Would you support REAL term limits?

Would you support REAL term limits and age restrictions?

  • Yes to both

  • No to both

  • Yes to term but not age

  • Yes to age but not term

  • We also need to cut congresses pay and cap it. It's supposed to be public service not a lottery tick

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Term limits would only lead to more corruption. You're going after the low hanging fruit. Those corrupting politics would continue their ways but it would be more costly and thus they'd expect more from those they're buying.
And that’s solely the fault of the American people – the consequence of their laziness, stupidity, and willful ignorance.

For the people to abdicate their right to election whomever they wish with ‘term limits’ is an example of that laziness and stupidity.

Citizens must get involved at the local level to bring about comprehensive, fundamental change in the political process and ‘career politicians’ will no longer be an issue.

The American people have only themselves to blame; the American people are alone responsible for the bad government they get.
People have a life and have no time for grassroots.
Sad that you choose to demonize ordinary citizens instead of the corrupt fuckers of BOTH parties in DC.
I don't know that we need term limits for judges but, for elected representatives? Absolutely.

Congressmen should be limited to three terms.

Terms for a Senator should be changed from six years to four years. Senators should be limited to two terms.

A Senator would serve no more than one term as Senator is he/she previously served at least one full term as a Congressman.

A Senator may run for Congress only if he/she has served no more than one term as Senator and, upon being elected, would be limited to two terms as a Congressman.

I fully support term limits...
POTUS is an office with singular power. It’s far different than Congress.
How moronic.
It is one branch of government you drooling fool.
To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. To ensure the government is effective and citizens' rights are protected, each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, including working with the other branches.
Absolutely. There is nothing special about these people.

And anyone who says "elections are term limits" are choosing to ignore the fact that elections between incumbents and challengers are NOT an even playing field, as politicians have time and influence to build their power base.

Unless and until we change the rules under which these people operate, we'll continue to bend over for them. This is our responsibility to fix, not theirs.
The key in my view is to demonetize public service. The idea of people becoming multimillionaires through politics is insane.

Eliminate the pensions, eliminate the medical benefits, eliminate big salaries, let congress people meet by way of Zoom so they can stay in their district and not be subjected to as many lobbyist. They can continue earning their own living at their own professions, and do legislating in their extra time.

To a point, I agree.

but, if we don't pay them sufficiently, I see an increase of Swiss Bank accounts.

(more than there already are)
Right. And a single person has complete control over that ENTIRE branch.

The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the president, vice president, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees. American citizens have the right to vote for the president and vice president through free, confidential ballots

Hardly one person.
So why the need to limit the POTUS?
There was no need.

The 22nd Amendment was a partisan effort by Republicans fearful of another FDR.

After, 1960 the 22nd Amendment didn’t come into force again until 1988; it’s also an example of unintended consequences where Republicans shot themselves in the foot – Reagan would have easily been reelected for a third term.

And term limits have never had the desired effect – one partisan hack is simply replaced by another partisan hack – the same failed, wrongheaded policies with a different name, and with no actual changes realized.

Again, top-down ‘reforms’ never work.
How would that make him a dictator?
Your own reasoning, in your ignorant thinking a single person controlled the executive would lead to that conclusion as he would have dissolved the other branches and installed himself as supreme leader.

Seriously dude. Think it through.
The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the president, vice president, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees. American citizens have the right to vote for the president and vice president through free, confidential ballots

Hardly one person.
You understand what a chief executive is, right? They’re in control of the executive branch.

The point being that one person running a branch is far different than being one of several hundred legislators in Congress.
Your own reasoning, in your ignorant thinking a single person controlled the executive would lead to that conclusion as he would have dissolved the other branches and installed himself as supreme leader.

Seriously dude. Think it through.
There is a distinct lack of reasoning here. You’re out of your mind.

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