Would You Trust Biden With the Nuclear Codes ?

There you go again. You accuse Trump of telling all of these lies, however you're only doing that because you're so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed by the fake news media into believing it. Like a typical leftist in Jonestown, you drank the grape kool-aid, idiot.

Why can't you list a few of the alleged lies and prove that they are lies, you TDS afflicted moron?

And the rest of that stuff is perfectly normal for a mentally stable grown man to do. There's nothing abnormal about someone running for political office holding rallies.

You're a TDS afflicted moron. And it makes you stupider by the day.
How many of the 26,000 lies Trump told do you want to hear? And are sure you want to be crying in your beer?
There you go again. You accuse Trump of telling all of these lies, however you're only doing that because you're so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed by the fake news media into believing it. Like a typical leftist in Jonestown, you drank the grape kool-aid, idiot.

Why can't you list a few of the alleged lies and prove that they are lies, you TDS afflicted moron?

And the rest of that stuff is perfectly normal for a mentally stable grown man to do. There's nothing abnormal about someone running for political office holding rallies.

You're a TDS afflicted moron. And it makes you stupider by the day.
It is obvious that you have nothing with which to defend trump's behavior in office.
Lysistrata you feel SAFE with idiot Biden in charge???? WOOOOHOOOOOOO

Damned straight I do. After four years of a mentally deranged idiot with access to the nuclear codes, I feel much better with a mentally stable person in charge. Have you ever taken a good, hard look at trump? He is, and has been, off his rocker.
Looks like he doesn't read the leftist OMISSION media, and gets his news from the conservative INCLUSION media. Too bad you don't do the same.
He gete his news from Hannity and Tuckums? That is not "conservative inclusion." It is unsubstantiated gibberish.
I will start this off with my comment.

This is a confusing thread that I'm having a hard time understanding the point of it.

And the president doesn't have nuclear codes, and he can't fire them on his own, he can't even just say fire the nukes and away they go.
There's nothing to defend in the first place, you TDS afflicted moron. Trump behaved outstandingly in office. He was by far the best president we've had in our lifetimes.
Trump behaved like an idiotic, whiny little bitch in office.
Damned straight I do. After four years of a mentally deranged idiot with access to the nuclear codes, I feel much better with a mentally stable person in charge. Have you ever taken a good, hard look at trump? He is, and has been, off his rocker.
For some reason we were more at peace.
The demleftists use the nuke codes as an issue every presidential election year. Their gullible voters believe it every time. Pathetic.
Tell me, is it manly and mature for a man in his 70’s to desperately try to hide his age with a gross orange tan and embarrassingly fake hair? Sounds like a whiny little bitch to me.
There’s nothing more pathetic than a vain man.
Tell me, is it manly and mature for a man in his 70’s to desperately try to hide his age with a gross orange tan and embarrassingly fake hair? Sounds like a whiny little bitch to me.
There you go again, proving that you are so fucking stupid that you are easily brainwashed by fake news.

What fake news outlet told you that Trump's hair is fake, and did you believe them, you stupid TDS afflicted moron?
There you go again, proving that you are so fucking stupid that you are easily brainwashed by fake news.

What fake news outlet told you that Trump's hair is fake, and did you believe them, you stupid TDS afflicted moron?
Lol oh my god this is hysterical. You actually believe his hair is real? This forum never ceases to amaze me. Just wow lol

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