pro-life guardian. Of course it is understood that the biological parent is still the mother, but the pro-lifer is to help nourish and raise the child. Kind of like a god-parent that provides resources yet is legally binded to help take care of the child.

I bet an idea like this will cut down on abortions.

I agree. Its one of my pet peeves about the pro lifers.

I also feel that the pro life people should foot the entire financial bill for the care, feeding and housing of the "saved" child.

Really?? just why do you think a pro life person should have to foot the bill for a saved child? you did use the right adjective by the way. Because they care more about the childs life than the parents?? what kinda twisted logic is this?? If costs are a factor in if a child lives or dies we are the lowest of low.

Some people are peeved at others total disregard for human life,innocent human life.Projecting the financial burden onto others changes nothing.

Besides which, syrenn is working from the perspective of logical fallacy.

Abortion does not reduce the number of unwanted babies. In fact, if we go by numbers, on-demand abortion seems to actually increase the incidence of child abuse and murder.

Get rid of abortion, watch children become valuable again.Stop teaching people that babies are a "punishment", a "disease" and better off dead. You'd be amazed at how society will change in their behavior toward them.
Let's stop pretending in the past, when abortion was illegal, women were "forced" to bear children they "hated". When the pro-abortion side is honest, then the discussion can move forward.

Of course, if they were honest, they'd admit the real reasons behind their support of baby killing.

Are you for or against allowing women who've been raped to abort?


And let me tell you why.....

Abortion is often used as a way to HIDE ongoing violence against women and girls. Perps coerce their victims to get abortions because they want to HIDE THE CRIME. Women and girls are being victimized and PP and the abortion crowd are just as guilty as the men who abuse them.

Women and girls who get pregnant via rape almost always know and have ongoing relationships with the men who victimize them. Abortion is used by these men to hide those relationships so they can continue abusing those women.

Additionally, women who get pregnant by rape often don't know they're pregnant until it has advanced. And they often don't even REPORT the rape. So the notion of women bustling into the abortion clinic minutes after they've been raped to report the crime and get a nice scraping is not realistic.

And this ridiculous idea that it's okay to hide pregnancy, that people should be ashamed to be pregnant, that having children signals the end of life is just schizophrenic claptrap. Children are NOT abhorrent. And abortion doesn't "cure" rape. The idea that it does only serves to further victimize women, as well as children.

Those are seriously good reasons, to you, to refuse women by law to abort if they've been legitimately raped?
Let's stop pretending in the past, when abortion was illegal, women were "forced" to bear children they "hated". When the pro-abortion side is honest, then the discussion can move forward.

Of course, if they were honest, they'd admit the real reasons behind their support of baby killing.

Are you for or against allowing women who've been raped to abort?


And let me tell you why.....

Abortion is often used as a way to HIDE ongoing violence against women and girls. Perps coerce their victims to get abortions because they want to HIDE THE CRIME. Women and girls are being victimized and PP and the abortion crowd are just as guilty as the men who abuse them.

Women and girls who get pregnant via rape almost always know and have ongoing relationships with the men who victimize them. Abortion is used by these men to hide those relationships so they can continue abusing those women.

Additionally, women who get pregnant by rape often don't know they're pregnant until it has advanced. And they often don't even REPORT the rape. So the notion of women bustling into the abortion clinic minutes after they've been raped to report the crime and get a nice scraping is not realistic.

And this ridiculous idea that it's okay to hide pregnancy, that people should be ashamed to be pregnant, that having children signals the end of life is just schizophrenic claptrap. Children are NOT abhorrent. And abortion doesn't "cure" rape. The idea that it does only serves to further victimize women, as well as children.

LOL, so you're against abortion in case of rape because you want to bring the importance of the issue of rape to light? Where the fuck do you people come from? The 16th century?
I just get sick of the left victimizing women and killing babies...and pretending they're doing them a favor.
Are you for or against allowing women who've been raped to abort?


And let me tell you why.....

Abortion is often used as a way to HIDE ongoing violence against women and girls. Perps coerce their victims to get abortions because they want to HIDE THE CRIME. Women and girls are being victimized and PP and the abortion crowd are just as guilty as the men who abuse them.

Women and girls who get pregnant via rape almost always know and have ongoing relationships with the men who victimize them. Abortion is used by these men to hide those relationships so they can continue abusing those women.

