Would you support REAL term limits?

Would you support REAL term limits and age restrictions?

  • Yes to both

  • No to both

  • Yes to term but not age

  • Yes to age but not term

  • We also need to cut congresses pay and cap it. It's supposed to be public service not a lottery tick

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Rather than term limits, I would support election reforms that do not give incumbents an advantage, and I would take dark money out of the system.
So you oppose unions being able to donate to candidates.
I never claimed the executive holds the largest power. I’m claiming the president holds the larger power than a single legislator and given the fact that there’s hundreds of legislators and ONE president, that should be obvious to anyone with half a brain.
Here we go............... colfax_m is already having to talk in circles. He earlier claimed the POTUS is the most powerful because he runs the Executive branch by himself. He controls all of it. Now he is backtracking off that. Now he is saying the POTUS just holds more power than a single legislator.

What a clown.
We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

And term limits are fundamentally anti-democratic; the people have the right to elect whomever they want for as long as they want.

True political reform starts at the very local level – top-down efforts such as term limits are no solution.
So when you flood our borders with idiots who have no loyality to the country and are only here for a free ride, who do you think they are going to vote for. Someone who will help the country or for someone who will rob the country as long as they get some sort of freebie from it?
I don’t care if it upsets you who I vote for.

I care if you use government to tell me who I can’t vote for.
I'm just pointing out that you're a flaming hypocrite. It doesn't upset me in any way. Don't claim you don't care, and then immediately admit you do care.
I'm just pointing out that you're a flaming hypocrite. It doesn't upset me in any way. Don't claim you don't care, and then immediately admit you do care.
It’s not me being hypocritical, it’s you not actually reading what I wrote.

This is common. It doesn’t matter what I say, you just make it up.
It’s not me being hypocritical, it’s you not actually reading what I wrote.

This is common. It doesn’t matter what I say, you just make it up.
Sure I read it. First you claimed you don't care if other Americans want to place a limit on who you can vote for, and then you admitted you do care.
You provide a wonderful example of that.

But I still wouldn’t take away your freedom to vote for who you want.

A fascist might.
And yet you support taking away his freedom to vote for who he wants for President.

That makes you a fascist.
Showing evidence to people who are brainwashed doesn’t do a damn thing.

That’s the problem with you guys. You no longer respond to reality.
But your inability to show any evidence someone is brainwashed proves you are full of shit.
While I support term limits on the president...and probably the Supreme Court (a lifetime position is iffy)...I have mixed feelings about other public offices.

The reason is governance is the job most critical to our country's ability to be successful, yet it's the only job where we seem to admire inexperience as a virtue and even demand it. We no longer live in the simpler times of gentlemen farmers and part time legislators who's main occupations were elsewhere. Things are so much more complex now.

Experience includes the following positives - connections, with fellow law makers, with public and private entities, with how the rule of law and the Constitution work in the real world (rather than the hyposthetical)...it also means learning when and how to compromise in order to get something passed, how to negotiate so you can pass bills containing something that your constituents value (but maybe no one else does) - because that is your job. I think it takes time to gain that as well as to gain the political clout to make things happen. It can be good and it can be bad. It can lead to wiser choices, less gridlock, mentorship or it can lead to entrenched power locking out new faces and new ideas.

The other thing is someone mentioned total term limits, which (if I understand it correctly) views it as a cummulative amount of years based on all public offices. That would seem to even more severely cut into a person's ability to gain experience since many lower offices provide just that.

I know if I need surgery, I want someone with experience in that kind of surgery; or if I need work done on the foundation of my house, I absolutely want experience. But, if I'm looking for someone to build a fence - I might not care as much about experience. Politics is the same way - everyone can make promises but how well do they actually govern and fulfill them?

So...how would we work in term limits yet keep needed expertise and experience?
Career politicians have run up $30 TRILLION in debt. How could anyone do worse?
Moron, your party, the democrats, is all about dark money...money isn't the issue...since lots of rich people fail to get elected......cheating is the actual issue.
Speaking of morons, you do realize both parties are awash in dark money but only one makes up lies about cheating.

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