Would you support anti abortion legislation as long as it included exceptions?

Would you support anti abortion legislation if....

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I don't believe killing babies is a choice we should allow people to have, this is true.

83% of American believe in some form of abortion rights, whether restricted to an extent or not.

You wont' have to worry about making that choice for others.
No, I want the information out there.

It is the baby killers who want to withhold information from their abortion clinic patrons, those wonderful money cows.
You are a right wing progressive statist, koshergirl, that wants to take peoples' right to choose away.
Only if they choose to kill babies, and poor women:

"For the third time, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) has issued a cease and desist order to Gentilly Medical Clinic for Women in New Orleans, Louisiana. The clinic has been found to have health code violations and inadequate nursing care that has created a danger to the public."

“Fundamentally, this is about the health and safety of women, first and foremost,” said Secretary Greenstein in his press statement. “No one should have to face these kinds of conditions regardless of the medical services they are seeking. Enough is enough. I will do everything in my power to keep this place closed.”
“Women deserve better than to be forced to endure such appalling third-world conditions as found at the Gentilly abortion mill,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “If these abortion clinics won’t keep the law and clean up, they should be closed. The truth is that regulations do work to close clinics and save lives because it gives authorities the mechanism they need to step in when the abortionists predictably refuse to comply. That makes it a safer world for pregnant moms and their pre-born babies.”
Each time the DHH has attempted to protect women from the dangers at the Gentilly clinic, the owner, abortionist Ifeanyi Charles Anthony Okpalobi has appealed the ruling, which has allowed him to remain open even though his operating license has been revoked. An appeal of the current DHH order to cease operations is still possible."
Dirty, Dangerous Louisiana Abortion Clinic Ordered To Close Again :Operation Rescue
"South Africa, which has had abortion on demand for years, has witnessed a fourfold increase in maternal mortality since a UK-funded abortion organisation set up clinics around that country. As SPUC’s Peter Smith commented: "It is farcical for the government to talk about safe abortions in situations without sterile surgical facilities, safe blood transfusion or emergency back-up. Running abortion clinics in slums, shanty towns and the bush will harm or kill women as well as killing babies."

Concerned for Life: Abortion in the Third World
No, I want the information out there.

It is the baby killers who want to withhold information from their abortion clinic patrons, those wonderful money cows.

Then you should probably be on different sites giving out the information.....Im pretty sure there is no one here who is getting abortions in need of your information or input on their personal lives.

Im sure there are facebook pages for you to do that.
The WHO estimates that, worldwide, almost 20 million unsafe abortions take place each year, with 95% of these (19 million) performed in developing countries. In Africa, 5 million unsafe abortions are performed annually, resulting in an estimated 34,000 deaths, a total number of maternal deaths very similar to that reported for Asia (38,500 deaths), but a much larger number of unsafe abortions are performed each year in Asia (9.9 million). Thus, the mortality ratio (
[FONT=JIMNFL+Arial,Italic,Arial][FONT=JIMNFL+Arial,Italic,Arial]number of deaths due to unsafe abortion per 100,000 live births during the same period[/FONT][/FONT]), which represents the risk of death due to unsafe abortion, exceeds 100 deaths due to unsafe abortion per 100,000 live births in Africa (and may be up to 150 in many West and East African countries), whereas it is less than 50 per 100,000 in Asia or Latin America and the Caribbean.
In other words, the risk of death from unsafe abortion is about 1 in 150 procedures in Africa, and 1 in 150,000 in the USA and Europe!
The relative burden of abortion-related maternal mortality depends on the total maternal mortality rate. It also emphasizes the reduction of other causes of maternal mortality in some regions. The debate is still open concerning the number of maternal deaths resulting annually from unsafe abortion. An estimated 84,000 maternal deaths per year were thought to be due to abortion complications in the late 1970s according to the International Planned Parenthood Federation. This figure was revised upwards to 115,000 in 1988 (WHO), decreasing to 70,000 in 1993 (WHO), and was estimated to be about 80,000 by the Division of Reproductive Health of the WHO in 1997. This accounts for about 13% of all maternal deaths in the world, one in eight pregnancy-related deaths (Table 1)."

No, I want the information out there.

It is the baby killers who want to withhold information from their abortion clinic patrons, those wonderful money cows.

Then you should probably be on different sites giving out the information.....Im pretty sure there is no one here who is getting abortions in need of your information or input on their personal lives.

Im sure there are facebook pages for you to do that.

Or I can do it here.
No, I want the information out there.

It is the baby killers who want to withhold information from their abortion clinic patrons, those wonderful money cows.

Then you should probably be on different sites giving out the information.....Im pretty sure there is no one here who is getting abortions in need of your information or input on their personal lives.

Im sure there are facebook pages for you to do that.

Or I can do it here.

i didn't say you couldn't.... but you are not talking to the people you are trying to influence now are you?
No, I want the information out there.

It is the baby killers who want to withhold information from their abortion clinic patrons, those wonderful money cows.

Then you should probably be on different sites giving out the information.....Im pretty sure there is no one here who is getting abortions in need of your information or input on their personal lives.

Im sure there are facebook pages for you to do that.

Or I can do it here.

You can do it here, and witness against yourself that you really do not know about what you are talking.
If I cared what you meant, I'd ask you to rephrase that so it reads something like English. Thank goodness I don't.
You demonstrate that you suffer from FRDS, koshergirl.

Far Right Derangement Syndrome.
Then you should probably be on different sites giving out the information.....Im pretty sure there is no one here who is getting abortions in need of your information or input on their personal lives.

Im sure there are facebook pages for you to do that.

Or I can do it here.

You can do it here, and witness against yourself that you really do not know about what you are talking.

Jake, are you planning on having an abortion any time soon? Or is the "message of risk" meaningless to you since it has nothing at all to do with you?
Already adjudicated, give it up- even if it's a great wedge issue for Pub hypocrites to get some votes, even if they've already proved they'll do nothing...
The "risk" is have to watch koshergirl as she disassociates with reality.

I am concerned for her.
The message of risk is for those who feel justified in downplaying the risk of abortion while promoting it.
Abortion in certain circumstance (life of the mother, rape, incest) is a pro-life position. He outweighs the merit of the pro-birthers who are right wing progressive statists who want to take basic rights from others.

The SCOTUS and the state courts and our legislatures have ruled on this.

Yet the small group of pro-birthers insist they know better.
Who is "he"?

And no, baby killers are not "pro-life". You can blow that horn all day and night, it still won't wash.
I don't care what you believe, you aren't a pro-lifer if you think good reasons exist for killing babies.

Sorry to rain on your delusion parade.

How can they be a baby if they haven't been born yet?

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