Would you support REAL term limits?

Would you support REAL term limits and age restrictions?

  • Yes to both

  • No to both

  • Yes to term but not age

  • Yes to age but not term

  • We also need to cut congresses pay and cap it. It's supposed to be public service not a lottery tick

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Takes a lot more than a single legislator to stop a bill
Only one senator is needed to block a unanimous consent request — a procedural move typically reserved for items that aren’t controversial
Term limits would only lead to more corruption. You're going after the low hanging fruit. Those corrupting politics would continue their ways but it would be more costly and thus they'd expect more from those they're buying.
That's utter bullshit.
Only one senator is needed to block a unanimous consent request — a procedural move typically reserved for items that aren’t controversial
That only slows the process. It doesn’t stop it in its tracks.
Term limits for EVERY public office and all judges. We also need age cut offs.

It's time to stop making public service a windfall
Yes to both with some exceptions. Mainly on the local level. Auditor, recorder and engineer you may have trouble filling these positions. There may be more I am not aware of.
We did this "term limits" dance with Gingriches Contract ON America.

Not a one of those GOP legislators that pledged to self term limit themselves did so
Term limits for EVERY public office and all judges. We also need age cut offs.

It's time to stop making public service a windfall
I've never seen much point. If they're doing a good job, we should keep them in there as long as they want to do the job. The problem is in the way the two parties have clamped down the election system. It ensures that combative partisanship will carry the day, rather than consensus building and leadership.
We did this "term limits" dance with Gingriches Contract ON America.

Not a one of those GOP legislators that pledged to self term limit themselves did so
What is surprising about corrupt politicians who lie?
I've never seen much point. If they're doing a good job, we should keep them in there as long as they want to do the job. The problem is in the way the two parties have clamped down the election system. It ensures that combative partisanship will carry the day, rather than consensus building and leadership.
Screw the consensus building. Whenever politicians agree on something, it usually involves fucking the voters up the ass.
You provide a wonderful example of that.

But I still wouldn’t take away your freedom to vote for who you want.

A fascist might.
What evidence shows that I'm brainwashed? Your the one who wants to keep corrupt politicians in office.
Term limits for EVERY public office and all judges. We also need age cut offs.

It's time to stop making public service a windfall

Yes...3 terms in the House, 1 term in the Senate. Judges sit for 20 years and out....
Screw the consensus building. Whenever politicians agree on something, it usually involves fucking the voters up the ass.
I'm talking about public consensus, not backroom DC deal-making.

And consensus is what we need. There's simply no point in passing laws with 50.1% majority when the other side will just neuter those laws when they're back in power. I'd vote for the first Presidential candidate who promised to veto any bill that didn't have broad support (70%+).
Rather than term limits, I would support election reforms that do not give incumbents an advantage, and I would take dark money out of the system.

Moron, your party, the democrats, is all about dark money...money isn't the issue...since lots of rich people fail to get elected......cheating is the actual issue.

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