Would you support our politicians if they decided to concede the U.S. to Mexico?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?
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THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?
No but they HAVE to require English for ALL legal matters.
Mexican Americans

Irish Americans

German Americans

African Americans

Japanese Americans

Chinese Americans

Indians but hey they were here first

There is nothing conceded

it just diversity
THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?

THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?
Watch them lie their asses off.
Mexican Americans

Irish Americans

German Americans

African Americans

Japanese Americans

Chinese Americans

Indians but hey they were here first

There is nothing conceded

it just diversity

How many of the following are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Irish Americans
German Americans
African Americans
Japanese Americans
Chinese Americans
How many Mexican Americans are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Are you saying you’re good with a ‘silent’ takeover by Mexico as long as it’s cleverly orchestrated by our own politicians?
THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?


Haha..okay, good answer.
So what would a formal concession look like?
Would it look much different than what we see daily in the shithole border states?
THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?
That's what too many in both parties are doing. And the answer is no. But for most leftists, that answer is yes.
Mexican Americans

Irish Americans

German Americans

African Americans

Japanese Americans

Chinese Americans

Indians but hey they were here first

There is nothing conceded

it just diversity

How many of the following are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Irish Americans
German Americans
African Americans
Japanese Americans
Chinese Americans
How many Mexican Americans are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Are you saying you’re good with a ‘silent’ takeover by Mexico as long as it’s cleverly orchestrated by our own politicians?

I am saying that Mexico is not taking over the US

US is a melting pot and every person has relatives who came over on a boat when the US needed people to populate the land

No questions asked

but that just my opinion

I just reject the notion of conceding
Mexican Americans

Irish Americans

German Americans

African Americans

Japanese Americans

Chinese Americans

Indians but hey they were here first

There is nothing conceded

it just diversity

How many of the following are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Irish Americans
German Americans
African Americans
Japanese Americans
Chinese Americans
How many Mexican Americans are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Are you saying you’re good with a ‘silent’ takeover by Mexico as long as it’s cleverly orchestrated by our own politicians?

I am saying that Mexico is not taking over the US

US is a melting pot and every person has relatives who came over on a boat when the US needed people to populate the land

No questions asked

but that just my opinion

I just reject the notion of conceding
We don't need anymore people to populate the land. Now all they do is take our jobs and consume our resources.
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Mexican Americans

Irish Americans

German Americans

African Americans

Japanese Americans

Chinese Americans

Indians but hey they were here first

There is nothing conceded

it just diversity

How many of the following are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Irish Americans
German Americans
African Americans
Japanese Americans
Chinese Americans
How many Mexican Americans are here on stolen citizenships with illegal roots?
Are you saying you’re good with a ‘silent’ takeover by Mexico as long as it’s cleverly orchestrated by our own politicians?

I am saying that Mexico is not taking over the US

US is a melting pot and every person has relatives who came over on a boat when the US needed people to populate the land

No questions asked

but that just my opinion

I just reject the notion of conceding

Comparing our time of commencement with today’s era is just plain ignorant.
The people of this nation never wanted nor needed low iQ thirdworlders for any reason. See the Naturalization Act Of 1790....the framers knew exactly what America needed....Reagan, against the will of the people fucked us like no other president ever has and opened the flood gates.
THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?

It may not be a conspiracy theory...but it's a REALLY dumb question. However, when considering the source, it's a day ending in "Y".
THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY...this is a question.

Part Two:
Do you believe that our politicians have INFORMALLY conceded California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico to Mexico?

What do you think a FORMAL concession would look / feel like?

It may not be a conspiracy theory...but it's a REALLY dumb question. However, when considering the source, it's a day ending in "Y".

I’d say the answers are what’s dumb...”No we don’t support a concession.”
Yet for anyone half sane the actions of Democrats / Lefties prove they do in fact support the idea of a new citizenry comprised of Mexico’s finest.
Mexican Americans

Irish Americans

German Americans

African Americans

Japanese Americans

Chinese Americans

Indians but hey they were here first

There is nothing conceded

it just diversity
/-----/ "Indians but hey they were here first"
Prove it.
  1. New evidence of Viking life in America? - BBC News
    In 1960, a site on the very northernmost tip of Newfoundland in Canada, L'Anse aux Meadows, was investigated and archaeologists were convinced that it was a Viking settlement. The world woke up to...
I say fuck it.................get about 10 million Americans ...........go to Mexico..............kill all the Cartels off.......burn their dang Drug fields........

Then open resorts Bars and casino's on both coasts..........and drilling of course......

And make the country what it could be if it wasn't run by the drug lords..........

Oh...............and build a dang walls at California saying you dang libs aren't welcome here.
OP the Dem's just aren't that smart. If that day comes Dem's will point fingers and claim its all someone else fault.

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