Would You Trust Biden With the Nuclear Codes ?

He gete his news from Hannity and Tuckums? That is not "conservative inclusion." It is unsubstantiated gibberish.
No it's not. Both Tucker and Hannity substantiate what they say, all the time., You're a DUPE.
This is a confusing thread that I'm having a hard time understanding the point of it.

And the president doesn't have nuclear codes, and he can't fire them on his own, he can't even just say fire the nukes and away they go.
How do you know so much about it (or think you do) ?
No it's not. Both Tucker and Hannity substantiate what they say, all the time., You're a DUPE.
Find another outlet. Hannity admitted that his show was not news, but a political take on the news.
Tuckums is a bastion of misinformation.
I will start this off with my comment.

Those codes change daily.

And the President historically has to locate them and memorize them daily.

There's no way Biden has been solely entrusted with them. There's just no way.

We'll never hear about it, of course. But there's just no way.

Yeah, people can say that he's fine with them in their daily back and forth political argument sessions on the Interwebz. But they're lying to themselves. The human ego is a powerful thing. Deep down, they know the reality of the situation. They do.

I'm confident that the responsibility was taken out of his hands long ago.

Cognitively speaking, there's simply nobody home. He can't even read his scripted teleprompter right.
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Those codes change daily.

And the President historically has to locate them and memorize them daily.

There's no way Biden has been solely entrusted with them. There's just no way.

We'll never hear about it, of course. But there's just no way.

Yeah, people can say that he's fine with them in their daily back and forth political argument sessions on the Interwebz. But they're lying to themselves. The human ego is a powerful thing. Deep down, they know the reality of the situation. They do.

I'm confident that the responsibility was taken out of his hands long ago.

Cognitively speaking, there's simply nobody home. He can't even read his scripted teleprompter right.
After the Democrats having stolen the 2020 election, and inserted a mindless, aged, sex pervert, China/Europe sellout, GLOBALIST to be President of the US, I'm not confident of anything in American politics.
After the Democrats having stolen the 2020 election, and inserted a mindless, aged, sex pervert, China/Europe sellout, GLOBALIST to be President of the US, I'm not confident of anything in American politics.
It seems odd that Biden could simultaneously be senile to the point of being useless AND he could also be a China/Europe sellout and globalist. How could such a person be a force for political issues like that? How does he pull it off? Why would he even care? It’s like you’re just stuffing any negative adjective you can into a box.
It seems odd that Biden could simultaneously be senile to the point of being useless AND he could also be a China/Europe sellout and globalist. How could such a person be a force for political issues like that? How does he pull it off? Why would he even care? It’s like you’re just stuffing any negative adjective you can into a box.
No it's NOT like that at all. Biden has been selling out America for years. He is not an American, or a national of any country. He is a pure globalist, and 100% opportunist, who sells his soul to whomever is offering him big bucks. Lately, that has been Ukraine and China.
Maybe in time, we'll find out how much he pocketed from ass-kissing Russian and the other Europeans.

How does he pull it off? It doesn't take much to say you give me X, I'll give you Y.
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Find another outlet. Hannity admitted that his show was not news, but a political take on the news.
Tuckums is a bastion of misinformation.
I didn't say it was news. I said he substantiates what he says.

As for Tucker , you made an accusation. You got a shred of evidence to back it up ? If so, let's hear it.
No it's NOT like that at all. Biden has been selling out America for years. he is nit an American, or a national of any country, he is globalist and 100% opportunist who sells his soul to whomever is offing him big bucks. Lately, that has been Ukraine and China.
Mybe in to me we'll find out how much he pocketed from ass-kissing Russian and the other Europeans.

How does he pull it off? It doesn't take much to say you give me X, I'll give you Y.
I’m talking about him being all of these things AND being senile and useless. It doesn’t make any sense. Regardless of how you feel about all of those things on some ethical level, it doesn’t make sense how he could do it if you’re trying to simultaneously push the narrative he’s a senile old man who’s doesn’t know his ass from last Tuesday. It doesn’t add up.
I’m talking about him being all of these things AND being senile and useless. It doesn’t make any sense. Regardless of how you feel about all of those things on some ethical level, it doesn’t make sense how he could do it if you’re trying to simultaneously push the narrative he’s a senile old man who’s doesn’t know his ass from last Tuesday. It doesn’t add up.
I already answered that. Can you read ?
I already answered that. Can you read ?
Uh no you didn’t explain it all lol. What you’re talking about requires forethought and planning. It requires the ability to manipulate other people. Senile useless old men can’t do that.
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Uh no you didn’t explain it all lol. What you’re taking about requires forethought and planning. It requires the ability to manipulate other people. Senile useless old men can’t do that.

You're so Christian and kind with your words. You must be a ratbag Republican?
Uh no you didn’t explain it all lol. What you’re talking about requires forethought and planning. It requires the ability to manipulate other people. Senile useless old men can’t do that.
Uh, yes I did. Here it is again.

"How does he pull it off? It doesn't take much to say you give me X, I'll give you Y."

Some people have to be told twice.

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