Additionally, women who get pregnant by rape often don't know they're pregnant until it has advanced. And they often don't even REPORT the rape. So the notion of women bustling into the abortion clinic minutes after they've been raped to report the crime and get a nice scraping is not realistic.

And this ridiculous idea that it's okay to hide pregnancy, that people should be ashamed to be pregnant, that having children signals the end of life is just schizophrenic claptrap. Children are NOT abhorrent. And abortion doesn't "cure" rape. The idea that it does only serves to further victimize women, as well as children.

LOL, so you're against abortion in case of rape because you want to bring the importance of the issue of rape to light? Where the fuck do you people come from? The 16th century?

I don't mind anti abortion people, but in the case of rape it's seriously barbaric to me.
You support the very device that perps use to hide their crime, then, and that, to me, is barbaric.
You support the very device that perps use to hide their crime, then, and that, to me, is barbaric.

So you're letting the criminals' activities dictate to you what the victim has to go through? Sick.
What is sick is your desire to protect the criminal at the expense of the life of the victim and her baby.

Court heard in early 2000, the mother and her husband started to have sex in front of their children. Then they forced their 10-year-old daughter to participate.
When the girl was 12, she became pregnant. She had an abortion and was given birth control pills so she could continue to have sex with her father."

Parents used daughter for sex, court told - Crime - Canoe.ca
What is sick is your desire to protect the criminal at the expense of the life of the victim and her baby.

Court heard in early 2000, the mother and her husband started to have sex in front of their children. Then they forced their 10-year-old daughter to participate.
When the girl was 12, she became pregnant. She had an abortion and was given birth control pills so she could continue to have sex with her father."

Parents used daughter for sex, court told - Crime - Canoe.ca

Who said I have a desire to protect the criminal?

I'm not putting "protecting the criminal versus not protecting the criminal" in the equation, because that's irrational. That's a side-effect to be dealt with, not an over-riding factor as to whether or not to FORCE women to bring babies that are the product of Rape to term. That's disgusting to even frame it that way. It's as dumb as saying "lets make guns illegal because criminals use guns."
I have an idea.

Why don't we build a database of all people that are pro-life and willing to take care of another child.

Then when someone that is thinking about an abortion could easily put their child up for "REARING" by a Pro-life guardian. Of course it is understood that the biological parent is still the mother, but the pro-lifer is to help nourish and raise the child. Kind of like a god-parent that provides resources yet is legally binded to help take care of the child.

I bet an idea like this will cut down on abortions.

I agree. Its one of my pet peeves about the pro lifers.

I also feel that the pro life people should foot the entire financial bill for the care, feeding and housing of the "saved" child.

Really?? just why do you think a pro life person should have to foot the bill for a saved child? you did use the right adjective by the way. Because they care more about the childs life than the parents?? what kinda twisted logic is this?? If costs are a factor in if a child lives or dies we are the lowest of low.

Some people are peeved at others total disregard for human life,innocent human life.Projecting the financial burden onto others changes nothing.

Yes, i DO think that pro life folks should be adopting children. Adopting them... not fostering them.

Its called putting your money, time, home, love ect...where you mouth is. It sounds so good to say... have the baby, dont have an abortion and put it up for adoption. OK...so DO it!
I was a victim of incest, one of the "hard cases" for abortion. I was raped by my father when I was 15 years old. It was not the first time, nor would it be the last. However, this time, I became pregnant.
One night, I became very sick and my parents took me to the hospital. I believe now that they knew I was pregnant since they took me to a different hospital than normal. The emergency room doctor discovered that, along with a very bad case of the flu, I was 19 weeks pregnant.
My father flew into a rage, accusing me of all sorts of things, and demanding I have an abortion."
Abortion: The Great Incest Cover-Up ... A Young Mother's Story
What is sick is your desire to protect the criminal at the expense of the life of the victim and her baby.

Court heard in early 2000, the mother and her husband started to have sex in front of their children. Then they forced their 10-year-old daughter to participate.
When the girl was 12, she became pregnant. She had an abortion and was given birth control pills so she could continue to have sex with her father."

Parents used daughter for sex, court told - Crime - Canoe.ca

Who said I have a desire to protect the criminal?

