Would You Trust Biden With the Nuclear Codes ?

You're desperate when you post shit like that. What percentage of paedophilia is committed by parents?
You don't know??? Of course you don't but you happy to suggest he is a paedophile with no evidence or charges to support it.
You are just another hate filled Republican and a dickhead.
No evidence to support Biden committing pedophile crime > HA HA HA. This is too funny. Have you been living in a closet for the last 10 years ? Nobody on earth has more evidence of pedophilia and battery, than Joe Biden. All on video. Watch his hands, and where they are.

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No evidence to support Biden committing pedophile crime > HA HA HA. This is too funny. Have you been living in a closet for the last 10 years ? Nobody on earth has more evidence of pedophilia and battery, than Joe Biden. All on video. Watch his hands, and where they are.

I'll ask again. If your video proves he's a paedophile, why hasn't he been charged? Has anyone ever made formal complaints to the authorities? No. It's just the same hate of dems bubbling over after a shocking defeat.
Trump went to court over that slut stormy and paid up so don't give me it can't be done.
Be brave wanker. Go to the cops and let them know. Or shut up your lies.
You're saying you actually don't know about Biden's crimes of touching people, including children ? You need to have somebody show you that ?

When was it ever referred to as a crime and who pressed charges to make it one? Not one. Can you see the difference between your hate and lies.
1. In Vyskocil's ruling last week, dismissing a slander lawsuit filed against Carlson, , the judge ruled that Karen McDougal, the woman suing Carlson, failed to surmount the challenge. ie. no evidence was shown that Tucker has lied about anything. Slander requires that false speech was spoken.

2. Since this article is written by an NPR liberal, words such as hyperbolic, vicious, and unfounded claims about women, people of color and immigrants, can be taken with a grain of salt, since leftist definitions of words like these are a far cry from conservatives definitions of the same words.

3. Even this leftist article supports Tucker, right down to the last sentence >> "The judge fully agreed." (with Tucker and his lawyers)

Once again >> As for Tucker , you made an accusation. You got a shred of evidence to back it up ? If so, let's hear it.
I'll ask again. If your video proves he's a paedophile, why hasn't he been charged? Has anyone ever made formal complaints to the authorities? No. It's just the same hate of dems bubbling over after a shocking defeat.
Trump went to court over that slut stormy and paid up so don't give me it can't be done.
Be brave wanker. Go to the cops and let them know. Or shut up your lies.

I love it when you stupid uneducated Moon Bats go into denial that Joe Dufus is a world class piece of shit. It is funny as hell.

Just like you assholes denied that Slick Willy was a lying scumbag, John Kerry was a cowardly lying triator, that The Worthless Negro was an incompetent foreign Muslim anti American and that Crooked Hillary was not as corrupt as the day is long.

You little turds are always in denial about the Democrat shitheads that you elect to office and allow to steal elections and then you wonder why you have no credibility and we ridicule you so much.

Protectionist provided the evidence that Joe Dufus is a piece of pedo shit but being the stupid uneducated Moon Bat that you are you just simply go into your typical Moon Bat denial.

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