Would you support REAL term limits?

Would you support REAL term limits and age restrictions?

  • Yes to both

  • No to both

  • Yes to term but not age

  • Yes to age but not term

  • We also need to cut congresses pay and cap it. It's supposed to be public service not a lottery tick

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Term limits for EVERY public office and all judges. We also need age cut offs.

It's time to stop making public service a windfall
We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

And term limits are fundamentally anti-democratic; the people have the right to elect whomever they want for as long as they want.

True political reform starts at the very local level – top-down efforts such as term limits are no solution.
Sounds good until you realize there are no term limits for lobbyists and others seeking the cooperation of our elected officials. Going after just one side of the problem would only make it easier for special interests to co-opt our government with no one around who knows all their tricks. Knowing their political careers may be short would lead many to take all the bribes they can get while the getting is good. Lobby reform would solve the problem you are seeking with term limits. If it's harder to buy influence there will be fewer selling it.
Term limits for EVERY public office and all judges. We also need age cut offs.

It's time to stop making public service a windfall
This could only come about as amendments to the Constitution, to nullify Supreme Court decisions – for example: U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.

And as already correctly noted, that’s not going to happen, nor should it happen.
Term limits for EVERY public office and all judges. We also need age cut offs.

It's time to stop making public service a windfall
It sounds great but everyone should take a moment to review what a permanent civil service/bureaucrat class was able to do to Trump. The only way I'd support term limits is if federal employees in DC could also only work for a set number of years, like, 6, tops. Term limits would essentially take nearly all power from those who at least had to stand for election and instead put it in the hands of corrupt civil service types who effectively answer to NO ONE.

I also think that placing extra political pressure on judges would cause a train wreck as well.
Rather than term limits, I would support election reforms that do not give incumbents an advantage, and I would take dark money out of the system.
No amount of reform can remove the advantage of experience and connections, particularly if that gets results for the constituents.
Sounds good until you realize there are no term limits for lobbyists and others seeking the cooperation of our elected officials. Going after just one side of the problem would only make it easier for special interests to co-opt our government with no one around who knows all their tricks. Knowing their political careers may be short would lead many to take all the bribes they can get while the getting is good. Lobby reform would solve the problem you are seeking with term limits. If it's harder to buy influence there will be fewer selling it.
Spot on.

Indeed, lobbyists in many cases actually write the laws rubberstamped by Republican ‘lawmakers.’

And to stop that from happening the Constitution would need to amended to repeal the First Amendment.
We already have term limits – they’re called elections
Obviously that hasn't worked for decades.
Low voter turnout with only half the country even bothering reflects that. Apathy gets more votes than any candidate.
Most folks have simply given up as political critters from both sides of the aisle have enriched themselves and made a lifetime career as a protected political class.
I'd like to see a cap on all political service.

Possibly 10 years.

Former governor is now a senator.

Professional politicians?

time to stop them.
The key in my view is to demonetize public service. The idea of people becoming multimillionaires through politics is insane.

Eliminate the pensions, eliminate the medical benefits, eliminate big salaries, let congress people meet by way of Zoom so they can stay in their district and not be subjected to as many lobbyist. They can continue earning their own living at their own professions, and do legislating in their extra time.
Obviously that hasn't worked for decades.
Low voter turnout with only half the country even bothering reflects that. Apathy gets more votes than any candidate.
Most folks have simply given up as political critters from both sides of the aisle have enriched themselves and made a lifetime career as a protected political class.
And that’s solely the fault of the American people – the consequence of their laziness, stupidity, and willful ignorance.

For the people to abdicate their right to election whomever they wish with ‘term limits’ is an example of that laziness and stupidity.

Citizens must get involved at the local level to bring about comprehensive, fundamental change in the political process and ‘career politicians’ will no longer be an issue.

The American people have only themselves to blame; the American people are alone responsible for the bad government they get.

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