Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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Sorry, but reporting a Rape is up to the victim or anyone who knows about it and has absolutely zero logic to do with whether or not to make a rape victim carry the baby to term.

Scratch a pro-abortionist, find a rapo.

I agree. Its one of my pet peeves about the pro lifers.

I also feel that the pro life people should foot the entire financial bill for the care, feeding and housing of the "saved" child.

Really?? just why do you think a pro life person should have to foot the bill for a saved child? you did use the right adjective by the way. Because they care more about the childs life than the parents?? what kinda twisted logic is this?? If costs are a factor in if a child lives or dies we are the lowest of low.

Some people are peeved at others total disregard for human life,innocent human life.Projecting the financial burden onto others changes nothing.

Yes, i DO think that pro life folks should be adopting children. Adopting them... not fostering them.

Its called putting your money, time, home, love ect...where you mouth is. It sounds so good to say... have the baby, dont have an abortion and put it up for adoption. OK...so DO it!

You could say the same thing to those on the left who want to force everyone to pay for their 'charities'. Maybe they should adopt a homeless person and put their love, time, home, and money where their mouths are instead of forcing their morals on everyone else around them.

It's funny that when the right has 'morals' we should find some way to fix the issue without any government intervention, taxpayer money or laws to prevent the immorality. Yet when the left has morals, everyone should be forced to pay more via higher taxes to ensure that their values become the law of the land.
yea, good response.

You're just doing what all pro-abortion freaks do...protect the rapists, justify killing babies. There's no point in discussing it if you can't be honest.

No, you irrationally drew that conclusion.

Allowing Rape victims to have an abortion does nothing to protect the Rapists.

The not reporting the Rape is what protects the Rapist.

Glad I could clear that up for you, dipshit.

You're a really low person, too, btw. You're the one being dishonest when your position is based on dishonesty and illogic, and then you have the nerve to accuse others of justifying killing babies and protecting rapists. Sick fuck.
This is why there's no point in arguing with you. You're lying. Abortions do protect rapists, and I provided multiple examples.
"PP did not report in the case of Roe, who at the time of her abortion was 14 years old and the victim of sexual assault by her 22-year-old soccer coach, John Haller. Roe had the abortion in March 2004, and the abuse continued for some time after the abortion. Haller, who began having sex with the girl when she was 13, was ultimately convicted of sexual battery and served three years in prison. "

Government has no business forcing a woman to carry a baby. Social conservatives should offer options and incentives to women rather then running to government to "solve" the problem for them. Then of course they decry government interfering in people's lives.
This is why there's no point in arguing with you. You're lying. Abortions do protect rapists, and I provided multiple examples.

You provided multiple examples of rapes not being reported, which is what subsequently protects the Rapist. The abortion has nothing to do with it. But logic isn't your strong suit apparently.
"PP did not report in the case of Roe, who at the time of her abortion was 14 years old and the victim of sexual assault by her 22-year-old soccer coach, John Haller. Roe had the abortion in March 2004, and the abuse continued for some time after the abortion. Haller, who began having sex with the girl when she was 13, was ultimately convicted of sexual battery and served three years in prison. "


^ more lack of logic, dumbass.

The breach of the Law is what protected the eventually caught rapist. Not the abortion itself. Comprehension problems?
Yes, you apparently have them.

More prevarication by the abortionists. No big surprise. Continue to protect those rapists and kill those babies!
Yes, you apparently have them.

More prevarication by the abortionists. No big surprise. Continue to protect those rapists and kill those babies!

You still havent shown anyone how an abortion protects the rapist. :lol:
Sure I have.

All you've done is shown Rapists getting away with Rape because the Rapes were not reported.

The having an abortion or not has logically nothing to do with why they continued to get away with it. That's a numbnuts conclusion to draw.
I've shown that abortionists don't report rapes, and abort girls (often after consulting with the rapists), thereby hiding the evidence that a crime has taken place.

Thank you.
I've shown that abortionists don't report rapes, and abort girls (often after consulting with the rapists), thereby hiding the evidence that a crime has taken place.

Thank you.

That means nil to the logical leap you're taking.

Abortionists breaking the law = criminals.
Rapists = criminals.

You're taking the fact that people are behaving criminally and using it against the Rape VICTIMS' free choice to not take a Rape-made baby to term. It's not a valid logical conclusion, it's a short-sighted and idiotic one. The answer to that is to crack down on Abortionists who do not report Rapes, fucking DUH. It has nothing at all to do with the Abortion itself or the Rape victim. Jesus christ.
No, the answer to that is to eliminate abortion. The primary objective of abortion is to eliminate a despised population, and hide the crime of rape.
No, the answer to that is to eliminate abortion. The primary objective of abortion is to eliminate a despised population, and hide the crime of rape.

No, that's your grandiose theory pretending to be inside of the mind of every woman who's ever gone through the procedure because of the words of a few, it's pig headed.

Also - Abortion is not designed to hide the crime of Rape, that's fucking ridiculous and as stated above it lacks all of the logical merit necessary for one to draw that conclusion.

FORCING a baby into a woman, and then DOUBLY forcing her to have said child shows a severe lack of character on both forcees' parts. And you're one of those, congratulations.
Nice opinion.

Has nothing to do with the fact that the abortionists make a nice little profit off rape and incest, which of course explains why they want to promote and hide those crimes when they happen.

They are the bread and butter of the baby killing industry. Death, rape, incest. The tri-fecta of the left.
83% of Americans think abortion should be legal when the woman's life is in danger.
75% of Americans think abortion should be Legal in the case of Rape and Incest.

I guess to kosher girl, the retread, 75% of Americans want to protect rapists. Tard.

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