I'm not putting "protecting the criminal versus not protecting the criminal" in the equation, because that's irrational. That's a side-effect to be dealt with, not an over-riding factor as to whether or not to FORCE women to bring babies that are the product of Rape to term. That's disgusting to even frame it that way. It's as dumb as saying "lets make guns illegal because criminals use guns."

Abortion in the case of rape and incest protects the criminal.
I agree. Its one of my pet peeves about the pro lifers.

I also feel that the pro life people should foot the entire financial bill for the care, feeding and housing of the "saved" child.

Really?? just why do you think a pro life person should have to foot the bill for a saved child? you did use the right adjective by the way. Because they care more about the childs life than the parents?? what kinda twisted logic is this?? If costs are a factor in if a child lives or dies we are the lowest of low.

Some people are peeved at others total disregard for human life,innocent human life.Projecting the financial burden onto others changes nothing.

Yes, i DO think that pro life folks should be adopting children. Adopting them... not fostering them.

Its called putting your money, time, home, love ect...where you mouth is. It sounds so good to say... have the baby, dont have an abortion and put it up for adoption. OK...so DO it!

Who cares what you think? People who think it's good to kill babies aren't the arbiters of all that is right and just. Thank God.
What is sick is your desire to protect the criminal at the expense of the life of the victim and her baby.

Court heard in early 2000, the mother and her husband started to have sex in front of their children. Then they forced their 10-year-old daughter to participate.
When the girl was 12, she became pregnant. She had an abortion and was given birth control pills so she could continue to have sex with her father."

Parents used daughter for sex, court told - Crime - Canoe.ca

Who said I have a desire to protect the criminal?

I'm not putting "protecting the criminal versus not protecting the criminal" in the equation, because that's irrational. That's a side-effect to be dealt with, not an over-riding factor as to whether or not to FORCE women to bring babies that are the product of Rape to term. That's disgusting to even frame it that way. It's as dumb as saying "lets make guns illegal because criminals use guns."

Abortion in the case of rape and incest protects the criminal.

No, it doesn't.
"Julia Piercey is named in a lawsuit where 16-year-old Denise Fairbanks became pregnant by her own father, told the Planned Parenthood staff, and received an abortion at their facility. Yet the crimes of incest and statutory rape were never reported to authorities. The father, who according to an Idaho Values Alliance (IVA) press release had abused his daughter since she was 13 years old, was eventually sent to prison, "no thanks to Planned Parenthood."
Abortion clinic director sued for concealing rape, incest (OneNewsNow.com)
Who said I have a desire to protect the criminal?

I'm not putting "protecting the criminal versus not protecting the criminal" in the equation, because that's irrational. That's a side-effect to be dealt with, not an over-riding factor as to whether or not to FORCE women to bring babies that are the product of Rape to term. That's disgusting to even frame it that way. It's as dumb as saying "lets make guns illegal because criminals use guns."

Abortion in the case of rape and incest protects the criminal.

No, it doesn't.

"Julia Piercey is named in a lawsuit where 16-year-old Denise Fairbanks became pregnant by her own father, told the Planned Parenthood staff, and received an abortion at their facility. Yet the crimes of incest and statutory rape were never reported to authorities. The father, who according to an Idaho Values Alliance (IVA) press release had abused his daughter since she was 13 years old, was eventually sent to prison, "no thanks to Planned Parenthood."
Abortion clinic director sued for concealing rape, incest (OneNewsNow.com)

Ok, the protection of the criminal happened at "crimes of incest and statutory rape were never reported," not at "the baby was aborted." What's wrong with your brain?
Sorry, but reporting a Rape is up to the victim or anyone who knows about it and has absolutely zero logic to do with whether or not to make a rape victim carry the baby to term.
"Julia Piercey is named in a lawsuit where 16-year-old Denise Fairbanks became pregnant by her own father, told the Planned Parenthood staff, and received an abortion at their facility. Yet the crimes of incest and statutory rape were never reported to authorities. The father, who according to an Idaho Values Alliance (IVA) press release had abused his daughter since she was 13 years old, was eventually sent to prison, "no thanks to Planned Parenthood."
Abortion clinic director sued for concealing rape, incest (OneNewsNow.com)

Ok, the protection of the criminal happened at "crimes of incest and statutory rape were never reported," not at "the baby was aborted." What's wrong with your brain?


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